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Search results for claim form.

12508 items matching your search terms

  1. WHT- Mediation for standard claims [pdf, 213 KB]

    WEATHERTIGHT SERVICES INFORMATION SHEET Mediation for standard claims - February 2014– Page 1 Mediation for standard claims under the Weathertight Homes Resolution Services Act 2006 INTRODUCTION This information sheet provides information for parties about the mediation opportunity provided within the adjudication process at the Weathertight Homes Tribunal (the Tribunal). In this circumstance, mediation can only be undertaken with the consent of the Tribunal. Separate information is

  2. Maniapoto Claims Settlement Bill [PDF, 1.1 MB]

    CroWii'' l,;,111111111 i,ff#j iLaw . ' J.. JI 12 November 2021 J\ ttorney-General Maniapoto Claims Settlement Bill (PCO 21171/6.1] - Consistency with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 Our Ref: ATT395/349 1. We have considered the Maniapoto Claims Settlement Hill [PCO 21171/6.1) (the Bill) for consistency with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act ·t 990 (the Bill of Rights Act), '!'he Bill appears to be consistent with the Bill of Rights Act. 2. \Ve...

  3. BORA Prisoners’ and Victims’ Claims (Expiry and Application Dates) Amendment Bill [pdf, 187 KB]

    Prisoners’ and Victims’ Claims (Expiry and Application Dates) Amendment Bill 16 April 2010 ATTORNEY-GENERAL Prisoners’ and Victims’ Claims (Expiry and Application Dates) Amendment Bill (PCO13351/7.3) - Consistency with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 Our Ref: ATT395/126 1. The Bill proposes to extend the current regime of the Prisoners and Victims Claims Act 2005 past the present expiry date of 30 June 2010, to a new date of 30 June 2012. 2. The Prisoners and...

  4. BORA Prisoners’ and Victims’ Claims (2012 Expiry and Application Dates) Amendment Bill [pdf, 188 KB]

    Prisoners’ and Victims’ Claims (2012 Expiry and Application Dates) Amendment Bill 30 March 2012 ATTORNEY-GENERAL Prisoners’ and Victims’ Claims (2012 Expiry and Application Dates) Amendment Bill (PCO15793/1.2) - Consistency with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 Our Ref: ATT395/140 1. The Bill proposes to extend the current regime of the Prisoners and Victims Claims Act 2005 past the present expiry date of 30 June 2012, to a new date of 30 June 2013. 2. The...

  5. Guide to completing Disputes Tribunal claim form - Te-Reo [pdf, 197 KB]

    Te whakamahi i tēnei aratohu Mā te aratohu nei e tuku ngā whakamōhiotanga hei āwhina i a koe ki te whakatutuki i te puka tono, me te tuku i ētahi take nui i pīrangitia ai ēnei pārongo. He nui ngā take e whai tikanga ana ēnei pārongo e tonoa ana i roto i te puka tono. Mā te tuku i ngā pārango katoa e whakatūturu te whanonga wawe o tō tono, ā, e whai wā ōrite ngā taha e rua ki te kohi taunakitanga e pā ana ki te take e tohea ana. Hei runga i a koe te

  6. DT form 1 example - claim form where the respondent is a limited liability company [pdf, 880 KB]

    For more information visit Disputes Tribunal Page 1 For more information visit DT 07/11 - 1 Form 1: Claims Form What is this form for? Use this form to make a claim to the Tribunal. 1. Fill in all sections below. 2. Print in caPiTal leTTers. 3. check before submitting this form, that you have answered all questions, it is signed and dated, and the filing fee is included. Note: This form will be returned to you...

  7. Start New Zealand court proceedings against a person in Australia

    You can start civil proceedings in a New Zealand court without having to ask the New Zealand court if you can serve the documents on a person in Australia. Some types of cases are not covered by the agreement. You can’t use these rules to start a proceeding against someone in Australia if it is about : certain family law issues, such as divorce or the enforcement of spousal maintenance or child support court proceedings against property rather than a person (these are called actions in rem).

  8. Ask to have the case moved to a New Zealand court

    If someone has started a civil case against you in an Australian court and you’ve been served with the documents, you can ask for the case to be heard in a New Zealand court in certain circumstances. You’ll need to ask the Australian court to suspend (stay) the proceeding. Apply to stay an Australian court case You need to apply to the Australian court using their forms and processes. Find out more about the Australian court process to stay a case A New Zealand lawyer is entitled to appear r