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12688 items matching your search terms

  1. NZCASS Data tables 2 reporting crime [xlsx, 809 KB]

    ...estimates and means (averages). See the definition of sampling error under 'Terms'. Don't know/refusal responses The treatment for these residual responses is footnoted in every table, unless it is included as an output category. 'Not applicable' responses are always excluded. The inclusion or exclusion of Don't know/ Can't remember / Refused responses was made on a case-by-case basis. In general, these residual categories were excluded from percentage denom...

  2. Jacobsen v Zhou [2015] NZHRRT 38 [pdf, 71 KB]

    ...experience with clients; that is, in practising clinical procedures directly with a client, a process more ordinarily undertaken by a dentist. In June 2014, when visited by Mr Jacobsen, Mr Zhou’s practice was mainly preparing a range of appliances requested by dentists. His private patients were a very small proportion of his practice, he having little more than one year post-qualification experience. [14] Mr Zhou agrees Mr Jacobsen attended the practice on 25 June 2014 and points ou...

  3. Tong & Anor v CAC 20004 & Ors [2014] NZREADT 3 [pdf, 126 KB] Appleby was insistent – motivated by the continual overture of David Tong to close the café business – that he wished purchase 100% Land, Buildings and Business outright and have no further communications with Tongs. Lisa Hopewell requested, as the Purchaser right as per the ‘nominee’ of the S & P contract, I on-sell the business and two parties were approached, Roselyn & Aaron at Delamore Lodge Kimberley and Noyan Attamer. Through the actions of the At...

  4. Real Estate Agents Authority (CAC 403) v Drever [2016] NZREADT 72 [pdf, 131 KB]

    ...Ms Lowe listed her property at Glendene for sale with Mr Drever in August 2013. As was the case in the two transactions referred to above, he did not provide her with a written appraisal, the REAA Guides, or a marketing plan. Despite repeated requests, he did not provide Ms Lowe with a copy of the signed listing agreement. Ms Lowe cancelled her listing with Mr Drever in late September 2013, after she learned that he should have provided her with the REAA Guides. Previous discipli...

  5. [2021] NZREADT 27 Harvey v Lowe (10 June 2021) [pdf, 388 KB]

    ...give them a reasonable opportunity to obtain that advice before they signed the agency agreement; [c] did not follow their instructions and misrepresented to the Crowes the Lowes’ plans for building on No 26; [d] misled the Crowes by not informing them that Mr S’s interest in No 28 had ended before they made an offer on that property; and [e] disclosed information that was confidential to them in the affidavit filed in the High Court proceedings issued by the Lowes. The Comm...

  6. Rec-Recap-2024-Q1-FINAL.pdf [pdf, 873 KB]

    ...Recommendations Recap A summary of coronial recommendations and comments made between 1 January and 31 March 2024 Office of the Chief Coroner | 2024 (1) i Coroners’ recommendations and comments Coroners perform essential functions within our society. They inquire into a range of unexpected deaths to establish the identity of the person who has died and the cause and circumstances of their death. While inquiring into a death, a Coroner ma...

  7. Ruka - Rangihamama X3A and Omapere Taraire E (2008) 123 Whangarei MB 137 (123 WH 137) [pdf, 4 MB]

    ...31 and 244, Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 IN-THE MA TIER OF Rangihamama-K-3A-and Omapere Taraire EF---- Hearing: Judgment: IntJ·oduction 16 January 2008 (Heard at Kaikohe) 10 March 2008 SONNYRUKA PATSY ALBERT TE AROHA REIHANA-RUKA Applicants RESERVED JUDGMENT OF JUDGE D J AMBLER [1] This is a continuation of the two applications before the Court, being the application by Mr Ruka and Mrs Albert for review and enforcement of obligations of the trustees of the Omapere Ra...

  8. [2020] NZREADT 42 - Stone v The Real Estate Agents Authority (14 September 2020) [pdf, 356 KB]

    ...evidence not inherently incredible which, if we were to accept it as accurate, would establish each essential element in the alleged offending conduct [47] The test of whether there was a prima facie case would seem to be similar to that which is applicable to that which the court applies when considering if there is a case to answer. In that context, Adams on Criminal Law describes the position as follows: The test to be applied by a judge on a submission of no case to answer was...

  9. Regulatory Impact Statement: Amendments to the Sentencing Act 2002 [pdf, 1 MB]

    ...of trauma and abuse in the backgrounds of young offenders, is a logical mitigation at each and every sentencing. With regard to remorse, judges already take into account prior offending as an aggravating factor at sentencing. Preventing its repeat application may only serve to disincentivise offenders from taking steps to engage with the harm they have caused, including through restorative justice, which can be of great benefit to victims. Regulatory Impact Statement | 3 F...

  10. Piontecki v REAA & Davies [2014] NZREADT 61 [pdf, 71 KB]

    ...about the potential roading development in the area. She also spoke with her manager at the Hamilton office, Stephen Shale, about what she could do to ensure that prospective purchaser of properties within or near the area of investigation were informed of the issue. Mr Shale and Ms Davies agreed that she should explain the area under investigation and give prospective purchasers A3 colour copies of the map and information sheet from the NZTA website. [15] Ms Davies kept several spare...