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Search results for claim form.

12541 items matching your search terms

  1. Von Tunzelman v Southland Regional Development Agency Ltd and Tracey Wayte Ltd (Strike-Out-Applications) [2022] NZHRRT 18 [pdf, 167 KB]

    ...Tunzelman representing himself Mr A Hitchcock and Ms J Hayes for the first defendant Ms BR Webster for the second defendant DATE OF HEARING: Heard on the papers DATE OF DECISION: 16 May 2022 DECISION OF TRIBUNAL ON STRIKE-OUT APPLICATIONS1 1 [This decision is to be cited as Von Tunzelman v Southland Regional Development Agency Ltd (Strike-Out Applications) [2022] NZHRRT 18.] IN THE HUMAN RIGHTS REVIEW TRIBUNAL [2022] NZHRRT 18 I TE TARAIPIUNARA MANA TANGA...

  2. Director of Human Rights Proceedings v Sensible Sentencing Group Trust (Application by NZ Herald for Access to Tribunal File) [2013] NZHRRT 20 [pdf, 44 KB]

    ...circumstances it would seem artificial to treat the affidavits, witness statements and submissions referred to at the hearing as not being governed by the post-hearing access regime. Accordingly copying is to be permitted in relation to the statement of claim, the statement of reply, applications, affidavits, witness statements, exhibits, memoranda, submissions, Minutes and Decisions. However, such copying is subject to reasonable limits, to be charged on an actual cost basis and is to b...

  3. Director of Human Rights Proceedings v Sensible Sentencing Group Trust (Application for Interim Non-Publication Orders) [2013] NZHRRT 14 [pdf, 106 KB]

    ...same day a solicitor acting for the aggrieved person wrote to the SSGT asking that the aggrieved person’s details be removed from the website. On 22 October 2009 the SSGT responded that the details would be removed subject to verification of the claimed non-publication order. No such verification having been received, the SSGT put the details of the aggrieved person back on its website on 1 November 2009. A letter sent by the solicitor for the aggrieved person on 5 November 2009 requ...

  4. Notification-of-applications-that-have-not-been-finally-determined-over-6-months-old-30-November-2020.pdf [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    1 Notification of applications that have not been finally determined (over 6 months old) 30 November 2020 TAKE NOTICE THAT the following schedule of applications are hereby notified pursuant to rule 5.11(2)(b) of the Māori Land Court Rules 2011 being applications which are 6 months or older as at 30 November 2020, and which are currently held by the Registrar in the District set out, or, in the case of applications to the Chief Judge of Māori Land Court or those to the Mā...

  5. Notification of Applications Over 6 months old that have not been finally determined (over 6 months old) - 31 August 2019 [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    1 Notification of applications that have not been finally determined (over 6 months old) 31 August 2019 TAKE NOTICE THAT the following schedule of applications are hereby notified pursuant to rule 5.11(2)(b) of the Māori Land Court Rules 2011 being applications which are 6 months or older as at 31 August 2019, and which are currently held by the Registrar in the District set out, or, in the case of applications to the Chief Judge of Māori Land Court or those to the Māori...

  6. 2021-11-30 Notification of Applications over 6 months old in MLC-MAC 5.11-report [pdf, 1.8 MB]

    1 Notification of applications that have not been finally determined (over 6 months old) 30 November 2021 TAKE NOTICE THAT the following schedule of applications are hereby notified pursuant to rule 5.11(2)(b) of the Māori Land Court Rules 2011 being applications which are 6 months or older as at 30 November 2021, and which are currently held by the Registrar in the District set out, or, in the case of applications to the Chief Judge of Māori Land Court or those to the Mā...

  7. 2023-05-31-Notification-of-Applications-Over-6-months-old-in-MLC-MAC-combined.pdf [pdf, 2.2 MB]

    1 Notification of applications that have not been finally determined (over 6 months old) 31 May 2023 TAKE NOTICE THAT the following schedule of applications are hereby notified pursuant to rule 5.11(2)(b) of the Māori Land Court Rules 2011 being applications which are 6 months or older as at 31 May 2023, and which are currently held by the Registrar in the District set out, or, in the case of applications to the Chief Judge of Māori Land Court or those to the Māori Appell...

  8. Notification of Applications Over 6 months old that have not been finally determined (over 6 months old) - 28 February 2019 [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    1 Notification of applications that have not been finally determined (over 6 months old) 28 February 2019 TAKE NOTICE THAT the following schedule of applications are hereby notified pursuant to rule 5.11(2)(b) of the Māori Land Court Rules 2011 being applications which are 6 months or older as at 28 February 2019, and which are currently held by the Registrar in the District set out, or, in the case of applications to the Chief Judge of Māori Land Court or those to the Mā...

  9. Notification-of-applications-over-6-months-old-in-MLC-MAC-5.11-Report.pdf [pdf, 1.8 MB]

    1 Notification of applications that have not been finally determined (over 6 months old) 28 February 2022 TAKE NOTICE THAT the following schedule of applications are hereby notified pursuant to rule 5.11(2)(b) of the Māori Land Court Rules 2011 being applications which are 6 months or older as at 28 February 2022, and which are currently held by the Registrar in the District set out, or, in the case of applications to the Chief Judge of Māori Land Court or those to the Mā...

  10. Queensell-Logan v Accident Compensation Corporation (Interlocutory application for orders for proposed witnesses to attend hearing in person) [2024] NZACC 099 (12 June 2024) [pdf, 240 KB]

    ...Tribunals, Commentary at DCR18.19.01; Accident Compensation Act 2001, s 156(2). [23] That is why the appropriate way to compel evidence from an uncooperative witness in any case where affidavit evidence is the mode of adducing evidence16 is to request the person to make an affidavit. If they refuse, an application may then be made for an order directing the person to appear and be examined on oath before the court.17 In practice, obtaining an order under the rule may result in a...