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Search results for environmental.

2916 items matching your search terms

  1. Waitangi Tribunal - Tongariro National Park statement [pdf, 99 KB]

    ...statement on the geothermal resource be produced. 4 The Tribunal’s general conclusion was that the Crown had committed numerous serious Treaty breaches. These had considerable economic, social, cultural, environmental, and spiritual repercussions for ngā iwi o te kāhui maunga, for which it recommended substantial and culturally appropriate compensation. – ENDS – FOR ALL MEDIA ENQUIRIES CONTACT: Phone: Email:...

  2. People unfit to stand trial or not guilty by insanity December 2021 [xlsx, 87 KB]

    ...offences 1 2 23 26 1 7 29 18 8 4 <1% 1% 8% 5% <1% 1% 5% 4% 1% 1% 10: Illicit drug offences 1 6 11 2 6 8 9 6 17 7 <1% 2% 4% <1% 1% 1% 2% 1% 3% 1% 11: Prohibited and regulated weapons and explosives offences 16 8 10 23 17 16 21 20 31 27 6% 3% 3% 5% 4% 2% 4% 4% 5% 4% 12: Property damage and environmental pollution 30 38 35 44 50 80 47 36 52 81 11% 13% 12% 9% 12% 12% 8% 7% 8% 12% 13: Public order offences 11 23 22 21 20 38 59 36 63 66 4% 8% 8% 4% 5% 6% 10% 7% 10% 9% 14: Traffic and...

  3. [2024] NZEnvC 012 Kumeu Industrial Park Association Incorporated v Auckland Council [pdf, 170 KB]

    ...the abatement notice pending the decision on the appeal; (c) whether to hear from the parties; and (d) other matters as the Judge thinks fit. [11] The parties have agreed the stay application can be granted. I am satisfied at this stage that environmental considerations will not be of concern in granting the 4 application for stay, so long as it is managed in the interim with appropriate conditions. [12] Further I am satisfied that, at this time, it would be unreasonabl...

  4. [2021] NZEnvC 186 Wallace v Waikato District Council [pdf, 193 KB]

    ...remedy, or mitigate any adverse effect on the environment arising from an activity carried on by or on behalf of the person, whether or not the activity is carried on in accordance with— (a) any of sections 10, 10A, 10B, and 20A; or (b) a national environmental standard, a rule, a resource consent, or a designation. … Section 17 of the Act imposes a duty on every person that carries out an activity to avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effect on the environment. The Counci...

  5. CCRC-Position-Profile [docx, 45 KB]

    ...Commissioners. · Career experience at a senior level that reflects good judgement, integrity and impartiality. · Experience in an executive decision-making role and/or in working within a statutory framework. · The ability to work as part of a team. Environmental awareness · The judgement and discretion required to maintain the autonomy and independence essential to the Commission. · The ability to maintain confidentiality and deal appropriately with sensitive information. · Ability to i...

  6. Framing the Summit [pdf, 977 KB] to move in a more desirable direction based on our objectives. positive = acknowledging that ‘criminal’ language is negatively self-perpetuating. justice = safe, just, fair. We will focus on criminal justice, instead of civil, family, environmental, or commercial justice. Justice includes deterrence and prevention, incident management, restoration, rehabilitation, reintegration, reconciliation, harm reduction… uplifts = protect, elevate, inspire or restore. wellbeing = th...

  7. [2021] NZEnvC 148 Auckland Council v DDL Estates Ltd [pdf, 174 KB]

    ...LUC60291534 (Resource Consent); 5.1.2 is consistent with GD05; 5.1.3 utilises a staged approach as required by condition 32 of the Resource Consent; and 5.1.4 is consistent with condition 30 of the Resource Consent. 5.2 an updated streamworks environmental offset plan (SEOP) that is consistent with conditions 34 and 25 of the Resource Consent. 6 No land disturbance works are to be completed until the Council certifies the ESCP and SEOP. The updated ESCP and SEOP shall be c...

  8. 18 June 2018 Thames Coromandel PDP Subdivision General [pdf, 201 KB]

    ...iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Topic: Topic Number: Environmental Defence Society Incorporated v Thames-Coromandel District Council Appeal By Submitter On Proposed Policy Statement Or Plan pursuant to Clause 14 of the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991 Court Reference: ENV-201...

  9. Te Patukirikiri Iwi Trust [pdf, 374 KB]

    ...process of the final America’s cup proposal or have effective input into the aspects of the proposal that may impact on cultural values, including site selection, base layout and design, and the final selection process; (g) The Assessment of Environmental Effects does not contain appropriate assessment of effects on cultural values/interests; (h) There has been insufficient cultural considerations and input into the legacy effects of the proposal; (i) There has been no conside...

  10. [2021] NZEnvC 081 J Turkington Ltd v Manawatu-Whanganui Regional Council [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...achieved the outcomes sought by the Council to ensure compliance with the relevant statutory provisions and to avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse likely effects of the forestry operations undertaken by JTL; • Standards contained in the National Environmental Standards - Plantation Forestry, their interpretation and relevance; 4 • The impact of Covid-19 Level 4 lockdown on ability to comply; • The quantum of costs claimed for a dispute which never went to hearing where the...