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2916 items matching your search terms

  1. ENV-2016-CHC-000047 Blueskin Energy Limited v Dunedin City Council - Evidence - Stephen Chiles [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...I am a Chartered Professional Engineer, Fellow of the UK Institute of Acoustics, and Member of the Resource Management Law Association. I have been employed in acoustics since 1996, as a research officer at the University of Bath, a principal environmental specialist for the NZ Transport Agency, and as a consultant for the international firms Arup, WSP, and URS, and for the specialist firms Marshall Day Acoustics and Fleming & Barron. 3. My experience includes acoustics asses...

  2. 2021-07-23 ORC - Legal submissions regarding scope for relief sought by WISE Response.pdf [pdf, 215 KB]

    ...submissions received are "about" PC8. 9 Section 149E(1) of the RMA provides that, when a matter is called in under section 142(2) and publicly notified under section 149C, any person may make a submission "about" the matter to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA). 10 Submissions on PC8 must be in the prescribed form.4 The form requires a submitter to give details of the specific provisions of PC8 that the submission relates to, and to give precise de...

  3. [2023] NZEnvC 208 Nelson Regional Sewarage Business Unit v Tasman District Council [pdf, 9.3 MB]

    ...(d) An Annual Report prepared under condition 9; or (e) A Monitoring and Technology Review Report prepared under condition 11. (f) To deal with the effects resulting from climate change and sea level rise. (g) To implement applicable wastewater environmental performance standards made under section 138 of the Water Services Act 2021, including any prescribed implementation timeframe. Advice note: The Council may, in accordance with section 128 of the Resource Management Act 19...

  4. 2023-10-17-WK-Opening-legal-submissions.pdf [pdf, 604 KB]

    ......................................................................................... 1 PART B: BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT ............................................................. 4 PART C: STATUTORY FRAMEWORK ................................................................. 13 PART D: ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS ............................................................... 16 PART E: REGULATIONS, POLICY AND PLANNING DOCUMENTS ................... 53 PART F: CONSIDERATION OF ALTERNATIVES .......

  5. [2018] NZEnvC 180 McKay [pdf, 752 KB]

    ...(a) a subdivision permitted by subsection (1A); or (1A) A person may subdivide land under subsection (1)(a) if- (a) either- (i) the subdivision is expressly allowed by a resource consent; or (iO the subdivision does not contravene a national environmental standard, a rule in a district plan, or a rule in a proposed district plan for the same district (if there is one); and (b) the subdivision is shown on a survey plan that is- (i) deposited under Part 10 by the Registrar-General of...

  6. MFE-Your-Guide-to-the-Environment-Court.pdf [pdf, 2.8 MB]

    ...Guidance and Processes for more information on nationally significant proposals. 3: Enforcement matters and other applications The Environment Court may issue an enforcement order directing a person or an organisation that is causing a nuisance or environmental problem to fix it. Sometimes, an application for a declaration will also be made to the Environment Court if there are different views on plan rules and how that should be interpreted. Declarations on whether the RMA’s restrictions o...

  7. ENV-2016-AKL-000xxx Silvertown Group Limited (previously East Coast Farms Limited) v Auckland Council [pdf, 3.1 MB]

    ...appropriate density of housing on the upper part of 31 Curley Ave, without compromising biodiversity and natural landscape at this locality. Part 2 of the Act The change in zoning sought over this land better meets the PAUP urban growth the environmental protection objectives and policies. This is entirely consistent with Part 2 of the Act in making the most efficient use of the land resource, while also providing for the protection of biodiversity and local landscape values....

  8. ORC - Felicity Boyd - Evidence in Reply - 11 March 2022 [pdf, 234 KB]

    ...mountains, particularly colour of the water.”12 25 Schedule 1B identifies existing water takes from lakes and rivers where water is taken for public water supply purposes.13 For ORC, this Schedule assists with its implementation of the National Environmental Standards for Sources of Human Drinking Water 2007, and particularly 11 Regional Plan: Water for Otago, Schedule 1, p.20-6. 12 Regional Plan: Water for Otago, Schedule 1, p.20-22. 13 Regional Plan: Water for Otago, Sched...

  9. 2021-03-15 MfE - opening submissions [pdf, 471 KB]

    ...It pre dates even the first National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2011 and has effectively enabled the granting of 35 year consents thus locking in allocation in a way that would frustrate any attempt to address over allocation and environmental degradation in future. Over 80 catchments have no flow or allocation limits other than a region-wide default minimum flow of 50% MALF. 7. In 2018, the ORC intended to notify a significant plan change to set minimum flow rate...

  10. 1. JWS 1 - Primary Sector Part B - Animal Waste Storage 8-9 June 2021 [pdf, 405 KB]

    ...table above. FB was not fully engaged in the development of the table due to issues with the quality of the remote AVL audio on 8 June ’21 when the discussion occurred. The reasons for her disagreement and DL’s support are: a. The National Environmental Standard for Freshwater 2020 (NESF) manages feedlots and “other stock-holding areas” (which is defined as including feed pads, winter pads, stand-off pads and loafing pads). FB considers that would include, and therefore m...