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Search results for consumer consequential.

391 items matching your search terms

  1. Wellington Standards Committee v Twigley [2016] NZLCDT 37 [pdf, 601 KB]

    ...ability to practice for an indefinite period could be regarded as responsible. The Tribunal’s responsibility to take account of the purposes of the Act, in the maintenance of public confidence in the provision of legal services and protection of consumers of legal services leaves us with no other alternative. [90] We wish to state however that we were impressed by the practitioner’s conduct during the hearing and leading up to the hearing, in terms of his cooperation with the...

  2. LCRO 173/2014 G NP and H NP v DC (27 September 2018) [pdf, 289 KB]

    ...that if he could make a costs order against Ms DC, he would have done so. Clearly, the court considered Ms DC’s conduct to have been unsatisfactory. (b) Ms DC failed to attend a judicial conference on 6 June 2013 and failed to comply with a consequential timetabling direction. The result was that the matter was set down for a formal proof hearing on 16 September 2013 at which she appeared unannounced, leading to that hearing being adjourned. (c) Because Ms DC took no steps o...

  3. Regulatory Impact Statement Review of aspects of the bail system [pdf, 268 KB]

    ...conditions considered reasonably necessary to ensure that the defendant attends Court, does not interfere with witnesses or evidence, and does not offend while on bail. Common conditions include curfews, non-association conditions and conditions not to consume alcohol. 10. Electronically monitored bail (EM bail) is a bail condition that requires a defendant to stay at a particular residence at all times unless absent for an approved purpose, such as work. Compliance is monitored throu...

  4. Mr-Rasheeds-Submissions-of-37-Families.pdf [pdf, 619 KB]

    ...outcome. It did not, however, have the time or luxury to break down and analyse the individual different components of its conclusions or alternatives within its logical analysis that led to the conclusion that, essentially, all failures were inconsequential; that no failures would have impacted a lone actor. 87. This is despite the many operational security issues the RCOI itself identifies that were lapses which raised several key red flags but which were not being looked out for....

  5. Trustpower - EiC - S Styles - Planning (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 505 KB]

    ...and uncertainty in the ability to continue to operate over time. Ms Foran has detailed the considerable cost incurred to date in seeking replacement consents for the races9. Uncertainty in the duration of consents, and the potential for time consuming and costly consenting processes, can negatively impact on the likelihood of hydro-electricity power schemes being developed and enhanced. E. Incorporating provisions for renewable electricity generation activities into regional po...

  6. 2022-02-18 Statement of Evidence of Felicity Boyd - Urban Provisions Parts A, G & H - dated 18 February 2022 [pdf, 3.1 MB]

    ...Forest and Bird. 9 The submitter considered this recognises and gives effect to Te Mana o te Wai and sought the following additional clause:17 (d) The use of discharge to land options as a preference wherever practicable. 31 As a consequential amendment, Fish and Game also sought the following amendment to the principal reasons:18 This policy is adopted to reduce the potential for contaminants to be present in adverse effects to arise from new stormwater discharges. P...

  7. Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism - Cabinet Paper 3 - October 2016 [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...transaction of $10,000 or more in cash. Option 2b ($10,000) will align with existing thresholds and would be consistent with previous policy decisions relating to cash. Implementing either Option 2a ($15,000) or Option 2c ($5,000) would require consequential amendments to other cash thresholds for high value dealers. 34. Decisions taken under the Power to Act, which require Cabinet confirmation Issue Summary of proposal What should the implementation timeline be? (Section...

  8. [2019] NZEnvC 115 Gibbston Vines Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 17 MB]

    ...were termed 'value', 'premium' and 'icon'. By contrast, Dr Jordan bases his modelling on an assumption that the average price for Pinot Noir would be secured from the grapes produced. [66] On the matter of yield , and consequentially price, we first deal with the opinions offered by Messrs Hay and Deaker. Mr Hay derives a range from 5.5 - 7.1 4 t/ha/p.a, drawing from his experience as a grower and purchaser of fruit in the valley (primarily for Chard Fa...

  9. NZLS Predictions in an Uncertain World [pdf, 957 KB]

    ...many pages of description of the evidence the court found:63 … that the retail premises of the plan as now supported by Council may have some impact on trade at the existing centres but that the impact will not be sufficient to generate flow-on consequential effects. Those “findings” are interesting because they are predictions about the future and thus typical of RMA cases. The case went to the High Court. In Westfield (NZ) Ltd v Hamilton City Council64 the High Court said:...

  10. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 TGKL case law 3 effects [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    ...might be a breeding/nursery area; (4) Fragmentation of dolphin habitat; (5) Reduction in available food (fish) because of:' (a) faecal pollution of the seabed under the farm; (b) removal of food at the bottom of the food chain by mussels consuming phytoplankton, with consequent reduction in dolphin food speCIes; (6) The cumulative effects of any one of(1) to (5) above combined with: (a) the adverse effects of the Clifford Bay Ferry Terminal (if constructed); and (b) the...