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Search results for claim form.

12542 items matching your search terms

  1. LU v C Ltd [2023] NZDT 182 (25 June 2023) [pdf, 211 KB]

    CI0301_CIV_DCDT_Order Page 1 of 5 (Disputes Tribunal Act 1988) ORDER OF DISPUTES TRIBUNAL District Court [2023] NZDT 182 APPLICANT LU RESPONDENT C Ltd The Tribunal orders: Both claims are dismissed. Reasons 1. LU engaged C Ltd to carry out decking work at her property in [Address]. Some extra work was agreed to during the build. The invoice ($13,028.10) was more than LU expected and she arranged to pay it by instalments. After pay...

  2. Jang v Tse [pdf, 92 KB]

    Claim No: 0677 Under the Weathertight Homes Resolution Services Act 2002 In the matter of an adjudication claim Between Hyun Hwa Jang Claimant And Kam Po Tse First respondent And Qixing Mo Second respondent And Deng Donglin Third respondent Determination July 2006 1. Index 1. Index 1 2. Summary 1 3. The Adjudication Claim 2 4. The Dwellinghouse 3 5. The Claim 4 6. Causation 5 7. First Respondent – Kam P...

  3. DI v Trustee X [2022] NZDT 114 (8 August 2022) [pdf, 125 KB]

    ...dispute is that two of the trustees deny having any knowledge of the loan, but CJ and DI, together with their son who is a trustee, state that the Trust is legally obliged to repay the loan. The burden of proof in a civil claim is on CJ and DI, as the applicants, to prove that, on the balance of probabilities, they entered into a contract with the Q Trust to loan it money that it agreed to repay on demand. 9. CJ said his solicitor made no record of the money being advanced as a loan...

  4. KOK Ltd v MXL Ltd [2020] NZDT 1503 (31 August 2020) [pdf, 127 KB]

    CI0301_CIV_DCDT_Order Page 1 of 6 (Disputes Tribunal Act 1988) ORDER OF DISPUTES TRIBUNAL District Court [2020] NZDT 1503 APPLICANT (respondent in counterclaim) KOK Limited RESPONDENT (applicant in counterclaim) MXL Limited The Tribunal hereby orders: MXL Limited is to pay KOK Limited $3,770.28 by Friday 25 September 2020. Reasons 1. The claims arise from a sublease between KOK Limited (KOK) and MXL Limited (MXL). B...

  5. Keen v Corrections (Extension of Time) [2023] NZHRRT 17 [pdf, 85 KB]

    ...REPRESENTATION: Ms A Hill for plaintiff Mr J Williams for defendant DATE OF HEARING: Heard on the papers DATE OF DECISION: 19 June 2023 DECISION OF TRIBUNAL REGARDING EXTENSION OF TIME1 [1] On 2 May 2023 Mr Keen’s claim against the Department of Corrections (Corrections) was served by post on Corrections. [2] Regulation 15(1) of the Human Rights Review Tribunal Regulations 2002 required the statement of reply to be filed by 9 June 2023, being 22 working...

  6. Buck [2010] NZWHT Auckland 34 [pdf, 89 KB]

    ...Section 49 of the Act provides that a claimant may apply to the Chair seeking a review of a decision that their claim does not comply with the eligibility criteria within 20 working days of receiving notice of the decision. On receiving such an application I must decide whether or not the claim meets the eligibility criteria. [4] I have considered the following documents in conducting my review: The application for review and attached information. The assessor’s report...

  7. BI v YR Inc [2013] NZDT 439 (25 October 2013) [pdf, 13 KB]

    IN THE DISPUTES TRIBUNAL [2013] NZDT 439 BETWEEN BI APPLICANT AND YR INCORPORATED RESPONDENT Date of Order: 25 October 2013 Referee: Referee Perfect ORDER OF THE DISPUTES TRIBUNAL The Tribunal hereby orders that the matter is struck out for lack of jurisdiction. Reasons [1] The Tribunal does not have jurisdiction to hear matters relating to Body Corporate levies because they are considered to be “money due under an enactment”...

  8. 2022 archive item COVID-19 Protection Framework traffic light system – Update (19/4/2022) Web2text system is currently experiencing issues receiving text message replies Free Communication Assistance Forum for lawyers – 13 April 2022 The RSU Confirmation of claim form is no longer required in support of an LA application for first refugee/protected person claim Changes to the COVID-19 Protection Framework in the courts and tribunals Additional wait time can be claimed by legal aid providers required...

  9. XK v Q Ltd & KT [2023] NZDT 720 (14 December 2023) [pdf, 196 KB]

    ...something prevented the proper decision from being made: for example, the relevant information was not available at the time. If you wish to apply for a rehearing, you can apply online, download a form from the Disputes Tribunal website or obtain an application form from any Tribunal office. The application must be lodged within 20 working days of the decision having been made. If you are applying outside of the 20 working day timeframe, you must also fill out an Application for Reheari...

  10. DS v VH Ltd [2016] NZDT 898 (11 February 2016) [pdf, 24 KB]

    IN THE DISPUTES TRIBUNAL [2016] NZDT 898 BETWEEN DS APPLICANT AND VH LIMITED RESPONDENT Date of Order: 11 February 2016 Referee: Referee Perfect ORDER OF THE DISPUTES TRIBUNAL The Tribunal hereby orders that the claim is dismissed. Facts [1] DS wished to purchase a car to convert to a taxi, so in August 2014 he test-drove a car for sale from the yard of VH Limited ('VH'). He took it to his friend's mechanical w...