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Search results for claim form.

12542 items matching your search terms

  1. BORA Ngāti Whātua o Kaipara Claims Settlement Bill [pdf, 289 KB]

    Ngāti Whātua o Kaipara Claims Settlement Bill Ngāti Whātua o Kaipara Claims Settlement Bill (PCO15167/Version 1.13): Consistency with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 Our Ref: ATT395/174 22 June 2012 ATTORNEY-GENERAL Ngāti Whātua o Kaipara Claims Settlement Bill (PCO15167/Version 1.13): Consistency with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 Our Ref: ATT395/174 1. I have considered the above Bill for consistency with the New Zealand Bill of R...

  2. BORA Ngā Hapū o Ngāti Ranginui Claims Settlement Bill [pdf, 282 KB]

    Ngā Hapū o Ngāti Ranginui Claims Settlement Bill 19 June 2015 Attorney-General Ngā Hapū o Ngāti Ranginui Claims Settlement Bill (PCO 16650/11.0) — Consistency with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 Our Ref: ATT395/228 1. We have considered the above Bill for consistency with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 (“the Bill of Rights Act”). The Bill appears consistent. 2. The Bill will effect a final settlement of the historical claims of Ngā Hapū o Ngāti...

  3. Re Puia (Rejection of Statement of Claim) [2023] NZHRRT 29 [pdf, 158 KB]

    ...BEFORE: Ms Sarah Eyre, Chairperson REPRESENTATION: Mr C Patterson for the intended plaintiff, Ms Puia The intended defendant was not heard DATE OF DECISION: 25 September 2023 DECISION OF TRIBUNAL THAT INTENDED STATEMENT OF CLAIM NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR FILING1 [1] On 26 April 2023, Ms Puia presented for filing in the Tribunal a statement of claim (on the official claim form) purportedly filed under s 98 of the Privacy Act 2020 (the Act). [2] The form on page...

  4. BORA Ngai Tai ki Tamaki Claims Settlement Bill [pdf, 5 MB]

    Hon Christopher Finlayso Attorney-General August 2017 Te Tari Tare o to Karauna Crowd +7 ;*A I, aw 8 August 2017 Attorney-General Ngai Tai Ki Tamaki Claims Settlement Bill - Consistency with New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 Out Ref: ATT395/272 Please find attached advice on whether the Ngai Tai Ki Tamaki Claims Settlement Bill is consistent with the rights and freedoms set out in the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990. The advice concludes that the Bill is not inconsist...

  5. Re Jones (Rejection of Statement of Claim) [2021] NZHRRT 19 [pdf, 116 KB]

    ...AT WELLINGTON BEFORE: Mr RPG Haines ONZM QC, Chairperson REPRESENTATION: Mr MJ Jones in person The intended defendant was not heard DATE OF DECISION: 14 April 2021 DECISION OF TRIBUNAL THAT INTENDED STATEMENT OF CLAIM NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR FILING1 BACKGROUND [1] On Friday 12 March 2021 Mr Jones presented for filing in the office of the Tribunal a statement of claim under the Privacy Act 2020, s 98. [2] At Step 3, p 5 of the document he ticked th...

  6. Bonner v Accident Compensation Corporation (Claims Process) [2024] NZACC 90 [pdf, 164 KB]

    ...Held at: Wellington by AVL Appearances: The Appellant is self-represented B Marten and S Stewart for the Accident Compensation Corporation (“the Corporation”) Judgment: 28 May 2024 RESERVED JUDGMENT OF JUDGE P R SPILLER [Claims process, Accident Compensation Act 1982 and Accident Compensation Act 2001 (“the Act”)] Introduction [1] This is an appeal from the decision of a Reviewer dated 23 August 2023. The Reviewer dismissed an application for review...

  7. Waitangi Tribunal - Interim report on the MV Rena and Motiti Island claims [pdf, 2.2 MB]

    ...Honourable Gerry Brownlee Minister for Transport and The Honourable Christopher Finlayson Attorney-General Parliament Buildings Wellington 17 July 2014 E ngā Minita, tēnā koutou We enclose our interim report on the MV Rena and Motiti Island claims, which concern the Crown’s response to the wreck of the MV Rena on Otaiti (Astrolabe) Reef . We release this interim report to inform the pending all-of-government response to the resource consent application, lodged on behalf of the MV...

  8. Hide v Official Assignee (Confidentiality Claim) [2019] NZHRRT 1 [pdf, 302 KB]

    ...Jamieson-Smyth for Privacy Commissioner DATE OF HEARING: 30 April 2018, 1, 2 and 3 May 2018 DATE OF DECISION: 1 May 2018 DATE OF REASONS FOR DECISION: 16 January 2019 DECISION OF TRIBUNAL ON PLAINTIFF’S CHALLENGE TO CONFIDENTIALITY CLAIM1 [1] The matters at issue in these proceedings arise out of the administration of the bankruptcy of Mr DI Henderson. Without opposition from the Official Assignee Mr Henderson has been given permission by the Tribunal to b...

  9. Roberts v ACC (Claims process) [2024] NZACC 69 [pdf, 198 KB]

    ...April 2024 Held at: Auckland District Court Appearances: The Appellant is self-represented B Johns for the Accident Compensation Corporation (“the Corporation”) Judgment: 17 April 2024 RESERVED JUDGMENT OF JUDGE P R SPILLER [Claims process – ss 134(1), 149(1) , Accident Compensation Act 2001 (“the Act”)] Introduction [1] This is an appeal from the decision of a Reviewer dated 21 July 2022. The Reviewer dismissed an application for review of the Cor...

  10. BORA Prisoners’ and Victims’ Claims (Continuation and Reform) Amendment Bill [pdf, 425 KB]

    Prisoners’ and Victims’ Claims (Continuation and Reform) Amendment Bill 3 December 2012 Attorney-General Prisoners’ and Victims’ Claims (Continuation and Reform) Amendment Bill (PCO 16948/1.7) Consistency with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 Our Ref: ATT395/140 1. We have examined the Prisoners’ and Victims’ Claims (Continuation and Reform) Amendment Bill (PCO 16948/1.7) for consistency with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990. We have concluded tha...