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Search results for claim form.

12515 items matching your search terms

  1. Te Kuru II - Porangahau 1B4 "O" 2 and Mangamaire B13A (2012) 15 Takitimu MB 21 (15 TKT 21) [pdf, 195 KB]

    ...UNDER Section 242, Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 IN THE MATTER OF Porangahau 1B4 "O" 2 and Mangamaire B13A - Payment of money held in Trust BETWEEN AKUHATA TE KURU II, JAMES ROBERT HUTCHESON AND ROBERT ROPATA TE KURU Applicants Hearing: 10 Takitimu MB 298, 6 September 2011 9 Takitimu MB 266, 23 June 2011 8 Takitimu MB 98, 29 March 2011 6 Takitimu MB 194, 2 December 2010 5 Takitimu MB 267, 3 November 2010 4 Takitimu MB 272, 7 October 2010...

  2. AML/CFT Statutory Review - summary of submissions [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...of most of the submissions received is available on the Ministry’s website at In accordance with submitters’ wishes, we have not published any submission that was received in confidence or where the submitter requested that the submission not be published. iv O VER VIEW Submissions received 1. Anonymous Submission 2. MTF Finance Hamilton 3. Connect Legal 4. S...

  3. Diane Jean Lucas - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ... hearings  commissioner.   I  note  there   is  as  yet  no  NZILA  guide  to   addressing  bicultural  landscape  and  natural  character  assessment.1   3.   Through   research   and   application,   I   have   developed   a   number   of   landscape,   ecological,  natural  character  and  heritage  analysis  and  assessment  approaches,   including   land  typing...

  4. Transcript - PC8 - Primary Sector Provisions - 8-9 November 2021 [pdf, 853 KB]

    ...plan as a whole. We want to understand the architecture of the plan and two questions flow from 20 that, and that is just to understand, and I think we’ve got it, but we need confirmation from you, either you, Ms de Latour, from witnesses, the application of the proposed new permitted and discretionary storage, but primarily discharge rules and how they relate to the existing discharge rule, the operative rule, and the plan if only – if effluent discharge from a storage facilit...

  5. Estate of Te Aonui v Accident Compensation Corporation (Personal Injury) [2023] NZACC 147 [pdf, 375 KB]

    ...his estate. [6] Mr Te Aonui suffered an accident on 12 October 2018 when he slipped on a wet floor, landing on his back and hitting the back of his head on the floor. [7] In his statement at the review hearing, Mr Te Aonui said: 1. I am the applicant for review in respect of decisions made by Aon regarding cover and entitlements. 2. I am currently not working. I have not worked since April 2019. 3. I was employed by Silverfern Farms at its Waitane plant. I am still employed...

  6. Vosper and Vopser Ltd v CAC 402 & Biddle [2016] NZREADT 60 [pdf, 194 KB] Mr Biddle said he was making good progress in obtaining consent. In November, Mr Biddle provided copies of his house plans and other documents for the vendors to sign. Kirk Vosper’s understanding was that these related to Mr Biddle’s application for building consent, and that he was being asked to consent to aspects which did not comply with local planning rules. The vendors signed the documents. Kirk Vosper said that he did not notice that the plans showed that the...

  7. CAC 10012 v Khan [2011] NZREADT 11 [pdf, 145 KB]

    ...Aoese) and some other information about the property. The broker for the finance was Oriental Mortgage Insurance Limited. He said he had no difficulty with the valuation at this figure as it was a rising market and he felt comfortable with that request for this particular property. However he later (in 2008 or 2009) became concerned about Ms Khan over requests that she was making for valuations for properties which he felt were not appropriate. He then declined to prepare the valu...

  8. Stone v CAC 412 & Lim [2019] NZREADT 20 (22 May 2019) [pdf, 589 KB]

    ...disgraceful conduct is alleged under section 73 (a) the conduct in question was of the following kind: Conduct which involves a marked and serious departure from the requisite standards must be assessed as “disgraceful,” rather than some other form of misconduct which may also involve a marked and serious departure from the standards. [4] The underlying proposition which Mr. Stone puts forward is that in making what are alleged to be false complaints about him to the Real...

  9. John Thom (dated 30 May 2017) [pdf, 161 KB]

    ...peaceful rura~ way 'of life they had before the wind farm concept was imposed, on them. It is not acceptable, these people are all hard working members of our community, and they have been forced to fight ag'ainst something which is claimed to be a community project. Are these neighbours not part of the Blueskin Bay community? They believe they will potentially lose their unspoiled environment and have had to spend a significant amount of their own money to oppose this ap...

  10. [2014] NZEmpC 10 Matsuoka v LSG Sky Chefs NZ Ltd [pdf, 62 KB]

    ...v LSG SKY CHEFS NEW ZEALAND LIMITED NZEmpC AUCKLAND [2014] NZEmpC [7 February 2014] IN THE EMPLOYMENT COURT AUCKLAND [2014] NZEmpC 10 ARC 23/12 IN THE MATTER OF proceedings removed AND IN THE MATTER of an application for disclosure orders BETWEEN JOHN MATSUOKA Plaintiff AND LSG SKY CHEFS NEW ZEALAND LIMITED Defendant Hearing: 7 February 2014 (Heard at Auckland) Appearances: Anthony Drake and Ben Nich...