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Search results for claim form.

12542 items matching your search terms

  1. [2022] NZACC 204 — Foster v ACC (1 November 2022) [pdf, 115 KB]

    ...Respondent Judgment: 1 November 2022 Appearances: Ms Koloni for the Appellant Mr P McBride for the Respondent ____________________________________________________________________ JUDGMENT OF JUDGE C J McGUIRE [Dismissing Claim for Costs] ____________________________________________________________________ [1] In this appeal Ms Koloni has claimed costs in respect of what were termed review applications. This appeal therefore did not relate to any issue of entit...

  2. [2024] NZEmpC 76 Al-Bustanji and Jenner v Corrections Association of New Zealand Inc  [pdf, 257 KB]

    ...AND GLEN JENNER Second Applicant AND CORRECTIONS ASSOCIATION OF NEW ZEALAND INCORPORATED Respondent Hearing: 9 May 2024 (Heard at Auckland) Appearances: M O’Flaherty, counsel, and A Little, advocate for applicants JM Roberts and K Kleingeld, counsel for respondent Judgment: 13 May 2024 INTERLOCUTORY JUDGMENT OF JUDGE KATHRYN BECK (Application for interim injunction) [1] These proceedings involve an application for judicial...

  3. OLL v NJK [2013] NZIACDT 34 (30 May 2013) [pdf, 127 KB]

    ...with all the issues. 3 [12.4] In support of the lack of time pressure, Mr NJK produced a letter to Ms OLL regarding concessions to allow people affected by earthquakes to change where they were studying. [12.5] He could lodge the application on 16 May 2011, and it would result in the issue of an interim visa. [12.6] Ms OLL had support persons with her at the meeting with Mr NJK. They raised the question of whether it was true that an interim visa would not be issued i...

  4. DT v CI Ltd & QI Ltd [2023] NZDT 261 (24 March 2023) [pdf, 83 KB]

    ...RESPONDENT QI Ltd The Tribunal orders: 1. The claim is adjourned. 2. The matter is to be set down before me on the next available day at 1:30pm. Reasons 1. Following the hearing on 3 March 2023 DT resubmitted all the information was she had provided for her claim. She had provided it in January but it did not get to the file by the time of the hearing into the [court]. It was a bundle of documents in support of her submission. I have now received and...

  5. [2012] NZEmpC 75 Fuqiang Yu v Xin Li and Symbol Spreading Ltd [pdf, 48 KB]

    ...SYMBOL SPREADING LTD NZEmpC WN [2012] NZEmpC 75 [3 May 2012] IN THE EMPLOYMENT COURT WELLINGTON [2012] NZEmpC 75 WRC 30/11 IN THE MATTER OF a challenge to a determination of the Employment Relations Authority AND IN THE MATTER OF an application for an extension of time BETWEEN FUQIANG (JAMES) YU Plaintiff AND XIN (BILL) LI AND SYMBOL SPREADING LTD Defendant Hearing: (on the papers) Judgment: 3 May 2012 INTERLOCUTORY JUDGMENT OF JUDGE A...

  6. LCRO 154/2023 FH and NH v WA, BF and DT Limited (28 February 2024) [pdf, 347 KB]

    LEGAL COMPLAINTS REVIEW OFFICER ĀPIHA AROTAKE AMUAMU Ā-TURE [2024] NZLCRO 013 Ref: LCRO 154/2023 CONCERNING an application for review pursuant to section 193 of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 AND CONCERNING a decision of the [Area] Standards Committee [X] BETWEEN FH and NH Applicants AND WA, BF and DT LIMITED Respondents DECISION The names and identifying details of the parties in this decision have been changed. Introd...

  7. N Ltd v SH [2023] NZDT 295 (24 May 2023) [pdf, 126 KB]

    CI0301_CIV_DCDT_Order Page 1 of 4 (Disputes Tribunal Act 1988) ORDER OF DISPUTES TRIBUNAL District Court [2023] NZDT 295 APPLICANT N Ltd RESPONDENT SH The Tribunal orders: 1. SH is to pay N Ltd $1,670.70 within 30 days of the date of this Order. SH’s counterclaim is dismissed. Reasons: 2. On Dec 2 2021, SH entered into a contract for services with N Ltd for the provision of a 32 cubic meter truck and two movers at $12...

  8. Guidelines for Settlement Conferences [pdf, 216 KB]

    ...Conferences Settlement conferences are a useful and effective tool for resolving disputes in the CEIT. Settlement conferences allow for open and frank discussion to be had about the issues in dispute. The aim is to try and reach an agreement on how the claim can be resolved. Settlement conferences are confidential; what is said at a settlement conference cannot be referred to again outside of the conference. The process is “without prejudice” meaning that if you (or another party) m...

  9. Hemana - Rotopounamu 1B3A2C (2019) 77 Tākitimu MB 220 (77 TKT 220) [pdf, 380 KB]

    ...ratification/confirmation of the recorded outcome of the meeting of 25 August 2018 from the Owners as below: (i) That the letting allocation process be halted. (ii) That the following confirmation process is to be conducted by the Trustee: ▪ Circulate this application and resend the minutes of the owners meeting of 25 August to the owners (through the normal means of communication- email), to seek reaffirmation of the outcomes relating to the “Tenancy Kaupapa – housing...

  10. Te Manutukutuku Issue 8 [pdf, 2.4 MB]

    ...Tribunal said it was important to remember that Ngai Tahu's major grievances were first made last century, but despite repeated approaches to successive governments the Crown failed to respond adequately. The long and complex nature of the claims is reflected in the size of the three-volume report, but the Tribunal stresses that no section should be taken in isolation and that the report needs to be examined in full to gain a proper perspective. The Ngai Tahu report is available...