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Search results for claim form.

12493 items matching your search terms

  1. CJARS - claim form [pdf, 322 KB]

    For more information visit Criminal Justice Assistance Reimbursement Scheme Z Page 1 For more information visit CJARS 06/09 - 1 Claim Form What is this form for? Use this ‘Claim Form’ if you are: • A witness or you assisted in the administration of justice. For example: • You reported a crime or gave information to the police in a criminal case that is punishable by imprisonment; and • you suf...

  2. DT form 7 - request to enforce work order [pdf, 770 KB]

    For more information visit Disputes Tribunal Z Page 1 For more information visit DT 07/11 - 7 Form 7: Request to Enforce Work Order What is this form for? Use this form to make a request for the enforcement of a work order. Completing and 1. Fill in all sections below. this form submitting 2. Print in caPiTal leTTers. 3. check, before submitting this form, that it is complete and that you have signed and dated it. 4....

  3. Jury service forms

    On this page: Jury summons response form Expenses claim form Jury summons response form To fill out and send the response form, you have three options: Online form PDF form Paper form 1. Fill in the online form You can now accept your summons online: I will attend jury service form 2. Fill in a PDF form and email it to the court Fill in one of these forms: Response to jury summons Fill in this form if you haven’t put off (deferred) your jury service in the last year. Or Response to jury su...

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  4. Documents - prescribed forms and templates

    You can submit this file type electronically and pay any associated fee through  File and Pay. On this page: General requirements Prescribed forms and templates This section outlines general requirements for all forms filed in the High Court. General requirements All documents filed in the High Court should include (if known): the name and place of the court where your criminal proceeding will be heard; the CRI and CRN; the names of the prosecutor and yourself, as the person conducting

  5. Civil enforcement forms

    Civil enforcement forms for creditors, debtors and third parties. If you are a creditor applying for enforcement against more than one debtor, you must complete an application for each debtor. Form/s Who can use it This form allows you to Notice to complete financial statement A creditor Ask the debtor to complete a financial statement. Find out about financial statements Application for attachment order A creditor or debtor Ask the court to order regular payments from the debt...

  6. How to make a claim

    ...Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). On this page: Before you start Apply to the tribunal How much does it cost Before you start You should read the Chairs’ Directions which outline the procedures and legal requirements for making an application. Claims over $20k for a house - Chair's direction Claims for a multi-unit - Chair's direction Claims under $20k - Chair's direction How claims will be managed - Chair's direction Code of conduct for expert witnesses - Chair's dire...

  7. DT form 4 example - claim acknowledgement from applicant's insurer [pdf, 889 KB]

    For more information visit Disputes Tribunal Z Z Z Page 1 For more information visit DT 07/11 - 4 What is this form for? Use this form if you (the applicant) have been, are entitled to be, or have sought to be, indemnified (that is, compensated) by your insurer for any loss caused by or arising out of the act, omission, or event on which your Disputes Tribunal claim is based, and your insurer wishes to waive notice of procee...

  8. Individual compensation claims

    Information about some compensation claims has been publicly released. Alan Hall A Tyson Redman Teina Pora Aaron Lance Farmer Phillip Johnston and Jaden Knight David Bain Alan Hall In 1986, Alan Hall was convicted of murder and intentional wounding and spent almost 18 years in prison and just under 18 years on parole.  In 2022, the Supreme Court quashed his convictions and directed that verdicts of acquittal be entered.  Mr Hall received a total payment of $4,933,725.75 in compensati...

  9. EMPC Form 2B - Request to serve overseas party [doc, 31 KB]

    Form 2B Request for service overseas Schedule 3, clause 5A, Employment Relations Act 2000 In the Employment Court No: / Registry Request for service overseas Between [full name] of [address] Plaintiff And [full name] of [address] Defendant To the Registrar Employment Court at ……………………………….. [place] Request for service overseas I request that the statement of claim in these procee...

  10. Documents - prescribed forms & useful templates

    You can submit this file type electronically and pay any associated fee through  File and Pay. Many documents filed in the High Court must be set out in a certain way (a 'prescribed form'). Some documents (such as a statement of claim or notice of appeal) do not. The information below (broken down by document type) provides links to prescribed forms (if one exists) or templates (if there is no prescribed form). On this page: General requirements for documents filed in the High Court Notice...