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Search results for claim form.

12542 items matching your search terms

  1. Peita - Motatau 3H2[2019]Chief Judge's MB 337 (2019 CJ 337) [pdf, 362 KB]

    ...MB 337 IN THE MĀORI LAND COURT OF NEW ZEALAND TAITOKERAU DISTRICT A20150003204 CJ 2015/24 UNDER Section 45, Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 IN THE MATTER OF Motatau 3H2 Block BETWEEN ALLAN SHANE PEITA Applicant Hearing: 11 December 2018, 2018 Chief Judge’s MB 1029 - 1043 (Heard at Whangarei) Judgment: 30 April 2019 JUDGMENT OF DEPUTY CHIEF JUDGE C L FOX 2019 Chi...

  2. LP v VS & Ors LCRO 170 / 2011 (17 May 2012) [pdf, 86 KB]

    ...Messrs VS and VP, apparently took over the Applicant’s former practice and employed him as a staff solicitor. Things did not work out and in 1991 the Applicant issued proceedings in the High Court at Wellington against Messrs VS and VP. The claims related to various allegations regarding money and chattels but failed except in relation to the wrongful detention of some chattels for which damages were awarded. [3] According to Mr VS (letter to NZLS, 3 March 2011): 2 “D...

  3. 2023 October FV Provider Update [pdf, 135 KB]

    ...concern at as well as through their local police family violence co-ordinator. Oranga Tamariki must also be notified if there is perceived risk to a protected child. Concerns must be about new or escalating behaviour or information not contained in the original Protection Order or court referral documents. Victims should be encouraged to report all breaches to the Police, who may then decide to charge the respondent. Charges will be dealt with in the Criminal Co...

  4. HU & DU v I Ltd & CJ Ltd [2024] NZDT 598 (9 August 2024) [pdf, 232 KB]

    ...the vehicle that have different circumferences cause strain on AWD system and can lead to failure of the AWD (transmission) system. HU and DU were unaware it was necessary to replace all four tyres when any tyre need to be replaced. They have requested the Tribunal to order compensation from I Ltd and CJ Ltd. Did I Ltd mislead the applicants regarding replacement tyres for the AWD vehicle? 2. Section 10 of the Fair Trading Act 1986 provides that “no person shall, in trade, e...

  5. WO v KU [2021] NZDT 1676 (20 December 2021) [pdf, 201 KB]

    CI0301_CIV_DCDT_Order Page 1 of 4 (Disputes Tribunal Act 1988) ORDER OF DISPUTES TRIBUNAL District Court [2021] NZDT 1676 APPLICANT WO RESPONDENT KU The Tribunal orders: WO’s claim against KU is dismissed. Reasons 1. WO and KU met in December 2018 and commenced a romantic relationship. On 28 March 2019 they started living together in a de facto relationship. Whilst living together, they shared their daily financial responsibilit...

  6. [2019] NZEmpC 146 Alkazaz v Asparona Ltd [pdf, 220 KB]

    ...outcome of the challenges.3 He has made such payment. [3] The grounds upon which Deloittes seek the order for security for costs are: (a) Mr Alkazaz does not live in New Zealand. (b) It is not clear where he lives. (c) Mr Alkazaz’s claims are without merit. (d) The amount of security sought is appropriate in view of the likely costs which would be awarded to Deloittes if successful in defending the challenges, the estimated duration of the trial of four days and the o...

  7. [2007] NZEmpC AC 36/07 Bank of New Zealand v Trotter & Anor [pdf, 36 KB]

    BNZ V TROTTER AND ANOR AK AC 36/07 18 June 2007 IN THE EMPLOYMENT COURT AUCKLAND AC 36/07 ARC 68/06 ARC 69/06 IN THE MATTER OF an application for discovery BETWEEN BANK OF NEW ZEALAND Plaintiff AND JASON TROTTER Defendant in ARC 68/06 AND STEPHEN PARKINSON Defendant in ARC 69/06 Hearing: 14 June 2007 (Heard at Auckland) Appearances: Mr S Langton and Ms A K McLean, counsel for plaintiff Mr W J Coyle, counsel for defendants Judgment: 18 June 200...

  8. Black & Anor as Trustees for Lyn Black Family Trust v KW & KR Gutsell Building Ltd [pdf, 186 KB]

    ...Industries Ltd 36 7. CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE 37 7.8 BETTERMENT 41 8. CONTRIBUTION BETWEEN PARTIES 43 9. COSTS 47 10. ORDERS 48 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 On 9 January 2003 the Claimant made application to the Weathertight Homes Resolution Service (“WHRS”) under the Weathertight Homes Resolution Services Act 2002 (the Act) in respect of their property at 5A Kepler Place, Te Anau. * correction made 26.9.2006 2 Claim 6...

  9. 24 unit owners of Shed 24 Princess Wharf, 143 Quay Street [2013] NZWHT Auckland 13 [pdf, 89 KB]

    1 [2013] NZWHT AUCKLAND 13 UNDER the Weathertight Homes Resolution Services Act 2006 IN THE MATTER of a reconsideration of the Chief Executive’s decision under section 49 CLAIM NO. 6990 to 7013: 24 unit owners of Shed 24 Princess Wharf, 143 Quay Street ELIGIBILITY DECISION OF THE CHAIR OF THE WEATHERTIGHT HOMES TRIBUNAL The Claim [1] Shed 24, Princess Wharf is a nine level apartment complex constructed on the outer north west area of...

  10. TT v BQ [2023] NZDT 138 (4 April 2023) [pdf, 195 KB]

    CI0301_CIV_DCDT_Order Page 1 of 4 (Disputes Tribunal Act 1988) ORDER OF DISPUTES TRIBUNAL District Court [2023] NZDT 138 APPLICANT TT RESPONDENT BQ The Tribunal orders: BQ is to pay TT $6,539.00 within 28 days. [1] BQ engaged TT to do the electrical work for a house in [Suburb 1] which he, BQ, was building for himself. A dispute arose between the parties, and TT did not complete the work. TT’s claim is for $9,585.00, the value of the wor...