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Search results for claim form.

12542 items matching your search terms

  1. DN v VM [2016] NZDT 971 (19 October 2016) [pdf, 21 KB]

    IN THE DISPUTES TRIBUNAL [2016] NZDT 971 BETWEEN DN APPLICANT AND VM RESPONDENT Date of Order: 19 October 2016 Referee: Referee Brown ORDER OF THE DISPUTES TRIBUNAL The Tribunal hereby orders that the claim is dismissed. Facts [1] DN purchased a residential property from VM at an auction in December 2015. DN took possession on 5 February 2016. In May 2016 when the weather became cooler, DN tried to turn on the Bon-Air Vulcan...

  2. LCRO 125/2023 TR v HJ (28 November 2023) [pdf, 265 KB]

    ...[2023] NZLCRO 144 Ref: LCRO 125/2023 CONCERNING an application for review pursuant to section 193 of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 AND CONCERNING a decision of the [Area] Standards Committee [X] BETWEEN TR Applicant AND HJ Respondent The names and identifying details of the parties in this decision have been changed. DECISION Introduction [1] The applicant has applied for a review of a decision by the [Area] Standards Commit...

  3. Taylor v Corrections [2018] NZHRRT 35 [pdf, 308 KB]

    ...Corrections’ approach to responding to Privacy Act requests [64] The response to Mr Taylor’s request in the present case [69] Mr Arbuckle – credibility assessment and findings [71] THE REDACTION COMPLAINT – DISCUSSION [75] PERSONAL INFORMATION [78] Interpretation – text, purpose and context [78] About [83] Other interests to be balanced [86] Open texture [91] Context [92] Judicial interpretation of personal information – senior courts [106] Judicial interpretat...

  4. BC v J Ltd & M Insurance [2023] NZDT 513 (30 September 2023) [pdf, 182 KB]

    CI0301_CIV_DCDT_Order Page 1 of 5 (Disputes Tribunal Act 1988) ORDER OF DISPUTES TRIBUNAL District Court [2023] NZDT 513 APPLICANT BC RESPONDENT J Ltd SECOND RESPONDENT M Insurance The Tribunal orders: The claim is dismissed. Reasons: 1. BC’s home is situated on [City]’s peninsula, and part of his home is described as a boatshed with a slipway. The slipway was damaged in a storm and in July 2022 BC lodged a damage...

  5. [2020] NZEmpC 67 Maddigan v Director-General of Conservation [pdf, 312 KB]

    ...NEW ZEALAND CHRISTCHURCH I TE KŌTI TAKE MAHI O AOTEAROA ŌTAUTAHI [2020] NZEmpC 67 EMPC 349/2018 IN THE MATTER OF a challenge to a determination of the Employment Relations Authority AND IN THE MATTER OF an application for costs BETWEEN FRASER MADDIGAN Plaintiff AND DIRECTOR-GENERAL OF CONSERVATION Defendant Hearing: On the papers Appearances: Plaintiff in person K Radich, counsel for defendant...

  6. TM & YM v K Ltd [2024] NZDT 608 (6 June 2024) [pdf, 138 KB]

    ...(Disputes Tribunal Act 1988) ORDER OF DISPUTES TRIBUNAL [2024] NZDT 608 APPLICANT TM APPLICANT YM RESPONDENT K Ltd The Tribunal orders: 1. K Ltd are to pay $15,000.00 to TM and YM. Reasons 1. The applicants purchased a kitchen from the respondent pursuant to a contract dated 17th January 2023. The kitchen was installed in April 2023. 2. The applicants claim that the respondent described the kitchen as being as solid wood but that they...

  7. SC v QS [2022] NZDT 68 (3 May 2022) [pdf, 485 KB]

    CI0301_CIV_DCDT_Order Page 1 of 6 (Disputes Tribunal Act 1988) ORDER OF DISPUTES TRIBUNAL District Court [2022] NZDT 68 APPLICANT SC RESPONDENT QS The Tribunal orders: The claim is dismissed. Reasons: 1. SC saw a car advertised for sale on Trade Me. The owner of the vehicle was DC. DC was moving overseas and so her friend, QS, completed the transaction for her. QS owns Q Automotive, and the car was located near the workshop...

  8. Wai 3300 2.6.027 Memorandum directions of Chief Judge Dr C L Fox addressing matters concerning the wānanga ā-rohe phase [pdf, 497 KB]

    ...Kaupapa Inquiry MEMORANDUM-DIRECTIONS OF CHIEF JUDGE DR C L FOX ADDRESSING MATTERS CONCERNING THE WĀNANGA Ā-ROHE PHASE 30 Whiringa-ā-Nuku 2024 Wai 3300, #2.6.27 TEOFILH New Stamp Purpose 1. This memorandum-directions addresses several claimant memoranda filed in response to my directions commencing the wānanga ā-rohe phase for the Tomokia ngā tatau o Matangireia – the Constitutional Kaupapa Inquiry (Wai 3300). Procedural background Commencement of wānanga ā-rohe...

  9. B Ltd v IX [2019] NZDT 1392 (6 September 2019) [pdf, 213 KB]

    ...prevented the proper decision from being made: for example, the relevant information was not available or a mistake was made. If you wish to apply for a rehearing, you can apply online, download a form from the Disputes Tribunal website or obtain an application form from any Tribunal office. The application must be lodged within 28 days of the decision having been made. If you are outside of time, you must also fill out an Application for Rehearing Out of Time. PLEASE NOTE: A rehe...

  10. LL v XX [2023] NZDT 219 (17 May 2023) [pdf, 112 KB]

    ...after the work was done. He complained about them some months later when a dispute arose about payment. 11. I have therefore also dismissed XX’s counterclaim. Referee: T Prowse Date: 17 May 2023 Page 3 of 3 Information for Parties Rehearings You can apply for a rehearing if you believe that something prevented the proper decision from being made: for example, the relevant information was not available at the time. If you wish to apply for a rehe...