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Search results for claim form.

12541 items matching your search terms

  1. DC v F Ltd [2024] NZDT 247 (7 March 2024) [pdf, 122 KB]

    CI0301_CIV_DCDT_Order Page 1 of 3 (Disputes Tribunal Act 1988) ORDER OF DISPUTES TRIBUNAL [2024] NZDT 247 APPLICANT DC RESPONDENT F Ltd The Tribunal orders: The claim is dismissed. Reasons 1. Around February 2018 F Ltd provided a pre-purchase inspection to DC for a property at [address] that she was interested in purchasing. DC purchased that property, she says on the basis that F Ltd had told her the property was a dry, well-built hous...

  2. OU v H Ltd [2024] NZDT 264 (14 February 2024) [pdf, 171 KB]

    CI0301_CIV_DCDT_Order Page 1 of 3 (Disputes Tribunal Act 1988) ORDER OF DISPUTES TRIBUNAL [2024] NZDT 264 APPLICANT OU RESPONDENT H Ltd The Tribunal orders: The claim is dismissed. Reasons 1. In August 2023, OU bought two tickets through [ticket company] for “[concert]” in [city] on [date], for $356.30 (which included afterpay fees). However, [city council] advertised a special price of $99.00 for the tickets, in a rates notice o...

  3. BW v HN [2024] NZDT 296 (30 April 2024) [pdf, 91 KB]

    CI0301_CIV_DCDT_Order Page 1 of 3 (Disputes Tribunal Act 1988) ORDER OF DISPUTES TRIBUNAL [2024] NZDT 296 APPLICANT BW RESPONDENT HN APPLICANT'S INSURER B Ltd The Tribunal orders: The claim is dismissed. Reasons: 1. On 30 November 2022 BW and HN were involved in a collision in the [community centre] carpark. An event at the community centre had just finished, and multiple cars were leaving the car park. BW...

  4. LG v C Ltd [2024] NZDT 518 (22 July 2024) [pdf, 178 KB]

    (Disputes Tribunal Act 1988) ORDER OF DISPUTES TRIBUNAL [2024] NZDT 518 APPLICANT LG RESPONDENT C Ltd The Tribunal orders: 1. The claim is dismissed. 2. The intituling of this order has been amended to correct the address of the respondent. That correction has been made, but no other changes have been made to the reasons for the decision. Reasons: 1. C Ltd operates a business leasing shipping containers on its land to be used...

  5. T v Mudaliar [2015] NZIACDT 79 (06 August 2015) [pdf, 241 KB]

    ...where the applicant worked. He explained the discrepancies in terms of typing errors, the employer’s limited English language skills, and said the relevant ANZSCO Unit Group 4116 (411611 Massage Therapist) was consistent with beauty services. He claimed many tasks in the Massage Therapist description did not relate to “any form of therapeutic massage”. He concluded “as a massage therapist our client performs the duties of both a beauty and massage therapist”. [5.8] Immigration...

  6. Green and Green v IT (Reinstatement of Second Plaintiff) [2016] NZHRRT 39 [pdf, 253 KB]

    ...regulations made under this Act, to— (a) enable the defendant to understand the proceeding; and (b) give evidence if the defendant elects to do so. (2) Communication assistance may be provided to a defendant in a criminal proceeding on the application of the defendant in the proceeding or on the initiative of the Judge. (3) A witness in a civil or criminal proceeding is entitled to communication assistance in accordance with this section and any regulations made under this Act to...

  7. [2022] NZACC 34 – Smith v ACC (10 March 2022) [pdf, 269 KB]

    ...COMPENSATION CORPORATION Respondent Hearing: 25 February 2022 Held at: Dunedin/Ōtepoti Appearances: The appellant represented himself C Light for the respondent Judgment: 10 March 2022 RESERVED JUDGMENT OF JUDGE P R SPILLER [Claim for mental injury - s 26(1)(c), Accident Compensation Act 2001] Introduction [1] This is an appeal from the decision of a Reviewer dated 18 December 2017. The Reviewer dismissed an application for review of the Corporation€...

  8. HI v TN [2022] NZDT 53 (11 January 2022) [pdf, 200 KB]

    CI0301_CIV_DCDT_Order Page 1 of 4 (Disputes Tribunal Act 1988) ORDER OF DISPUTES TRIBUNAL District Court [2022] NZDT 53 APPLICANT HI RESPONDENT TN The Tribunal orders: The claim is dismissed. Reasons [1] HI purchased from TN a 2004 Ford Falcon which, HI claims, was found after the sale to have substantial defects. HI alleges that TN misrepresented the condition of the vehicle, and claims compensation for repairs and resulting...

  9. KB v KP [2023] NZDT 184 (13 June 2023) [pdf, 104 KB]

    CI0301_CIV_DCDT_Order Page 1 of 4 (Disputes Tribunal Act 1988) ORDER OF DISPUTES TRIBUNAL District Court [2023] NZDT 184 APPLICANT KB RESPONDENT KP The Tribunal orders: 1. KP is to pay KB $7,700.00 on or before 21 July 2023. 2. U are requested to release the [electric mountain bike] to KB on production of a copy of this order. 3. Once KP has paid the $7,700.00 to KB, KP may arrange to collect the bike from KB. Reasons: 1. K...

  10. Hawke v ACC [2013] NZACA 5 [pdf, 86 KB]

    ...[2012] NZACA 11; Stewart v ACC [2012] NZACA 14; and Chalecki v ACC [2012] NZACA 15 &16; all decisions and review decisions were made under the 2001 Act and the right of appeal given to the District Court. Judge Beattie refused the Corporation’s request to transfer Chalecki out of the Authority because irrespective of the Act applied by the Corporation or 5 [15] With respect to questions of law, the principles extracted from the relevant authorities summarised by Cadenhea...