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2916 items matching your search terms

  1. [2023] NZEnvC 097 Amisfield Environment Protection Group v Central Otago District Council [pdf, 21 MB]

    ...Request is made online via The CAR needs to be submitted at least 21 working days before the planned start of works. A copy should also be sent to the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency System Design and Delivery Planning Team at The Corridor Access Request will need to include: (i) The detailed final design for the right turn bay, including both layout and pavement design. (ii) A Construction Traffic Management Plan that has attai...

  2. Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited.pdf [pdf, 70 KB]

    ...need for clarity on the application of these policies, it is interested in this appeal point to ensure it remains consistent with the outcomes sought in Fonterra's appeal. Clarifying that Policy 19 does not relate to biodiversity offsets or environmental compensation, because offsetting / compensation is inappropriate. Fonterra supports the need for clarity on the application of this policy, it is interested in this appeal point to ensure it remains consistent with the outcomes...

  3. [2021] NZEnvC 145 Klass Waslander v Southland Regional Council [pdf, 197 KB]

    ...5282, Lot 1 DP 10248 and Pt Sec 49 Blk XIX Invercargill Hundred; that Klass Waslander must: (1) Ensure that the work specified in the attached Areas of Risk Schedule of the Effluent System Assessment Report dated 7 April 2017 prepared by Rural Environmental Solutions (the Schedule) is carried out. All work must be carried out by 31 July 2017 or the dates specified in that Schedule whichever are later. (2) Carry out the activities noted in the Schedule as “ongoing” as and whe...

  4. 2021-08-04 List of Parties - PC8 [pdf, 169 KB]

    ...Service via the website S274 Party Balquhidder Farming Ltd Service via the website S274 Party Beef and Lamb NZ and Deer Industry NZ 274 Party Blackstone Hill Ltd Service via the website S274 Party Central Otago Environmental Society S274 Party Clarkson, Elizabeth S274 Party Closeburn Station Service via the website S274 Party Crutchley, Emma Service via the website S274 Party Dairy Holdings Limited (DHL) Ser...

  5. Environment Court Annual Review 2018 [pdf, 2.2 MB]

    ...ACPECT and QELA Conferences – Brisbane and the Gold Coast ............................................... 19 Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand Conference – Sydney ................................. 20 3rd International Forum on Environmental Justice – Chile ............................................................ 20 APPENDIX 1 ..................................................................................................................................... 21...

  6. [2023] NZEnvC 061 Auckland Council v Tree Scape [pdf, 850 KB]

    ...under this enforcement order to plant vegetation in a way that will grow into the growth limit zone of the power lines passing over the area in “A”. 1 Legally described as Lot 1 DP 99075. 2 Legally described as Lot 2 DP 484401. 3 ii. An environmental monitoring and maintenance plan (EMMP) that includes: a. For Area “A” on the plan attached at Appendix A to this order, a proposal to undertake a buffer weed management programme for a period of four (4) years. The buffer wi...

  7. Genesis Energy Limited 83 [pdf, 60 KB]

    ...regionally significant infrastructure and regionally significant industry provide for social and economic wellbeing. The resource consent process ensures these benefits can occur while also addressing and managing actual and potential adverse environmental and cultural effects (through the consent process and conditions placed on those consents). (b) There should be no mandatory obligation under Policy 12 to propose measures to offset or compensate any residual adverse effect...

  8. Overseas Investment (Exempt Investment from OECD Countries) Amendment Bill [pdf, 161 KB]

    ...organisation which brings together 38 member countries (including New Zealand) who together with governments, policy makers and citizens, work on establishing evidence-based international standards and finding solutions on a range of social, economic and environmental challenges (see 2 This is defined in cl 4 to include individuals who are citizens or ordinarily resident in, an OECD country as well as specifying when a body corporate, partnership, joint venture, trust, o...

  9. [2018] NZEnvC 039 Waterfront Watch Incorporated v Wellington City Council [pdf, 1 MB]

    ...its intricate layout of small and secluded spaces presented the opportunity for ill-intentioned people to threaten, assault, or otherwise harm innocent visitors. He pointed to the evidence of Dr Frank Stoks, an expert on Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) as supporting that concern. [10] Mr Gibson also called Ms Janice Campbell who, briefly but powerfully, raised the issue of access to and within public spaces for people who are dependent on wheelchairs or mobil...

  10. Ngati Tamatera [pdf, 374 KB]

    ...process of the final America’s cup proposal or have effective input into the aspects of the proposal that may impact on cultural values, including site selection, base layout and design, and the final selection process; (g) The Assessment of Environmental Effects does not contain appropriate assessment of effects on cultural values/interests; (h) There has been insufficient cultural considerations and input into the legacy effects of the proposal; (i) There has been no conside...