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Search results for environmental.

2916 items matching your search terms

  1. Email - Mana Whenua issues 29 August 2018 [pdf, 507 KB]

    ...the reasons set out below, Mana Whenua opposing say the development proposed by Panuku does not meet the gateway test in section 104D, the Part 2 requirements of the RMA or of related provisions in the Auckland Unitary Plan. 2. The Assessment of Environmental Effects misrepresents the actual Panuku consultation, as Panuku has not undertaken timely, effective or meaningful engagement with Mana Whenua opposing and thereby failed to meet the requirements of section 8 of the RMA and of relate...

  2. 2021-06-28 Notice of PHC - PC8 [pdf, 166 KB]

    ...definition: Animal waste system New definition: Dairy Effluent Storage Calculator New definition: Suitably Qualified Person Deleted definitions Agricultural waste Part C Good Farming Practices New Policy 7.D.9 Reduce adverse environmental effects of farming activities New definition: Critical Source Area Deleted definitions: Feed Pad/ Stand off pad Deleted definition: Sacrifice Paddock Part D Intensive Grazing New rule Permitted activ...

  3. 2021-11-26 ORC - MOC - re Urban provisions [pdf, 214 KB]

    ...stormwater reticulation system. As a result of mediation, the parties agreed to amendments to the policy as notified. The changes agreed primarily include changing the policy direction to “avoid” rather than “minimise” significant adverse environmental effects and minimise other adverse effects resulting from the discharge from any new stormwater reticulation system, or any extension to an existing stormwater 6 reticulation system. The changes agreed also include two ad...

  4. Lochiel Farmlands Limited v Waikato Regional Council [pdf, 194 KB]

    ...Waikato community and LFL in particular. Particular reasons for appeal 11 The reasons for the appeal are as follows: (a) The measurement and approach in relation to management control of Koi carp under rule insufficiently recognise the environmental impact on freshwater caused by Koi carp. (b) Rule applies to dry stock farming with a winter stocking rate of less than 18 stock units per hectare and a Low Nitrogen Leaching Loss Rate. The rule provides that any...

  5. [2020] NZEnvC 179 Northland Regional Council v Glamuzina.pdf [pdf, 189 KB]

    ...for the Northland Regional Council); (d) Affidavit of Michael James Payne affirmed 9 October 2020 (Policy Specialist, Strategy, Policy and Planning for the Northland Regional Council); (e) Affidavit of Rowan Kathleen Scott sworn 9 October 2020 (Environmental Monitoring Officer); (f) Affidavit of Tracey Lucille Holden sworn 8 October 2020 (Accounting consultant); (g) Affidavit of Steven Charles McCutcheon sworn 6 October 2020 (Retired); (h) Affidavit of Lisa Jones sworn 7 Octobe...

  6. Ngati Te Ata Claims Support Whanau [pdf, 374 KB]

    ...process of the final America’s cup proposal or have effective input into the aspects of the proposal that may impact on cultural values, including site selection, base layout and design, and the final selection process; (g) The Assessment of Environmental Effects does not contain appropriate assessment of effects on cultural values/interests; (h) There has been insufficient cultural considerations and input into the legacy effects of the proposal; (i) There has been no conside...

  7. South Waikato District Council.pdf [pdf, 215 KB]

    ...part of infrastructure treatment are not suitable for swimming or food gathering, as a result of their particular function in a given infrastructure system. (b) The effectiveness of infrastructure wetlands to avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse environmental effects may be reduced by allowing swimming or food gathering. (c) The distinctions drawn between two different types of wetlands created as part of different infrastructure systems in the Appeal are arbitrary and meaningless...

  8. Federated-Farmers-of-New-Zealand.pdf [pdf, 301 KB]

    ...wellbeing of the Waikato and Waipā Rivers. However, Federated Farmers considers that the regulatory and non-regulatory methods proposed in PC1 do not appropriately give effect to the relevant higher order documents, have not appropriately balanced environmental, economic, social and cultural considerations, and are not the most efficient and effective means of achieving the objective of the plan change. 4. Federated Farmers is interested in all the issues raised by the Appell...

  9. Evidence - Noise - Minister for Children - Rhys Hegley - Final [pdf, 424 KB]

    ...7am to 10pm L10 55dBA 10pm to 7am L10 45dBA 10pm to 7am Lmax 75dBA Noise (other than construction) shall be measured and assessed in accordance with the requirements of the New Zealand Standard NZS 6801:2008 “Acoustic Measurement of Environmental Sound” 7.2 Since the original designation, the Unitary Plan has become effective which, in terms of noise, has not only resulted in a fully revised suite of rules, but also an update in noise metric from the L10 of the designa...