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2916 items matching your search terms

  1. Mark-St-Clair_S87F-Report_Planning_28-April-2023_with-Footnotes.pdf [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    .....................................................................................59 Summary of actual and potential effects on the environment .............60 O. STATUTORY ASSESSMENT ............................................................ 61 National Environmental Standards (NES) ..........................................61 NES for Freshwater ............................................................................61 NES for Air Quality ..............................................

  2. E31 Second Planning JWS [pdf, 3 MB]

    ...12111111 Detailed Engineering Drawings and Details ..................................................... 12121212 As-Built Drawings ................................................................................................ 12121212 Construction Environmental Management Plan .............................................. 13121212 Construction Quality Assurance ............................................................... 14141313 Construction Works Programme ......................

  3. List of parties as at 8 Dec 2020 [pdf, 659 KB]

    ...Buddle Findlay, PO Box 2694, Wellington 6140 Interested Party S274 Waikato River Authority Paul Beverley, Buddle Findlay - Wellington, PO Box 2694, Wellington 6140 Interested Party S274 Waipa District Council Mr Craig Malone, Berry Simons Environmental Law, PO Box 3144, Auckland ENVIRONMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND Interested Party S274 Waipa District Council Mr Simon Berry, PO Box 3144, Shortland Street, AUCKLAND Interested Party S274 Wairakei Pastoral...

  4. List of Parties as at 3 Dec 2020 [pdf, 667 KB]

    ...Buddle Findlay, PO Box 2694, Wellington 6140 Interested Party S274 Waikato River Authority Paul Beverley, Buddle Findlay - Wellington, PO Box 2694, Wellington 6140 Interested Party S274 Waipa District Council Mr Craig Malone, Berry Simons Environmental Law, PO Box 3144, Auckland ENVIRONMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND Interested Party S274 Waipa District Council Mr Simon Berry, PO Box 3144, Shortland Street, AUCKLAND Interested Party S274 Wairakei Pastoral...

  5. List of Parties as at 28 Oct 2020.pdf [pdf, 751 KB]

    ...Buddle Findlay, PO Box 2694, Wellington 6140 Interested Party S274 Waikato River Authority Paul Beverley, Buddle Findlay - Wellington, PO Box 2694, Wellington 6140 Interested Party S274 Waipa District Council Mr Craig Malone, Berry Simons Environmental Law, PO Box 3144, Auckland Interested Party S274 Waipa District Council Mr Simon Berry, PO Box 3144, Shortland Street, AUCKLAND Interested Party Wairakei Pastoral Limited Bronwyn Carruthers, Shortland Chambers, P O Box 4338,...

  6. 14.-Evidence-of-Dr-Jack-McConchie-Hydrology-Flooding-Groundwater-and-Water-Abstraction.PDF [PDF, 5 MB]

    ...Allen McConchie. 2. I am the Technical Director (Hydrology & Geomorphology) at SLR Consulting (NZ). 3. I prepared Technical Assessment G: Hydrogeology and Groundwater (Technical Assessment G) as part of Volume IV of the Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE), which accompanied the application for resource consents and notices of requirement for designations (NoRs) lodged with Manawatū–Whanganui Regional Council (Horizons), Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC),...

  7. List of parties as at 22 Jan 2021 [pdf, 426 KB]

    ...Interested Party S274 Waikato River Authority Paul Beverley, Buddle Findlay - Wellington, PO Box 2694, Wellington 6140 ENVIRONMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND Interested Party S274 Waipa District Council Mr Craig Malone, Berry Simons Environmental Law, PO Box 3144, Auckland Interested Party S274 Waipa District Council Mr Simon Berry, PO Box 3144, Shortland Street, AUCKLAND Interested Party S274 Wairakei Pastoral Limited Bronwyn Carruthers, Shortland Chambers,...

  8. List of parties as at 22 Jan 2021 updated.pdf [pdf, 434 KB]

    ...Interested Party S274 Waikato River Authority Paul Beverley, Buddle Findlay - Wellington, PO Box 2694, Wellington 6140 ENVIRONMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND Interested Party S274 Waipa District Council Mr Craig Malone, Berry Simons Environmental Law, PO Box 3144, Auckland Interested Party S274 Waipa District Council Mr Simon Berry, PO Box 3144, Shortland Street, AUCKLAND Interested Party S274 Wairakei Pastoral Limited Bronwyn Carruthers, Shortland Chambers,...

  9. Final-Technical-Assessment-B-Noise-and-Vibration.pdf [pdf, 29 MB] sounds, with nature sounds such as birds and wind in trees dominating. While much of the land is zoned rural, there is generally little noise from farming activities in the area. Operational noise 5. Road-traffic is a major contributor to environmental noise in New Zealand. The Ō2NL Project will redistribute some exposure from some people and communities to others. Those currently exposed to state highway noise along the existing sections of SH1 and SH57 to be superse...

  10. [2020] NZEnvC 192 Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency [pdf, 16 MB]

    ...Transpower Meridian QE/1 Trust, Forest and Bird and DOC Dr Hill New Zealand Automobile Association Heritage New Zealand Te Apiti Ahu Whenua Trust Consents Being Sought Construction phase 2 Post Construction/Enduring Resource Consents Environmental Effects Traffic and Transportation, Economic, Social and Cultural Benefits Hydrology and Hydraulics Erosion,. Sediment Control and Freshwater Quality Air Quality Terrestrial ecology Freshwater Ecology Natural Charac...