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Search results for environmental.

2916 items matching your search terms

  1. CNI Iwi Land Management Limited.pdf [pdf, 151 KB]

    ...the relief does not promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources; (b) the relief is not consistent with the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020, Te Mana o Te Wai or the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Freshwater) Regulations 2020 (to the extent those matters are determined to be relevant to Plan Change 1); and (c) the relief is not the most appropriate way to achieve the purpose of the Act or the purpose of P...

  2. 08.-Evidence-of-Mr-Quentin-Parr-Ngati-Hikitanga.PDF [PDF, 263 KB]

    ...development of the Project from its inception. This has included participating in the shaping of the Ō2NL Project route selection and corridor refinement, communicating its values associated with Ō2NL environment, and its position in terms of environmental effects of the Project, and continuing to work in partnership with Waka Kotahi as the Project moves through the consenting process. As part of this work, Ngāti Hikitanga, as part of the Ngāti Huia Collective, also prepared a...

  3. Water Services Regulator Bill Advice [pdf, 102 KB]

    ...protected; d. ensure more people can access water that is safe to drink, by requiring all suppliers (except individual domestic self-suppliers) to be part of the regulatory system, and to provide safe drinking water on a consistent basis; e. lift the environmental performance and transparency of wastewater and stormwater networks; and, f. improve national-level leadership, oversight, and support relating to wastewater and stormwater. Consistency of the Bill with the Bill...

  4. Ravensdown Limited - 93 [pdf, 214 KB] 5 A copy of this notice has been served on the following parties: Ballance Agri-Nutrients Limited Private Bay 12503 Tauranga Mail Centre TAURANGA 3143 Attention: Dominic Adams Environmental Manager Email: Waikato Regional Council Private Bag 3038 Waikato Mail Centre HAMILTON 3240 Email: mailto:Dominic.Adams@ballance....

  5. [2019] NZEnvC 070 Hawke's Bay Regional Council v Brown [pdf, 140 KB]

    ...respondent has been received by the Council in relation to the abatement notice or the infringement notice. In this context that the Council now seeks an enforcement order from this Court. 1 Qualified with degrees in ecology, biodiversity and environmental studies. 3 The application for enforcement orders [8] On 31 January 2019 the Council filed an application for enforcement order against Mr Brown. The application sought enforcement orders requiring Dean Aaron Brown to: (...

  6. 2021-02-12 Notice of Witness Conferencing [pdf, 132 KB]

    ...+ Lamb)  Dr Lionel John Hume, Senior Policy Advisor (Federated Farmers)  Vance Hodgson, Planner (Horticulture New Zealand)  Stuart John Ford, Agriculture and Resource Economist (Horticulture New Zealand)  Christina Elyse Bright, Environmental Scientist (Landpro Limited)  Clare Rose Perkins, Senior Planner and Planning Team Lead (Landpro Limited)  Anthony Davoren, Consultant (Strath Clyde Water Limited, Mcarthur Ridge Vineyard Limited and Mount Dunstan Estates Li...

  7. [2022] NZEnvC 243 Summerset Villages Waikanae Limited v Wellington Regional Council [pdf, 162 KB]

    ...application and only challenges the duration condition (Summerset asks for a duration of 35 years as opposed to the 10 years granted by the Council). • Early commencement would not prejudice any other parties' interests or generate any adverse environmental effects but Summerset submits that if early commencement is not granted that will significantly impact Summerset's ability to continue with construction of the retirement village and comply with the consent conditio...

  8. Environment Court annual review 2015 [pdf, 2.4 MB]

    ...Annual Conference ............................................................................................. 31 University lectures .......................................................................................................... 31 Environmental Legal Assistance Fund Annual Workshop .............................................. 31 AIJA conference "Justice Without Barriers", Brisbane .................................................... 31 Employers and Man...

  9. [2018] NZEnvC 213 Housing New Zealand Corporation v Auckland Council [pdf, 635 KB]

    ...are dealt with differently from significant historic heritage identified and protected in terms of the separate policy framework for identifying and protecting Historic Heritage in 85.2. The attributes of the character and amenity values and the environmental quality of a special character area, including buildings and streetscape, might be derived from its historical legacy without being historic heritage. The identified character of these special character areas, should be maintaine...

  10. Appendix-A3-NZEAN-select-committee-facts.pdf [pdf, 111 KB]

    ...platform and an opportunity for change. • We are ranked equal to cyclists in vulnerability on the road, however we are not allowed access to offroad pathways designed specifically to make vulnerable road users safe • There seems to be no environmental benefit studies to see how much less carbon is emitted if a rider does not have to float their horse to a suitable location to ride. • Children are our most vulnerable horse riders and most likely to be using the road for connect...