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Search results for claim form.

12535 items matching your search terms

  1. [2022] NZIACDT 11 - BU v McCarthy (18 May 2022) [pdf, 193 KB]

    ...daughter-in-law, MT, was in New Zealand unlawfully. Mr McCarthy was engaged to assist the complainant’s daughter-in-law and there was a discussion as to a s 61 request for her.1 Mr McCarthy took money from the complainant and represented that such an application had been made, but in fact he made no request. [2] A complaint was made to the Immigration Advisers Authority (the Authority). The Registrar of Immigration Advisers (the Registrar) has referred it to the Tribunal allegi...

  2. Te Manutukutuku Issue 32 [pdf, 5.1 MB]

    ...whiiwhii/Haratua 1995 Number 32 April/May 1995 Ngai Tahu Claim Investigation Ends with Release of Report A recentlY released Waitangi Tribunal report brings to a conclusion the Tribunal investigation into the Ngai Tahu claim . . The Ngai Tahu Ancillary Claims Report 1995 confirms findings made in an earlier 1991 Tribunal report that the Crown had breached its Treaty obligations. This had occurred during the period 1844-1864 by the Crown failing to set aside sufficient la...

  3. [2008] NZEmpC AC 5/08 Skinner & Anor v Stayinfront Inc & Ors [pdf, 33 KB]

    ...Plaintiffs Rob Towner, Counsel for the defendant Judgment: 19 March 2008 JUDGMENT OF JUDGE C M SHAW [1] This judgment concerns strike out applications made by the defendant. Background [2] When the plaintiffs filed personal grievance claims in the Employment Relations Authority, the defendant raised the preliminary question of whether final and binding settlements they had entered into at the end of their employment in 2002 amounted to accord and satisfactio...

  4. [2020] NZEmpC 187 Coetzee v Oamaru Meats Ltd [pdf, 165 KB]

    ...COETZEE v OAMARU MEATS LIMITED [2020] NZEmpC 187 [10 November 2020] IN THE EMPLOYMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND CHRISTCHURCH I TE KŌTI TAKE MAHI O AOTEAROA ŌTAUTAHI [2020] NZEmpC 187 EMPC 326/2020 IN THE MATTER OF an application to extend time to challenge a determination of the Employment Relations Authority BETWEEN VERNON COETZEE Applicant AND OAMARU MEATS LIMITED Respondent Hearing: On the papers Appearances:...

  5. AODT Court Operational Policy 2024 v3.02.pdf [pdf, 333 KB]

    ........................................................................................ 6 AODT defence lawyers ............................................................................................................................................ 7 Applications for a criminal legal aid grant ................................................................................................................... 8 Assignment of AODT legal aid grants ..............................................

  6. MS Ltd v CD [2023] NZDT 133 (11 May 2023) [pdf, 141 KB]

    ...Conclusion 15. As MS Ltd has proven it is entitled to be compensated for the total amount of $4,051.35 an order is made for that sum. Referee: K Cowie DTR Date: 11 May 2023 CI0301_CIV_DCDT_Order Page 4 of 4 Information for Parties Rehearings You can apply for a rehearing if you believe that something prevented the proper decision from being made: for example, the relevant information was not available at the time. If you wish to apply for a rehe...

  7. KG v M Ltd [2023] NZDT 627 (1 November 2023) [pdf, 267 KB]

    CI0301_CIV_DCDT_Order Page 1 of 4 (Disputes Tribunal Act 1988) ORDER OF DISPUTES TRIBUNAL [2023] NZDT 627 APPLICANT KG RESPONDENT M Ltd The Tribunal orders: M Ltd is to pay $300.00 to KG by 20 November 2023. Reasons Did M Ltd fail to provide a moving service it promised? 1. KG contracted M Ltd to carry her household goods from [city] to [town]. She was needing to give vacant possession for the property she was leaving and expe...

  8. [2020] NZEmpC 137 Sinton v Coatesville Motors 2013 Ltd [pdf, 145 KB]

    ...On the papers Appearances: P Mathews, advocate for plaintiff P McBride, counsel for defendant Judgment: 2 September 2020 INTERLOCUTORY JUDGMENT OF JUDGE KATHRYN BECK (Objection to jurisdiction) [1] This is an application to determine the scope of the challenge that is before the Court. [2] The plaintiff has filed a statement of claim challenging the whole of the determination of the Employment Relations Authority.1 [3] In his statement of claim...

  9. Head Heights Ltd [2011] NZWHT Auckland 6 [pdf, 87 KB]

    ...Section 49 of the Act provides that a claimant may apply to the Chair seeking a review of a decision that their claim does not comply with the eligibility criteria within 20 working days of receiving notice of the decision. On receiving such an application I must decide whether or not the claim meets the eligibility criteria. [4] I have considered the following documents in conducting my review: The application for review and attached information filed on 21 December 2010....

  10. Lee & Anor [2011] NZWHT Auckland 9 [pdf, 81 KB]

    1 [2011] NZWHT AUCKLAND 9 UNDER the Weathertight Homes Resolution Services Act 2006 IN THE MATTER of a reconsideration of the Chief Executive’s decision under section 49 CLAIM NO. 6422: DENNIS LEE AND SANDRA HOCKINGS-LEE – 15A SYLVANIA CRESCENT, LYNFIELD ELIGIBILITY DECISION OF THE CHAIR OF THE WEATHERTIGHT HOMES TRIBUNAL The Claim [1] Dennis Lee and Sandra Hockings-Lee are the owners of a leaky home. They filed a claim under sect...