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Search results for environmental.

2916 items matching your search terms

  1. Te Akitai Waiohua Waka Taua Incorporation [pdf, 375 KB]

    ...process of the final America’s cup proposal or have effective input into the aspects of the proposal that may impact on cultural values, including site selection, base layout and design, and the final selection process; (g) The Assessment of Environmental Effects does not contain appropriate assessment of effects on cultural values/interests; (h) There has been insufficient cultural considerations and input into the legacy effects of the proposal; (i) There has been no conside...

  2. [2022] NZEnvC 069 Otago Regional Council [pdf, 356 KB]

    ...purpose or scope of PC1. The s32 report states: The Waste Plan was made operative in 1997 and has not been amended or reviewed under section 79 of the RMA since that time. As a result, it has become out of date with current expectations regarding environmental management. The entirety of the Waste Plan will be reviewed alongside the Water Plan in preparation of a new LWRP. PC1 is an interim measure to address two pressing issues with the existing Waste Plan provisions in order t...

  3. 2021-03-17 OWRUG - MOC - relief [pdf, 109 KB]

    ...therefore wish to focus on making that as cheap and workable for permit holders as possible, so that further investment is not required at this stage. There are others, some of whom have committed already to substantial investment to achieve environmental gains in order to support their renewal applications, who regard 6 year permits as untenable. 3. OWRUG’s case has not yet been presented nor has its evidence been heard, so some members consider that it is premature to be m...

  4. 2021-02-25 FFNZ - MOC - PC 1 & 8 - mediation & expert conferencing [pdf, 225 KB]

    ...originally thought. 11. We believe that within PC8, there is genuine opportunity to resolve matters included those relating to definitions, and other aspects addressed under the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020, the National Environmental Standard for Freshwater 2020, or the s360 Regulations for Stock Exclusion from Waterbodies. We understand Council has sought the deletion of provisions relating to winter grazing and stock exclusion, and consider at me...

  5. [2018] NZEnvC 172 Drinkrow Industrial Estates Ltd v Auckland Council [pdf, 123 KB]

    ...resolution. [14] At this stage of the proceeding, Court-assisted mediation is scheduled to occur on 27 September 2018, so Mr Stannard will be able to participate in that. Had his 2 Reilly v Northland Regional Council (1993) 2 NZRMA 414. 3 Kapiti Environmental Action Inc v Kapiti Coast District Council, Environment Court Wellington W042/07. 4 EnvC A046/08. 4 application been made after mediation, then the passage of time might have meant that progress in the proceeding would be...

  6. ENVC Hearing 27Jul15 AC suppl evidence Kala Sivaguru [pdf, 111 KB]

    ...proximity to the construction area. 11. Mr Poynter suggested in his original report for the AEE3 that the placement of nest boxes in the breakwater would improve nesting potential for penguins. He recommended this as mitigation for the overall environmental impact from the marina proposal, and proposed a condition at page 23 of that report. 12. The placement of nest boxes in the breakwater will enhance the habitat for little blue penguins and will also reduce the risk of t...

  7. 8.1 Appendix 1 to JWS 8 - Section 32AA Analysis [pdf, 166 KB]

    ...users or instream values (compared to those previously achieved under the rights of priorities associated with deemed permits). This may lead to adverse effects on economic growth and employment due to reduced access to water. - Providing for the environmental effects of the rights of priority to continue to exist post 30 September 2021 under Option 2 may be less effective (compared to options 1, 3 and 4) in meeting the outcomes of PC7 i.e. providing for a simple and cost-effective con...

  8. People found unfit to stand trial or not guilty by insanity December 2020 [xlsx, 87 KB]

    ...offences 6 1 2 23 26 1 7 29 18 8 2% <1% 1% 8% 5% <1% 1% 5% 4% 1% 10: Illicit drug offences 3 1 6 11 2 6 8 9 6 17 1% <1% 2% 4% <1% 1% 1% 2% 1% 3% 11: Prohibited and regulated weapons and explosives offences 14 16 8 10 23 17 16 21 20 30 4% 6% 3% 3% 5% 4% 2% 4% 4% 5% 12: Property damage and environmental pollution 36 30 38 35 44 50 80 47 36 52 11% 11% 13% 12% 9% 12% 12% 8% 7% 8% 13: Public order offences 34 11 23 22 21 20 38 59 36 62 10% 4% 8% 8% 4% 5% 6% 10% 7% 10% 14: Traffic an...

  9. Criminal Cases Review Commission: Appointments media release [pdf, 112 KB]

    ...wellbeing and disrupting the intergenerational transmission of social inequalities. Dr Virginia Hope MNZM, who is a pre-eminent health scientist who has worked in universities and research institutes. She is currently Medical Director Health Group at Environmental and Science and Research. Dr Hope has management and governance experience. She was made a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit in June 2014 for services to health.

  10. IPT Application Pack V2 [docx, 38 KB]

    ...assimilate large amounts of complex and competing information · thoroughly analyse the information and quickly identify facts, opinions and key issues · recognise when further critical information is required · produce decisions in a timely manner Environmental awareness Members must be able to: · be sensitive to, understand and take account of the values and mores of other cultures · demonstrate an awareness and sensitivity to community values · identify and analyse public, cultural an...