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Search results for claim form.

12688 items matching your search terms

  1. CAC 10054 v Hume [2013] NZREADT 91 [pdf, 252 KB]

    ...the prosecution submits that a finding of misconduct on charge 2 would be justified on any/all of the grounds alleged, namely: [a] Serious negligence; [b] Serious incompetence; [c] Wilful/reckless breach of the REINZ Rules/Rules. 13 Application to Delete Charge 1.5(a) and add New Charge 3 [61] At the start of the hearing the prosecution applied to amend charge 1.5(a). A criminal prosecution relating to the same facts as charge 1.5(a) led to the defendant’s conviction in...

  2. OIA-104680.pdf [pdf, 6.1 MB]

    ...Justi ce Cent re I 19 Aitken Street DX SX10088 I Wellington T 04 918 8800 I F 04 918 8820 ContactUs@j I ~~ -f Ta/111 o te 1i1re 15 June 2023 Our ref: OIA 104680 Tena koe 1('1fp Official Information Act request: Race Relations Commissioner Thank you for your email of 17 May 2023 requesting, under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act), information regarding the Race Relations Commissioner. Specifically, you requested: A copy of all...

  3. Complaints Assessment Comittee 404 v Hawkins [2017] NZREADT 16 [pdf, 214 KB]

    ...who wanted a limitation on liability. However, he considered that he had bound himself to the contract, as he had finance in place. [14] A written agreement for sale and purchase between Peetom and FFT was not signed until 25 June 2013. A “Form 2” “Client consent for licensee to acquire interest in property”,4 pursuant to which the trustees of Peetom consented to Mr Hawkins (as interested party of FFT) acquiring an interest in the property, was annexed to the agreement. T...

  4. CAC306 v Zhou & Anor [2015] NZREADT 51 [pdf, 223 KB]

    ...[8] Amanda Wei won the auction and signed the sale and purchase agreement as Woori Jang on 14 July 2013. The price was $888,500 and settlement was fixed for 31 October 2013 or earlier by mutual agreement. [9] Messrs She and Zhou subsequently claimed and received a commission from the sale of 34 Diana Drive on the basis that they had introduced the purchaser “Woori Jang”. [10] On 31 October 2013, 34 Diana Drive was transferred from Woori Jang’s name into Mr Zhou’s name....

  5. Proactive release - Evidence to inform a regulated cannabis market [pdf, 3.2 MB]

    ...PR OAC TI VE LY R EL EA SE D BY T HE M IN IS TR Y OF JU ST IC E Authors: Dr Ganesh Nana, Hillmaré Schulze, Amanda Reid, Merewyn Groom, Sam Green, Hugh Dixon, and Nick Roberston All work is done, and services rendered at the request of, and for the purposes of the client only. Neither BERL nor any of its employees accepts any responsibility on any grounds whatsoever, including negligence, to any other person. While every effort is made by BERL to ensure that the i...

  6. Public perceptions of crime & the criminal justice system survey 2014 results [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...proportion agreeing that prison successfully deters people who have been to prison from committing crime in the future has increased from 5% to 8%. There are no other significant changes. It is worth noting that despite the fact around eight in ten claim to only know a little, or nothing at all, about community sentences and the Parole Board – respondents are generally negative in their views about them. As with the 2013 survey, under a third are confident in the effectiveness o...

  7. [2006] NZEmpC AC 51/06 Fuiava v Air New Zealand Ltd [pdf, 118 KB]

    ...person? b. Are there any items in your bags/parcels that you did not pack yourself? c. Could anyone have placed something in your bags/parcels without your knowledge? d. Have you been given any gifts to carry by another person? [12] The form concluded, immediately above his signature: I declare that the bags/parcels lodged by me as cargo for carriage by air, do not contain any dangerous goods as defined in the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (examples are shown in 1 above...

  8. [2011] NZEmpC 161 Rush Security Services Limited v Coverdale [pdf, 147 KB]

    ...positions of two of the control room rank 1 security officers. Mr Coverdale and Mr Wilson were made redundant. The new employee was kept on. [2] Mr Coverdale commenced proceedings before the Employment Relations Authority (the Authority) claiming that he had been unjustifiably dismissed on the grounds of redundancy. He claimed that the decision to disestablish his position was not made for genuine commercial reasons. The Authority Member recorded that the issues for resolut...

  9. Proactive release – Government response to the Law Commission Report: “The Second Review of the Evidence Act 2006” [pdf, 2.5 MB]

    ...amendments to the Act; some do not involve legislative change. Many of the recommendations are technical changes that would improve the Act’s workability. These include changes that clarify the interpretation of existing provisions, or address issues of application. Other recommendations involve more substantive changes and I wish to consider these further. More time is needed for officials to fully assess the implications of 1...

  10. 20240625-Reinstating-Three-Strikes-Amendment-Bill.pdf [pdf, 5.3 MB]

    ...Act 2002, s lSA. 7961502 3 is a feature of "short-term" sentences of 24 months' imprisonment or less that offenders qualify for automatic release after serving half their sentence.5 12. A further threshold condition, governing application of the scheme, is that it does not apply to offending committed when a person is under 18 years of age. 13. For qualifying offences other than murder, the proposed three-strikes scheme would operate as follows: 13.1 At stage-1 t...