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12515 items matching your search terms

  1. 20231124-Courts-BIM_Redacted_FINAL.pdf [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...positive difference in the lives of New Zealanders through the Courts portfolio • upcoming events and decisions on which we will provide further advice. You will receive a series of follow-up briefings shortly, which will provide more detailed information on opportunities and other work that is underway or available for you to progress. 6 Your role and responsibilities Your areas of responsibility relate to the functioning of the courts and related services As the Minis...

  2. CVA research report into use of restorative justice in family violence cases [pdf, 630 KB]

    ...the quality of referral information ............................................................ 35 5.1.3 Strengthening facilitator training and development .................................................. 36 5.1.4 Reviewing the risk assessment forms .......................................................................... 36 5.1.5 Investigating the routine recording of conferences .................................................... 37 5.1.6 Becoming a more diverse workforce ..........

  3. OIA-100246.pdf [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ~-: ~ ~ l\1 I N I S TRY OF ~.~i~ JUSTIC_E ~ /,1/,11ou/11re 31 October 2022 Section (9) (2) (a ) Tena koe Section (9) (2) Official Information Act request: Full copy of report Justice Centre I 19 Aitken Street DX SX10088 I Wellington T 04 918 8800 I F 04 918 8820 I Our ref: OIA 100246 Thank you for your email of 19 October 2022, following on from your previous Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) request ( our reference 9908...

  4. Federated Farmers of New Zealand.pdf [pdf, 425 KB]

    ...because it is the primary resource consent decision- making guiding policy for farming activities (as set out in sub part a and b(i)). Yet the policy tests included with Policy 2 are too generally and vaguely expressed, meaning that resource consent applicants have little certainty and applications are likely to be assessed variably and inconsistently. Accordingly, the policy provides low certainty for both farmers and for the community concerned to ensure that plan objectives wi...

  5. Kek, Bayley, Bayleys Real Estate Ltd v CAC409 & C & S Morris [2019] NZREADT 26 (20 June 2019) [pdf, 278 KB]

    ...subsequently approached the Auckland Council, with regard to installing a swimming pool at the property. They were advised they would be required to apply for a resource consent. They then found that some neighbours would raise an objection to such an application, so did not pursue it. [6] In March 2017, Mr and Mrs Morris listed the property for sale with Megan Jaffe Real Estate Ltd (trading as Ray White Remuera). They provided the listing salesperson, Ms Butler, with the ad...

  6. Kaupapa Maori Resolution Pathways [pdf, 792 KB]

    ...state we operate our daily lives, unrestricted ōranga holistic and well-being Pākehā New Zealander of European descent Papatuanuku Earth mother patu ngākau strike or assault to heart or source of emotions pēhitanga oppression pepeha formulaic tribal expressions pono acting with integrity and consistency poroporoaki farewell, take leave pouritanga darkness, state of deep sadness pukenga expertise pūkengatanga teaching, preserving and passing on expert skills and...

  7. Responding together: an integrated report evaluating the aims of the Waitakere Family Violence Court protocols [pdf, 894 KB]

    ...violence has not been subsumed by the monocultural institutions of Pākehā research traditions. We are grateful for your care, support and generous collaboration. Denise Blake and Tracey Powis are also owed a debt of thanks - for so many and varied forms of support that we could not begin to name. We are blessed to be able to count on both of you when we are most in need. Ever present for us are the families within Waitakere communities who inspire the vision of living free from v...

  8. Quinney v Accident Compensation Corporation (Causation) [2023] NZACC 102 [pdf, 278 KB]

    ...___________________________________________________________________________ RESERVED JUDGMENT OF JUDGE C J MCGUIRE [Causation – s 20 Accident Compensation Act 2001] ___________________________________________________________________________ [1] The appellant is a 45 year old former early childhood teacher from Hastings who has a lengthy history relating to cover of her bilateral ankle issues arising from an accident when she slipped on an icy deck on 19 June 2007. The issue on...

  9. [2019] NZEmpC 173 Allied Investments Ltd v Flowers [pdf, 387 KB] then you will be paid as if the public holiday ended at 6am on the Tuesday. [11] Mr Flowers was unable to remember if that policy was one he read before signing the employment agreement, but the statement of agreed facts accepted that it formed part of that agreement. [12] Mr Flowers was rostered to work on 12-hour shifts, either from 6 pm on one day to 6 am the next day or from 6 am to 6 pm on the same day. He described his roster as working this way: (a) On his firs...

  10. Gray v CAC 20008 & Anor [2014] NZREADT 12 [pdf, 140 KB]

    ...Tregalgas, she had changed her position and said that his bid was made after the auctioneer declared the property sold. [18] As to the dispute process available through LJ Hooker (and, perhaps, through the Authority), the appellant says that despite requesting a resolution and complaints procedure, he was not given any advice as to the agency’s dispute resolution process by the licensee or any other agent present. He says that he was told it was too late and that the auction had end...