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12515 items matching your search terms

  1. [2020] NZREADT 49 - Hammond v The Real Estate Agents Authority (12 October 2020) [pdf, 255 KB]

    ...entered into an agreement to purchase the property on 18 February 2019, conditional on finance, a satisfactory Land Information Memorandum, solicitor’s approval, a satisfactory building report, and the assignment of the benefit of any outstanding claims for earthquake damage. [5] Mr and Mrs Hammond obtained two building inspection reports. The first recorded cracking at sheet joins and the possibility of weathertightness issues. The second concluded that moisture readings were t...

  2. [2022] NZREADT 25 — Salt & Kellar v Real Estate Agents Authority (18 November 2022) [pdf, 148 KB]

    BEFORE THE REAL ESTATE AGENTS DISCIPLINARY TRIBUNAL [2022] NZREADT 25 Reference No: READT 035/2021 & 036/2021 IN THE MATTER OF An appeal under s 111 of the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 BETWEEN OLIVER SALT AND CHRISTIAN WILLIAM KELLAR Appellants AND THE REAL ESTATE AGENTS AUTHORITY (CAC 2103) First Respondent AND CHRISTOPHER THOMAS AND AILEEN CONNOLLEY Second Respondents Hearing on the papers Tribunal: C A Sandelin (Deputy Ch

  3. Grubb and Anor as Trustees of the Bas Trust v Auckland Council [2011] NZWHT Auckland 58 [pdf, 108 KB]

    1 IN THE WEATHERTIGHT HOMES TRIBUNAL TRI-2010-100-000048 [2011] NZWHT AUCKLAND 58 BETWEEN BENJAMIN CHARLES GRUBB AND LLOYD NORMAN WHALEN as trustees of the BAS TRUST Claimants AND AUCKLAND COUNCIL First Respondent Hearing: 9 and 10 June 2011 Closing Submissions: 17 June 2011 Appearances: Mr G Shand and Mr C Lane for the claimants Ms F Divich and Mr M Grant for the respondent Decision: 26 October 2011 FINAL DETERMINATION Adjudicator:

  4. Minister's brochure Print Version (A3) - Initial thoughts on the Crown/Māori Relations portfolio [pdf, 2.4 MB]

    ...multiple relationships where different parts of the Crown engage with Māori (as whānau, hapū, iwi, Māori organisations or other interest/sector groups) on a broad range of issues important to Māori. What is a contemporary Treaty of Waitangi claim? Contemporary claims are those that relate to Crown actions that occurred on or after 21 September 1992. They commonly focus on a general issue affecting Māori. Q&As Tēnā tātou i roto i nga tini āhuatanga o te wā. Ka nui...

  5. [2010] NZEmpC 41 Shortland v Alexander Construction Co Ltd [pdf, 38 KB]

    ...employment which had been agreed. In the alternative, the defendant now says that it was a genuine redundancy. [2] The Employment Relations Authority investigated the matter and found in favour of the defendant, dismissing the plaintiff’s claim. The plaintiff challenged the whole of that determination and the matter proceeded before me today by way of a hearing de novo. [3] I heard evidence from three witnesses. First was the plaintiff. On behalf of the defendant...

  6. [2022] NZEmpC 114 STL Linehaul Ltd v Waters [pdf, 204 KB]

    ...meantime please treat Leo with respect and any discussion with him should be in private and kept confidential. It is out of line for any other admin staff to rebuke him as they do not have the remit to do so. We do not need a bullying counter claim to complicate the process that’s all. [14] STL’s performance concerns were raised with Mr Waters and were being documented. At the time of Mr Waters’ dismissal, that process was still ongoing. [15] In contrast, there was li...

  7. Youth Court - Signed, sealed – (but not yet fully) delivered [pdf, 817 KB]

    ...followed by formalised “official” decision making and a relatively high reliance on the institutionalisation of young offenders. Families and communities felt disempowered. In particular, Māori (the indigenous peoples of Aotearoa New Zealand) claimed to be marginalised and disadvantaged by the mono-cultural process. The enactment of the Children, Young Persons and their Families Act in 1989, which in today’s public climate might struggle to be passed, introduced a new paradigm...

  8. [2019] NZEnvC 206 Lake McKay Station Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 15 MB]

    ...interests in relation to the several matters that arise in the various sub-topics for consideration . However, both decisions are to be treated as having arisen from the same hearings, and associated deliberations, and that the reasoning in each informs, and applies to both. Background [9] Landscape expert, Ms Lucas, aptly describes the Upper Clutha Basin as "ice­ sculpted". That description is particularly apt for the landforms in issue in each of the sub-topic 1 appeal...

  9. [2022] NZACC 7 – Calzadilla v ACC (20 January 2022) [pdf, 361 KB]

    ...ankle. She was able to weight bear on it, but it remained sore and swollen on presentation to the emergency department on 24 October 2017. The impression was of a sprain with swelling and bruising related to dabigatran, her medication. An ACC claim for a sprain was lodged by the Hutt DHB. [4] Cover was approved on 25 October 2017. [5] The appellant continued to work as a chef, however she experienced significant pain and sought further treatment. On 14 December 2017 she was ce...

  10. ENVC Matiatia transcript 20150727 [pdf, 1.9 MB]

    BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENT COURT AT AUCKLAND ENV-2013-AKL-000174 IN THE MATTER OF A Notice of Motion under s87G requesting the granting of resource consents to Waiheke Marinas Ltd to establish a Marina @ Matiatia Bay Waiheke Island in the Hauraki Gulf. BETWEEN WAIHEKE MARINAS LTD Applicant AND AUCKLAND COUNCIL DIRECTION MATIATIA INCORPORATED NGATI PAOA IWI TRUST AUCKLAND TRANSPORT THOMAS GREVE AND KRISTIN LEWIS Other s274 Parties Hear...