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Search results for claim form.

12550 items matching your search terms

  1. [2010] NZEmpC 21 Industrial Services Nelson Ltd v Stewart [pdf, 31 KB]

    ...counsel for plaintiff Stephen Thomas, counsel for defendant Judgment: 10 March 2010 INTERLOCUTORY JUDGMENT (No 2) OF JUDGE B S TRAVIS [1] The plaintiff company has applied for an order extending the time for filing its statement of claim. This application is opposed by the defendant. [2] The grounds for the application were that in my interlocutory judgment of 7 December 2009 (CC 20/09), dealing with a “good faith report”, I noted that the defendant in her submi...

  2. Juneja v Kumar [2015] NZIACDT 70 (29 May 2015) [pdf, 92 KB]

    ...provided the services. [1.3] Mr Kumar provided advice as to the requirements for a job offer that would meet the criteria for applying for a work visa. He provided incorrect advice, and then lodged the application with non-complying documentation, and information showing the complainant had worked outside of the conditions of his permit (without providing an explanation). [2] Mr Kumar did not file a response to the allegations. Accordingly, the Tribunal has evaluated the facts against...

  3. Newbury & Ors [2011] NZWHT Auckland 3 [pdf, 91 KB]

    ...Section 49 of the Act provides that a claimant may apply to the Chair seeking a review of a decision that their claim does not comply with the eligibility criteria within 20 working days of receiving notice of the decision. On receiving such an application I must decide whether or not the claim meets the eligibility criteria. [4] I have considered the following documents in conducting my review: The application for review and attached information. The assessor’s report...

  4. McQuade v Young & Ors as Trustees for the Maureen Young Family Trust [pdf, 136 KB]

    ...process and timetabling. 1.7 Between the time of the preliminary teleconference and the hearing further teleconferences were held and I was required to issue twenty-two Procedural Orders to give directions under s 36 of the WHRS Act and to rule on applications and requests by the parties and to assist in preparations for the hearing 1.8 During the course of the process respondents joined to the adjudication pursuant to s33 of the WHRS Act were Bulleyment-Fortune Architects L...

  5. OIA-105137.pdf [pdf, 438 KB]

    ...4 July 2023 DiM,il3D Section 9(2)(a) Tenakoe llll Justice Centre I 19 Aitken, Street OX SX10088 I Wellington T 04 918 8800 I F 04 918 8820 I Our ref: OIA 105137 Official Information Act request: Independent Electoral Review information Thank you for your email of 8 June 2023, requesting, under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act), information regarding the Independent Electoral Review. Your requests and my responses are...

  6. Criminal fixed fee finder

    The fixed fee learning tool simplifies and provides clarity on the Criminal Fixed Fee Schedule. The tool takes you through the fixed fee schedule, letting you click for more information and guidance on when a fee can be claimed. The user can select fees and then see the total cost for these on the final screen. The tool can be used as a learning resource or in conjunction with the word package templates to generate an invoice. Please note all fixed fee amounts are as of August 2023....

  7. Equal Pay Amendment Bill Supplementary Order Paper [pdf, 157 KB]

    ...formally vetted for consistency with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 (‘the Bill of Rights Act’). However, it is possible for the Attorney-General to bring the House’s attention to relevant matters under Standing Order 372(1), and you have requested that this Supplementary Order Paper be formally vetted. 3. Therefore, we have considered whether the Equal Pay Amendment Bill Supplementary Order Paper (‘the SOP’) is consistent with the rights and freedoms affirmed in the Bil...

  8. TQ v UM & Ors [2023] NZDT 369 (2 August 2023) [pdf, 116 KB]

    Page 1 of 5 (Disputes Tribunal Act 1988) ORDER OF DISPUTES TRIBUNAL District Court [2023] NZDT 369 APPLICANT TQ RESPONDENT UM SECOND RESPONDENT CM THIRD RESPONDENT FOURTH RESPONDENT HT N Limited The Tribunal orders: The claim is dismissed. Reasons: 1. TQ obtained a jetski from UM. It had been advertised as having a fully rebuilt engine. 2. Shortly after obtaining the jetski, he too...

  9. CX & EB v TK [2023] NZDT 342 (31 May 2023) [pdf, 205 KB]

    ...something prevented the proper decision from being made: for example, the relevant information was not available at the time. If you wish to apply for a rehearing, you can apply online, download a form from the Disputes Tribunal website or obtain an application form from any Tribunal office. The application must be lodged within 20 working days of the decision having been made. If you are applying outside of the 20 working day timeframe, you must also fill out an Application for Reheari...