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Search results for claim form.

12730 items matching your search terms

  1. BD & NL v CM Ltd t-a HD [2021] NZDT 1669 (14 October 2021) [pdf, 277 KB]

    ...ownership of BD and NL and they may dispose if it as they see fit. Background 1. CM Limited (“CM”) trades as ‘HD’ and is owned and operated by HI. HI is the sole shareholder and director of CM. NL and BD (together referred to as “the Applicants”) were interested in purchasing a [type] cooker for their home at [address]. They wanted a cooker that they could cook in and on top of, heat the house, and heat their hot water via a wet-back. On 23 February 2019, they met HI of...

  2. DI v NI [2022] NZDT 251 (5 December 2022) [pdf, 214 KB]

    CI0301_CIV_DCDT_Order Page 1 of 4 (Disputes Tribunal Act 1988) ORDER OF DISPUTES TRIBUNAL District Court [2022] NZDT 251 APPLICANT DI RESPONDENT NI SECOND RESPONDENT TF The Tribunal orders: The claim is dismissed. Reasons: 1. NI and TF invited DI, NI’s brother, to move onto their rural property with his daughters at the start of covid lockdown. 2. The arrangement they made was that DI would build accommo...

  3. QD v TS [2024] NZDT 124 (13 February 2024) [pdf, 191 KB]

    CI0301_CIV_DCDT_Order Page 1 of 3 (Disputes Tribunal Act 1988) ORDER OF DISPUTES TRIBUNAL [2024] NZDT 124 APPLICANT QD RESPONDENT TS The Tribunal orders: The application is struck out. Summary of Reasons: [1] The applicant appeared at hearing and confirmed that he was seeking reimbursement of money he claims he paid for immigration services on the respondent’s behalf. The applicant also confirmed that he was the respondent’s employer...

  4. [2019] NZEmpC 57 Cornish Truck & Van Ltd v Gildenhuys [pdf, 235 KB]

    ...ZEALAND AUCKLAND I TE KŌTI TAKE MAHI O AOTEAROA TĀMAKI MAKAURAU [2019] NZEmpC 57 EMPC 127/2018 IN THE MATTER OF a challenge to a determination of the Employment Relations Authority AND IN THE MATTER OF an application for costs BETWEEN CORNISH TRUCK & VAN LIMITED Plaintiff AND BURGERT GILDENHUYS Defendant Hearing: On the papers Appearances: M McGoldrick, counsel for plaintiff D Vinnicombe, a...

  5. G Transport v D Autos Ltd [2023] NZDT 689 (7 December 2023) [pdf, 175 KB]

    CI0301_CIV_DCDT_Order Page 1 of 3 (Disputes Tribunal Act 1988) ORDER OF DISPUTES TRIBUNAL [2023] NZDT 689 APPLICANT G Transport Ltd RESPONDENT D Autos Ltd The Tribunal orders: D Autos is to pay directly to G Transport the sum of $10,275.76 on or before 31 January 2024. Summary of Reasons: [1] The hearing was convened by teleconference. Both parties appeared at the hearing. [2] The applicant seeks a refund of a $10,275.76 deposit...

  6. BM & KM v L Ltd [2024] NZDT 475 (27 May 2024) [pdf, 180 KB]

    ...APPLICANT BM APPLICANT KM RESPONDENT L Ltd The Tribunal orders: L Ltd is ordered to pay BM and KM the sum of $30,000.00. Payment of this sum is ordered no later than 21 June 2024. Reasons: 1) In 2022 the applicants arranged for the respondent to remove their existing driveway and replace that. The applicants say that “within days of the new driveway being laid large parts of it failed.” The respondent returned and replaced about 2/3 of the dr...

  7. PDLA Operational Policy v3.1 [pdf, 350 KB]

    ... iii Contents Police Detention Legal Assistance Service 4 Introduction 4 Authority for the service 4 Responsibilities of PDLA providers 4 PDLA services 4 Attendance 4 Duties 5 Obtaining PDLA approval 5 Application 5 Experience and competence requirements 5 Approval 5 Rosters and lists 6 Legal aid case assignment as a result of PDLA 6 An exception to PAL 1 and 2 rotational assignments 6 Travel 7 Submitting invoices 7 Forms 7...

  8. Family Legal Advice Service Operational Policy v1.9 September 2023 [pdf, 927 KB]

    ...of the Family Legal Advice Service (FLAS) which was established to enable the provision of initial advice and information for eligible parties disputing arrangements involving the care of their children. This service is one of the family justice reforms introduced in 2014 following a review of the Family Court. Family justice system The reforms to the family justice system were designed to encourage, support, and inform less adversarial resolution of Care of Children Act 2004 (CoCA) di...

  9. LD v TP [2024] NZDT 368 (4 June 2024) [pdf, 236 KB]

    CI0301_CIV_DCDT_Order Page 1 of 4 (Disputes Tribunal Act 1988) ORDER OF DISPUTES TRIBUNAL [2024] NZDT 368 APPLICANT LD RESPONDENT TP The Tribunal orders: Application dismissed. Reasons 1. The applicant is claiming the sum of $1,286.46 from the respondent for educational advocacy and decluttering services (see invoice). Education advocacy 2. The applicant is in business as an educational advocate. 3. She would for example, offer h...