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Search results for claim form.

12515 items matching your search terms

  1. [2023] NZEnvC 272 Barnhill Corporate Trustee Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 169 KB]

    ...remaining PDP provisions.3 Following a further process for checking on minor errors and omissions, the court approved a set of final provisions for inclusion in the PDP in its final decision issued on 12 May 2023.4 [5] This decision determines an application for costs by QLDC against the Anderson Lloyd parties.5 QLDC’s application for costs [6] The application, made on 28 April 2023, is for an award of $29,000.00 comprising: (a) $21,500.00 for expert witness and legal cost...

  2. [2023] NZREADT 10 – Complaints Assessment Committee 2103 v Sharma (8 May 2023) [pdf, 218 KB] pay a fine not exceeding $30,000: (g) where it appears to the Tribunal that any person has suffered loss by reason of the licensee’s misconduct and the order is one that a court of competent jurisdiction could make in relation to a similar claim in accordance with principles of law, an order that the licensee pay to that person a sum by way of compensation as is specified in the order, being a sum not exceeding $100,000. … [7] The Committee can make the following orders:...

  3. Marshall - Otukou Papakāinga Trust (2021) 437 Aotea MB 116 (437 AOT 116) [pdf, 246 KB]

    ...Zealand Aotea District A20200001789 WĀHANGA Under Section 239, Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 MŌ TE TAKE In the matter of Otūkou Papakāinga Trust I WAENGA I A Between COURTNEY MARSHALL Te Kaitono Applicant Nohoanga: Hearing 21 July 2020, 418 Aotea MB 150 (Heard at Whanganui) Kanohi kitea: Appearances C Marshall and Te N Wanikau, via teleconference Whakataunga: Judgment 31 August 2021 TE WHAKATAUNGA...

  4. ENV-2016-AKL-000248 Terra Nova Planning v Auckland Council [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...outcomes. Relief Sought TNP submits that the provision of a hamlet subdivision and development rules of the kind currently in the ADP: Rodney Section to apply to the same or equivalent rural zones; provided that such rules should be generically applicable to qualifying sites and not dependant on prior identification by the council. Subdivision in the Future Urban Zone The Future Urban Zone provisions of the PAUP will essentially ‘lock‘ landowners into a zone with Rural P...

  5. CAC20002 v Gollins [2015] NZREADT 2 [pdf, 178 KB]

    ...consider either partial or full repayment prior to the date of confirmation. Perhaps it would be best if you spoke with him direct in this regard.” [6] There is no dispute that an agency fee of 2.5% was agreed. [7] Mr Gollins did not make a claim for the commission in 2010 but continued to assist Foodstuffs throughout the next two years to shepherd the development through resource consent with the Porirua City Council. He appears to have been very successful at this. By Septemb...

  6. [2007] NZEmpC AC 44A/07 Tones v 3D1 Ltd [pdf, 52 KB]

    ...19 September 2007 JUDGMENT OF JUDGE C M SHAW [1] In May 2006 Matthew Tones entered into an agreement for supply and resale of software with 3D1 Limited (3D1). In September 2006 3D1 terminated the agreement. [2] Mr Tones brought a claim to the Employment Relations Authority alleging that he had been unjustifiably constructively dismissed. The Authority investigated the preliminary question of whether Mr Tones was engaged under a contract for services or as an employee...

  7. [2017] NZEmpC 35 Ahuja and Others v Labour Inspector [pdf, 336 KB]

    ...and defended by the original parties in the Authority, albeit now in different roles of plaintiff or defendant. The difference in this case is that, after concluding its inter partes investigation and determination of the Labour Inspector’s claims, the Authority then set out to itself conduct an investigation into a new, albeit associated, issue. This had significant ramifications for the respondents to that new investigation, now the first plaintiffs. They have been penalised...

  8. Standards of Care 2018 [pdf, 450 KB]

    STANDARDS OF CARE FOR WOMEN REQUESTING ABORTION IN AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND Report of a Standards Committee to the Abortion Supervisory Committee January 2018 i TABLE OF CONTENTS ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................................. II  GLOSSARY OF MĀORI TERMS .............................................................................................................

  9. [2011] NZCA 14 CA405/2010 Idea Services Ltd v Dickson [pdf, 161 KB]

    ...there are no incidents during the sleepover, Mr Dickson simply receives the $34. This works out as between $3.40 and $4.30 an hour, depending on the length of the sleepover. [3] Mr Dickson filed proceedings in the Employment Relations Authority, claiming he was entitled to be paid the minimum hourly wage prescribed under the Minimum Wage Act 1983 in respect of every hour he was rostered on a sleepover. The Employment Relations Authority upheld his claim. 1 Idea Services filed a...