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12688 items matching your search terms

  1. Public perceptions of crime & the criminal justice system survey 2013 [pdf, 800 KB]

    ...turned down, and 26% do not know whether or not people on community sentences are well managed.   Around 1 in 10 say ‘don’t know’ to the other four statements in this section.    It is worth noting that despite the fact over eight in ten claim to only know a little, or nothing at all, about  community sentences, prisons, and the parole system – respondents are generally negative in their views  about these as...

  2. [2014] NZEmpC 208 Hayne v ASG [pdf, 162 KB]

    ...determinations. [5] On 3 October 2013, the University ended the suspension of ASG, and on 17 October 2013 he was given a final written warning. [6] ASG raised two personal grievances against the Vice-Chancellor as his employer. First, ASG claimed that his suspension constituted an unjustified disadvantage. His second personal grievance was that the final written warning issued to him by the Vice-Chancellor was a further disadvantage incurred by him in his employment. T...

  3. Research on the effectiveness of police practice in reducing residential burglary part 1 [pdf, 451 KB] and concern about local crime 54 5.6 Relationship between victimisation and household variables 55 5.7 Comparison of victimisation rates with official burglary statistics 56 5.8 Summary of burglary victimisation rates 58 6 Burglary incident information 61 6.1 Burglary definition 61 8 6.2 Point of entry 62 6.3 Security measures 63 6.4 What happened during the burglary 66 6.5 Summary of burglary incident information 71 7 Interactions with the Police and other agencies 73 7.1 Report...

  4. Performance Improvement Framework (PIF) July 2012 [pdf, 506 KB]

    PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT FRAMEWORK Formal Review of the Ministry of Jus ce (MoJ) JULY 2012 State Services Commission, the Treasury and the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Performance Improvement Framework Formal Review: Ministry of Jus ce State Services Commission, the Treasury, and the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Wellington, New Zealand Published July 2012 ISBN 978-0-478-36173-5 Web address: Crown copyright 2012 Copyright/terms

  5. Evaluation of Victim Support Services [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ................................................................................................................................................. 51 Impacts of problems ......................................................................................................................................... 53 Seeking information and advice ...................................................................................................................................... 55 Self-help .........

  6. Firearms-Reform-Programme-Phase-4_FINAL.pdf [pdf, 23 MB]

    ...Programme – tranche 4 Date of issue: 31 January 2025 The following documents have been proactively released in accordance with Cabinet Office Circular CO (23) 04. Some information has been withheld on the basis that it would not, if requested under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA), be released. Where that is the case, the relevant section of the OIA has been noted and no public interest has been identified that would outweigh the reasons for withholding it. No...

  7. Garlick v REAA CAC 20003 & Anor [2014] NZREADT 40 [pdf, 61 KB] as Active Real Estate Limited (the second respondents) and it was sold to a Ms Slight. Difficulties arose when it became apparent that Ms Slight, had made an offer four months earlier (through Leaders) which had not been accepted. Leaders claimed all of the commission saying that the purchaser had been introduced to the property by Leaders. Mr Garlick in his initial complaint sought a determination by the Committee that the full commission be paid to Leaders. [3] Mr Garlick c...

  8. [2024] NZREADT 41 – CAC 2103 v Jones Lang Laselle Ltd (29 October 2024) [pdf, 253 KB]

    ...2021, the Real Estate Agents Authority (the REA) sent JLL a reminder letter that their audit report was due by 14 July 2021. On 8 June 2021, JLL responded to the REA advising of its change in auditors. [15] A notification of change of auditor form was sent to JLL to complete. This was signed on 10 June 2021 and emailed to the REA on 14 July 2021. [16] Grant Thornton carried out a trust account audit for JLL for the 2021 audit year. The REA received a copy of this on 9 July 2021....

  9. Research on the effectiveness of police practice in reducing residential burglary part 8 [pdf, 176 KB]

    ...burglary 53 6.1 Security measures in place at the time of the burglary 53 6.2 Security advice from the Police 53 6.3 Changes made following burglary 54 6.4 Summary 56 7 General comments on burglary and Police response 57 8 Discussion 61 8 Appendix A Information sheet 63 Appendix B Interview guide for victim interview 65 9 Tables Table 2.1 Ethnicity of sample 18 Table 2.2 Household composition of sample 19 Table 2.3 Property arrangements of sample 19 Table 2.4 Number of victims of re...

  10. Wynn-Parke & Anor v CAC20008 & Ors [2015] NZREADT 8 [pdf, 232 KB] [8] In particular, the said disclosure letters refer to the existence of a lease from the Auckland City Council to the mortgagor of the adjacent road reserve (72 Upper Queen Street, Auckland) which had been taken for a legal road but was not a formed legal road. In the 21 March 2013 letter, it is stated: “The mortgagee understands from the mortgagor and Auckland Council that there is a lease between the Auckland Council and the mortgagor in respect of areas A, B and C [on...