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Search results for claim form.

12550 items matching your search terms

  1. Bisschoff v Yerman [2015] NZIACDT 101 (11 December 2015) [pdf, 165 KB]

    ...wished to migrate to New Zealand and approached her. They say: [1.1] Ms Yerman agreed to provide immigration services for a fee, payable before they left South Africa for New Zealand. [1.2] Ms Yerman assessed their eligibility to migrate from a form they completed. They then met with Mr Yerman, Ms Yerman’s husband; he is not a licensed immigration adviser. He advised the Bisschoffs that Mr Bisschoff’s occupation was not on the list of qualifications that allow migration to New Zeal...

  2. LCRO 136/2023 QT v MZ (8 January 2024) [pdf, 220 KB]

    ...referring VN to ss 38 and 23 of the Trusts Act 2019. [14] At 6.18pm that day, VN sent the respondent another email, copied to the same recipients, in which he relevantly: (a) referred to “your client’s consistent threats and insistent false claims”; (b) stated that no agreement had been made at the meeting; (c) referred to TL’s responsibilities as a trustee; (d) referred to the respondent’s responsibilities under a “Code of Practice”. (e) asserted that the respondent...

  3. GQ v SJ [2017] NZDT 1169 (8 March 2017) [pdf, 68 KB]

    IN THE DISPUTES TRIBUNAL [2017] NZDT 1169 BETWEEN GQ APPLICANT AND SJ RESPONDENT Date of Order: 8 March 2017 Referee: Referee: Murphy ORDER OF THE DISPUTES TRIBUNAL The Tribunal hereby orders that the claim is dismissed. Facts [1] Mr GQ and Miss SJ were neighbours. Mr GQ claims his vehicle was parked inside his property during the period 22 October 2016 to 24 October 2016 and Miss SJ’s son has caused damage to the bonnet...

  4. EJ v VP LCRO 16 / 2011 (9 August 2011) [pdf, 98 KB]

    ...complaint to the Complaints Service, but given that it was raised and discussed at the hearing, I will record my comments in respect thereof. [12] The Applicant and his daughter attended a hearing in Christchurch on 21 July 2011. The Respondent was informed of the place and date of the hearing, but was not required to attend. He did not do so. 3 [13] Matters raised in the review application were addressed by the Standards Committee in some detail. Given that the result of t...

  5. [2021] NZEmpC 119 Bowen v Bank of New Zealand [pdf, 291 KB]

    ...ZEALAND AUCKLAND I TE KŌTI TAKE MAHI O AOTEAROA TĀMAKI MAKAURAU [2021] NZEmpC 119 EMPC 335/2017 IN THE MATTER OF a challenge to a determination of the Employment Relations Authority AND IN THE MATTER OF an application for costs relating to application for an order to preserve evidence BETWEEN MELISSA BOWEN Plaintiff AND BANK OF NEW ZEALAND Defendant EMPC 261/2020 IN THE MATTER OF an application for spe...

  6. HI v D Ltd and FB [2024] NZDT 26 (20 February 2024) [pdf, 233 KB]

    ...(Disputes Tribunal Act 1988) ORDER OF DISPUTES TRIBUNAL [2024] NZDT 26 APPLICANT HI RESPONDENT D Ltd RESPONDENT FB The Tribunal orders: 1. The name of respondent FS is amended to FB. 2. The claim is dismissed. Reasons: 1. HI is based in [Town]. In late September 2023 he was advised that a close family member was seriously ill. He was required to travel at short notice and booked flights to [City 1] and then attempted to book...

  7. Howard v Accident Compensation Corporation (Interpretation of decision) [2024] NZACC 41 [pdf, 239 KB]

    ...Compensation Corporation [2014] NZSC 2431. 6 Howard v Accident Compensation Corporation [2017] NZACC 76. 4 [25] It is of serious concern that precious court resources continue to be taken up in advancing essentially the same argument in different forms. This litigation may justify an application under s 166 of the Senior Courts Act 2016, which is intended to restrain the unwarranted and vexatious use of the court process for cases that have no merit. … [27] The Corporation...

  8. EMPC Affidavit of document service [docx, 99 KB]

    ...……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. (List each document served, eg, statement of claim, application and affidavit in support). If a copy of a served document is not attached to the affidavit, the description of the document— (a)
must be sufficient to...

  9. Pole v Tangilanu [2014] NZIACDT 76 (26 August 2014) [pdf, 81 KB]

    ...negligent and breached the Immigration Advisers Code of Conduct 2010 (the Code). [2] The relevant events relate to a point in time when the complainants and their family were in New Zealand unlawfully. However, the family had had their residence application referred back to Immigration New Zealand by the Residence Review Board. The complainants paid Ms Tangilanu to apply for visas to end their unlawful status, and she was dealing with the residence application. [3] Ms Tangilanu took so...

  10. Te Manutukutuku Issue 17 [pdf, 2.6 MB]

    ...most of the South Island's fisheries be handed over to Ngai Tahu. It did not recommend that all the fisheries within 12 miles of the coast be returned to Ngai Tahu. Entitlement to Sea Fisheries The Waitangi Tribunal rejected the Ngai Tahu claim to 100% of all sea fisheries off their boundaries. The Tri­ bunal found that Ngai Tahu has an exclusive treaty right to the sea fisheries surrounding the whole of their coast­ line to a distance of 12 miles or so. Ngai Tahu also has a Tr...