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Search results for claim form.

12542 items matching your search terms

  1. DT v T Ltd [2023] NZDT 225 (12 May 2023) [pdf, 169 KB]

    (Disputes Tribunal Act 1988) ORDER OF DISPUTES TRIBUNAL District Court [2023] NZDT 225 APPLICANT DT RESPONDENT T Ltd The Tribunal orders: DT’s claim against T Ltd is dismissed. Reasons: 1. The applicant engaged the respondent to dig a trench and provide and drainage services to it in 2019. The applicant paid the respondent a total of $17,720.36 for these services. The applicant claims that after heavy rain in June 2022 and there...

  2. [2024] NZEmpC 44 Maheta v Skybus New Zealand Ltd [pdf, 266 KB]

    ...EMPLOYMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND AUCKLAND I TE KŌTI TAKE MAHI O AOTEAROA TĀMAKI MAKAURAU [2024] NZEmpC 44 EMPC 476/2019 IN THE MATTER OF a challenge to a determination of the Employment Relations Authority AND IN THE MATTER OF applications for disclosure of documents BETWEEN DHARMENDRA MAHETA Plaintiff AND SKYBUS NEW ZEALAND LIMITED, FORMERLY AIRBUS EXPRESS LIMITED Defendant Hearing: 21 February 2024 (Heard at Christchurch via Audio...

  3. DE v FX [2017] NZDT 1381 (7 February 2017) [pdf, 199 KB]

    CI0301_CIV_DCDT_Order Page 1 of 3 (Disputes Tribunal Act 1988) ORDER OF DISPUTES TRIBUNAL District Court [2017] NZDT 1381 APPLICANT DE RESPONDENT FX The Tribunal hereby orders: FX is to pay the sum of $2,350.00 to DE on or before Tuesday 21 February 2017. Reasons: 1. DE, an artist, sublet a space from FX in a collective non-profit studio for around eleven months until 27 January 2014. When she left, she asked if she could leave two...

  4. AM v K Ltd [2024] NZDT 138 (21 March 2024) [pdf, 204 KB]

    ...something prevented the proper decision from being made: for example, the relevant information was not available at the time. If you wish to apply for a rehearing, you can apply online, download a form from the Disputes Tribunal website or obtain an application form from any Tribunal office. The application must be lodged within 20 working days of the decision having been made. If you are applying outside of the 20 working day timeframe, you must also fill out an Application for Reheari...

  5. [2017] NZEnvC 107 Li Wu v M S Holderness and Auckland Council [pdf, 2.6 MB]

    BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENT COURT Decision No. [2017] NZEnvC 107 IN THE MATTER of the Resource Management Act 1991 AND IN THE MATTER of an application for Enforcement Orders AND IN THE MATTER of an application for Costs BETWEEN C LI and E WU (ENV-2016-AKL-264) Applicants/Respondents (as to Costs) AND M and S HOLDERNESS Respondents/Applicants (as to Costs) AND AUCKLAND CITY COUNCIL Respondent Court: Environment Judge J A Smith, sitting alone pursuant to s 279 of the Resou...

  6. Adams v Easthope [2010] NZWHT Auckland 35 [pdf, 65 KB]

    ...[1] Peter and Susan Adams are the owners of a house at 3A Waikare Road, Oneroa, Waiheke Island. In 1995 they arranged for additions and alterations to the dwelling. Unfortunately those alterations leaked and so Mr and Mrs Adams lodged an application under the Weathertight Homes Resolution Services Act 2002, in December 2002. They completed the remedial work and filed proceedings in the High Court in December 2009. Those proceedings were struck out in June 2010 because they...

  7. OIA-107391.pdf [pdf, 214 KB]

    Justice Centre | 19 Aitken Street DX SX10088 | Wellington T 04 918 8800 | F 04 918 8820 | 12 October 2023 Our ref: OIA 107391 Tēnā koe Official Information Act request: Three strikes law Thank you for your email of 13 September 2023, requesting under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act), data related to the three strikes law. Specifically, you requested: I’ve just read

  8. UI & I Ltd v S Ltd & C Ltd [2023] NZDT 750 (16 December 2023) [pdf, 149 KB]

    CI0301_CIV_DCDT_Order Page 1 of 6 (Disputes Tribunal Act 1988) ORDER OF DISPUTES TRIBUNAL [2023] NZDT 750 APPLICANT UI APPLICANT I Ltd RESPONDENT S Ltd SECOND RESPONDENT C Ltd The Tribunal orders: 1. The claim by UI in his personal capacity is struck out. 2. The claim against S Ltd is dismissed. 3. The claim against C Ltd is dismissed. Reasons: 1. UI filed this claim to seek recovery of two engines he...

  9. KD v LT [2023] NZDT 317 (9 August 2023) [pdf, 93 KB]

    CI0301_CIV_DCDT_Order Page 1 of 3 (Disputes Tribunal Act 1988) ORDER OF DISPUTES TRIBUNAL District Court [2023] NZDT 317 APPLICANT KD RESPONDENT LT The Tribunal orders: LT is to pay KD $70.00 within 28 days. Reasons [1] KD bought a fridge-freezer from LT by way of [online auction]. KD says that the fridge-freezer was defective, and claims $350.00 from LT for the repair costs. [2] KD provided a copy of LT’s [online auction] advertisem...

  10. Fehling v Ministry of Health (Strike-Out of Second Defendant) [2016] NZHRRT 29 [pdf, 107 KB]

    ...Mr RK Musuku, Member REPRESENTATION: Mr FJ Fehling in person Ms N Bailey for first defendant Mr GM Brogden for second defendant DATE OF HEARING: Heard on the papers DATE OF DECISION: 17 August 2016 DECISION OF TRIBUNAL DISMISSING CLAIM AGAINST SECOND DEFENDANT1 [1] In this decision the Tribunal sets out its reasons for dismissing Mr Fehling’s claim against the West Coast District Health Board (WCDHB). The claim against the Ministry of Health is not affected....