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12515 items matching your search terms

  1. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 TGKL lay attach 1 literature-review [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...must not be used in any way for any commercial purpose without the prior written consent of ARC. ARC does not give any warranty whatsoever, including without limitation, as to the availability, accuracy, completeness, currency or reliability of the information or data (including third party data) made available via the publication and expressly disclaim (to the maximum extent permitted in law) all liability for any damage or loss resulting from your use of, or reliance on the publication o...

  2. Regulatory Impact Statement 2010 Alcohol Reform [pdf, 918 KB]

    ...potential impacts when applying each of the levers. The individual options that fall under each of the levers could be applied at varying strengths, thus directly affecting the overall impact at a more detailed level. Generally, the more intensive application of each intervention will have more positive impacts on harm, but also more negative impacts on moderate drinkers and businesses. Lever Reduces harmful consumption by heavy episodic drinkers Effect on moderate drinkers...

  3. LCRO 111/2021 New Zealand Law Society v AP (10 January 2022) [pdf, 349 KB]

    LEGAL COMPLAINTS REVIEW OFFICER ĀPIHA AROTAKE AMUAMU Ā-TURE [2022] NZLCRO 001 Ref: LCRO 111/2021 CONCERNING an application for review pursuant to section 193 of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 AND CONCERNING a determination of the [Area] Standards Committee [X] BETWEEN NEW ZEALAND LAW SOCIETY Applicant AND AP Respondent DECISION The names and identifying details of the parties in this decision have been changed. Introducti...

  4. Proactive-release-of-political-donations-consultation-materials-FINAL.pdf [pdf, 12 MB] R ele as e Ministry of Justice Proactive release of material related to submissions on proposed changes to political donation rules Date of issue: 20 January 2023 Some information has been withheld on the basis that it would not, if requested under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA), be released. Where that is the case, the relevant section of the OIA has been noted and no public interest has been identified that would outweigh the reasons for withholding it. No. Doc...

  5. AML phase II - Business compliance impacts [pdf, 491 KB]

    ...agreement or document and the reader must not to distribute the report, or any part of the report, without Deloitte’s prior written consent. 5. This report should be read in conjunction with the disclaimers set out in the report, and, where applicable, the Statement of Responsibility. / Ministry of Justice | Introduction 1 1. Introduction 1.1. Background and context New Zealand’s AML/CFT regime is part of a suite of initiatives directed at combating transnational and...

  6. LCRO 008/2016 VZ v NK (4 December 2018) [pdf, 212 KB]

    LCRO 008/2016 CONCERNING an application for review pursuant to section 193 of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 AND CONCERNING a determination of [Area] Standards Committee [X] BETWEEN VZ Applicant AND NK Respondent DECISION The names and identifying details of the parties in this decision have been changed Introduction [1] Mr and Mrs VZ have applied for a review of the determination by [Area] Standards Committee [X] (the Committee)...

  7. LCRO 161/2017 CR v EM, DN and BN (24 January 2019) [pdf, 159 KB]

    LCRO 161/2017 CONCERNING an application for review pursuant to section 193 of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 AND CONCERNING a determination of the [Area] Standards Committee BETWEEN CR Applicant AND EM, DN AND BN Respondent The names and identifying details of the parties in this decision have been changed. DECISION Introduction [1] Mr CR has applied for a review of a decision by the [Area] Standards Committee (the Committee...

  8. GL v JS LCRO 289/2013 (30 October 2014) [pdf, 56 KB]

    LCRO 289/2013 CONCERNING An application for review pursuant to Section 193 of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 AND CONCERNING a determination of the [XYZ] Standards Committee BETWEEN GL Applicant AND JS Respondent DECISION The names and identifying details of the parties in this decision have been changed. Introduction [1] This is an Application by GL for a Review (Review) of a decision of the [XYZ] Standards Committee (decision) d...

  9. [2016] NZSSAA 033 (28 April 2016) [pdf, 44 KB] means assessment. As a result of the assessment, the appellant was not eligible for a Residential Care Subsidy. Background [2] The appellant is aged 79 years. He entered long-term residential care on 20 October 2014. On 13 January 2015 an application for Residential Care – Needs 2 Assessment was lodged with the Ministry on the appellant’s behalf. As a result a financial means assessment under Part 4 of the Social Security Act 1964 and the Social Security (...

  10. LCRO 115/2017 BV v RD and KR [pdf, 115 KB]

    LCRO 115/2017 CONCERNING an application for review pursuant to section 193 of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 AND CONCERNING a determination of the [Area] Standards Committee [X] BETWEEN BV Applicant AND RD and KR Respondent DECISION The names and identifying details of the parties in this decision have been changed. Introduction [1] Ms BV has applied for a review of a decision by the [Area] Standards Committee 1 (the Committe...