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Search results for eichelbaum.

119 items matching your search terms

  1. [2019] NZREADT 42 - He v CAC 403 (9 October 2019) [pdf, 439 KB]

    ...credible; and (d) Whether admitting the evidence would require further evidence from other parties and cross-examination. 1 See for example Telecom Corp of NZ Ltd v CC [1991] 2 NZLR 557. 2 See Eichelbaum v Real Estate Agents Authority [2016] NZREADT 3 at [49], citing Dragicevich v Martinovich [1969] NZLR 306 (CA). [9] The Authority notes the High Court’s view in Comalco NZ Ltd v TVNZ Ltd:3 It is also important the evidenc...

  2. [2019] NZREADT 39 - Feschiev - Ruling [pdf, 294 KB]

    ...investigation), Mr Feschiev pointed out what he said were untrue statements, and set out what he said was evidence of the untruthfulness. In large part, his responses referred to email communications. 3 See Eichelbaum v Real Estate Agents Authority [2016] NZREADT 3. [62] We do not consider that we would be assisted by hearing oral cross-examination. Accordingly, we decline leave for evidence to be given by Mr Zlatkov, and for c...

  3. Heng v Yap [2014] NZIACDT 110 (10 October 2014) [pdf, 198 KB]

    ...difficult exercise of judgment, to be made by the tribunal as an informed and expert body on all the facts of the case. [30] As a Full Court observed in McDonald v Canterbury District Law Society (High Court, Wellington, M 215/87, 10 August 1989, Eichelbaum CJ, Heron and Ellis JJ) at p 12: Even in the absence of dishonesty, striking-off will be appropriate where there has been a serious breach of a solicitor’s fundamental duties to his client. [31] It is important to bear in mind t...

  4. Chung & Anor v Yap [2014] NZIACDT 109 (10 October 2014) [pdf, 193 KB]

    ...exercise of judgment, to be made by the tribunal as an informed and expert body on all the facts of the case. 5 [30] As a Full Court observed in McDonald v Canterbury District Law Society (High Court, Wellington, M 215/87, 10 August 1989, Eichelbaum CJ, Heron and Ellis JJ) at p 12: Even in the absence of dishonesty, striking-off will be appropriate where there has been a serious breach of a solicitor’s fundamental duties to his client. [31] It is important to bear in m...

  5. Varela v Devi [2014] NZIACDT 85 (15 September 2014) [pdf, 202 KB]

    ...difficult exercise of judgment, to be made by the tribunal as an informed and expert body on all the facts of the case. [30] As a Full Court observed in McDonald v Canterbury District Law Society (High Court, Wellington, M 215/87, 10 August 1989, Eichelbaum CJ, Heron and Ellis JJ) at p 12: Even in the absence of dishonesty, striking-off will be appropriate where there has been a serious breach of a solicitor’s fundamental duties to his client. [31] It is important to bear in mind t...

  6. Chen v Gu-Chang [2013] NZIACDT 56 (30 August 2013) [pdf, 149 KB]

    ...difficult exercise of judgment, to be made by the tribunal as an informed and expert body on all the facts of the case. [30] As a Full Court observed in McDonald v Canterbury District Law Society (High Court, Wellington, M 215/87, 10 August 1989, Eichelbaum CJ, Heron and Ellis JJ) at p 12: Even in the absence of dishonesty, striking-off will be appropriate where there has been a serious breach of a solicitor’s fundamental duties to his client. [31] It is important to bear in mind t...

  7. Chen v Loh [2013] NZIACDT 55 (30 August 2013) [pdf, 151 KB]

    ...difficult exercise of judgment, to be made by the tribunal as an informed and expert body on all the facts of the case. [30] As a Full Court observed in McDonald v Canterbury District Law Society (High Court, Wellington, M 215/87, 10 August 1989, Eichelbaum CJ, Heron and Ellis JJ) at p 12: 8 Even in the absence of dishonesty, striking-off will be appropriate where there has been a serious breach of a solicitor’s fundamental duties to his client. [31] It is important...

  8. [2020] NZREADT 54 - Beath v The Real Estate Agents Authority (29 October 2020) [pdf, 273 KB]

    ...“consolidation” of the charges and appeal proceedings as a short form reference to the various forms of “consolidation” referred to in the High Court and District Court Rules, including hearing proceedings concurrently or sequentially. 5 See Eichelbaum v Real Estate Agents Authority (CAC 303) [2016] NZREADT 3. submitted that it is not yet known whether the appeal will proceed solely on the basis of the material before the Committee. [10] Finally, Ms Lim pointed at the d...

  9. [2019] NZEmpC 166 GEA Process Engineering Ltd v Schicker [pdf, 216 KB]

    ...prosecute all or part of the plaintiff’s proceeding to trial and judgment; or (b) the defendant fails to prosecute all or part of the defendant’s counterclaim to trial and judgment. [42] In Lovie v Medical Assurance Society New Zealand Ltd,10 Eichelbaum CJ, in dealing with the application of the rule, stated: ... the applicant must show that the plaintiff has been guilty of inordinate delay, that such delay is inexcusable, and that it has seriously prejudiced the defendant...

  10. Takimoana - Te Tii (Waitangi) B3 Ahu Whenua Trust (2014) 90 Taitokerau MB 67 (90 TTK 67) [pdf, 335 KB]

    ...letter as a whole. 52 51 Ibid. 52 This approach was adopted in Travel Agents Association of New Zealand Incorporated v NCR NZ Limited HC Wellington CP 1069-90, 27 March 1991 at page 10 where Eichelbaum CJ also assessed the letter in that case as a whole. 90 Taitokerau MB 91 [108] In Travel Agents Association of New Zealand Incorporated v NCR (NZ) Limited 53 Eichelbaum CJ found that while the modern test for estoppel fo...