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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. Waitangi Tribunal - approved recommendations for local issues research programme (LIRP) [pdf, 125 KB]

    ...resettlement of Māori servicemen returning from the Second World War, focusing on local implementation, rehabilitation and social support in the decade after 1945 and including the experiences of Māori ex- servicemen and their whānau. 7 1.10 Environmental ownership, management and control in the Hokianga harbour and catchment since 1991: A targeted sub-regional study of selected aspects of environmental ownership, management and control in the Hokianga harbour and catchment under...

  2. 2022-02-11 Appendices 1 - 6 to Statement of Evidence of Kerstin Strauss dated 11 February 2022 (Part 2) [pdf, 19 MB] considered to be unreasonably onerous particularly given the distance from the Cardrona River. Therefore 50mg/L (which is the usual water quality criteria applied for suspended solids) is considered appropriate for this site with 100mg/L as the Environmental Incident trigger (refer section 6.6 below). The below image provides a comparison of what different criteria look like: 6.5 Stormwater reuse To conserve water onsite, stormwater that has been captured and treated within th...

  3. [2022] NZEnvC 242 Adams v Thames-Coromandel District Council [pdf, 470 KB]

    ...subdivision authorised by this consent proceeds in general accordance with the approved subdivision plan entitled “Proposed Boundary Adjustment Subdivision of Lots 11 and 12 DP 459310 being 47 & 50 Huarere Rise, Whangapoua” prepared by Thames Environmental Consultancy, dated August 2020 and updated 24 November 2021. 2. Pursuant to section 243 of the RMA, any necessary easements as required shall be included in a memorandum of easements. The applicant shall meet all costs relating to t...

  4. ORC-Proposed-Plan-Change-1-Dust-suppressants-ande-landfills-6-July-2020.pdf [pdf, 810 KB]

    ... Waste lubricating oil Waste lubricating oil accounts for possibly the largest quantity of low toxicity waste generated. All motor vehicle users generate waste oil and it is also produced wherever machinery is used. Oil has adverse environmental effects on any receiving waters or land. The toxicity of oil derives from heavy metal additives or combustion products. The Waste Lubricating Oil Survey of Otago (Otago Regional Council 1991) estimated that 700,000 lit...

  5. E16 Paul Kennedy - Coastal Environment - EIC - Applicant [pdf, 3.6 MB]

    ...associated with holding the America's Cup in Auckland BETWEEN PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND Applicant AND AUCKLAND COUNCIL Regulatory Authority EVIDENCE OF PAUL CAMERON KENNEDY ON BEHALF OF PANUKU DEVELOPMENT AUCKLAND (COASTAL ENVIRONMENTAL) 7 AUGUST 2018 0965 1 1. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE 1.1 My full name is Paul Cameron Kennedy. 1.2 I hold the degrees of BSc and BSc. (Hons) in Botany and Zoology from Victoria University of Wellington...

  6. Felicity Boyd - Revised Policy Drafting dated 9 November 2021 - PDF version [pdf, 141 KB]

    ...particular sensitivity of the land and the sensitivity of the any receiving water; and (c) The quality and performance of the discharge management system used, or proposed to be used, and in particular, (i) options to be employed to reduce any adverse environmental effects of the activity discharge; and (ii) monitoring of the performance of the discharge management system; and (d) Any staged timeframe and any environmental management plan to achieve: (i) Compliance with the per...

  7. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 TGKL lay attach 6 bilge wastewater [pdf, 75 KB]

    ...and a state discharge permit are required in order to discharge any wastewater (including bilge wastewater) to surface water. Applicants would have to file an extensive NPDES permit application with accompanying analytical results with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 180 days prior to any discharge. The NPDES permit issued by the EPA would likely contain discharge limitations that typically are met after treatment of the wastewater prior to discharge. Furthermore, the N...

  8. [2019] NZEnvC 023 Zindia Limited v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...hand, Zindia's evidence identifies that, to a significant extent, its existing consent contemplates and regulates the effects that are raised as concerns in the Council 's evidence. [11] All things considered, I determine that likely environmental effects of the granting of the stay have not materially changed to this pOint. However, I come back to this matter later in regard to capacity of the Council, if need be, to seek amendment to the stay on short notice. 4 Whe...

  9. OWRUG - K L Scott - summary of evidence 19 May 2021 [pdf, 43 KB]

    ...consenting processes. 10. This is likely to be heightened in the future given the complexity of the planning framework is likely to increase under the Water & Land Plan, and when we consider the interim framework that arises under the (National Environmental Standards for Freshwater) Regulations 2020 (NESFM) as well as the obligations that arise in relation to the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management, 2020 (NPSFM). 11. By way of example, from a Land pro perspectiv...

  10. OWRUG - K L Scott - summary of evidence 19 May 2021 2 [pdf, 43 KB]

    ...consenting processes. 10. This is likely to be heightened in the future given the complexity of the planning framework is likely to increase under the Water & Land Plan, and when we consider the interim framework that arises under the (National Environmental Standards for Freshwater) Regulations 2020 (NESFM) as well as the obligations that arise in relation to the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management, 2020 (NPSFM). 11. By way of example, from a Land pro perspectiv...