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12515 items matching your search terms

  1. OIA-Audio-visual techniques [pdf, 4.4 MB]

    Justice Centre | 19 Aitken Street DX SX10088 | Wellington T 04 918 8800 | F 04 918 8820 | 31 October 2024 Ref: OIA 116430 Tēnā koe Official Information Act request: Audio Visual technologies Thank you for your email of 4 October 2024, to the Ministry of Justice (the Ministry) requesting, under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act), a copy of the review of the current state of the Audio-Visual (AV) re...

  2. Justice Sector Outlook March 2016 [pdf, 682 KB]

    ...has increased Legal aid expenditure is higher than in recent years, as forecast. This is due to: • A decrease in the number of cases allocated to the Public Defence Service, resulting from resource constraints. • An increase in the number of applications for legal aid, partly due to an increased Police focus on family violence. Legal aid expenditure is forecast to remain at about the current level, on the assumption of steady volumes and steady average costs per case. Crown Law...

  3. Justice Sector Outlook June 2016 [pdf, 889 KB]

    ...$137.5m, 3% below its appropriation value of $141.9m. Legal aid expenditure is higher than in recent years, as forecast. This is due to: • Decrease in cases allocated to the Public Defence Service, due to resource constraints. • Increase in applications for legal aid, partly due to the increased Police focus on family violence. Legal aid expenditure is currently forecast to remain at about the current level, on the assumption of steady volumes and steady average costs per case. The...

  4. Justice Sector Outlook March 2016 revised [pdf, 820 KB]

    ...has increased Legal aid expenditure is higher than in recent years, as forecast. This is due to:  A decrease in the number of cases allocated to the Public Defence Service, resulting from resource constraints.  An increase in the number of applications for legal aid, partly due to an increased Police focus on family violence. Legal aid expenditure is forecast to remain at about the current level, on the assumption of steady volumes and steady average costs per case. Crown Law...

  5. Justice Sector Outlook June 2016 [pdf, 1004 KB]

    ...$137.5m, 3% below its appropriation value of $141.9m. Legal aid expenditure is higher than in recent years, as forecast. This is due to:  Decrease in cases allocated to the Public Defence Service, due to resource constraints.  Increase in applications for legal aid, partly due to the increased Police focus on family violence. Legal aid expenditure is currently forecast to remain at about the current level, on the assumption of steady volumes and steady average costs per case. The...

  6. [2015] NZEmpC 76 Sealord Group Ltd v Pickering [pdf, 192 KB]

    ...or whether, after the first voyage, he became an independent contractor engaged by a Sealord subsidiary, United Fame Investments Limited (United Fame), which is the case for the plaintiff. [3] At the end of 2012, Mr Pickering brought a claim in the Employment Relations Authority (the Authority) alleging that in September 2010 he had been unjustifiably dismissed by Sealord. In response, Sealord maintained that Mr Pickering was an independent contractor or share-fisher and as...

  7. Final-Technical-Assessment-K-Freshwater-Ecology-v2.pdf [pdf, 2.6 MB]

    IN THE MATTER OF the Resource Management Act 1991 AND IN THE MATTER OF applications for resource consents and notices of requirement in relation to the Ōtaki to North of Levin Project BY WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY Applicant ŌTAKI TO NORTH OF LEVIN HIGHWAY PROJECT TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT K: FRESHWATER ECOLOGY Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...............................................................

  8. Williams v Trustees of the Hokio Part A Ahu Whenua Trust - Part Hokio A Section 1-4 Block IV (2014) 321 Aotea MB 24 (321 AOT 24) [pdf, 208 KB]

    ...A20140005825 UNDER Section 19(1)(a), Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 IN THE MATTER OF Part Hokio A - Section 1-4 Block IV town of Hokio (7 Kemp Street, Hokio Beach) - Interlocutory Injunction BETWEEN Sandra Williams Applicant AND Trustees of the Hokio Part A Ahu Whenua Trust Respondent Hearing: 22 May 2014 (Heard at Levin) Appearances: Ms Sandra Williams Ms Linda Thornton (counsel for trustees) Judgment: 22 May...

  9. [2008] NZEmpC AC 17A/08 Air Nelson Ltd v NZ Airline Pilots Association IUOW Inc and anor [pdf, 300 KB]

    AIR NELSON LTD V NEW ZEALAND AIR LINE PILOTS ASSOCIATION IUOW INC & ANOR AK AC 17A/08 23 May 2008 IN THE EMPLOYMENT COURT AUCKLAND AC 17A/08 ARC 37/08 IN THE MATTER OF an application for interlocutory injunction to prevent strike action BETWEEN AIR NELSON LIMITED Plaintiff AND NEW ZEALAND AIR LINE PILOTS ASSOCIATION INDUSTRIAL UNION OF WORKERS INC First Defendant AND SIMON PALMER Second Defendant Hearing: 23 May 2008 (Heard at Auckland) Ap...

  10. National Standards Committee 1 v Gardner-Hopkins [2022] NZLCDT 2 (13 January 2022) [pdf, 211 KB]

    ...practitioner, that his client’s financial position is parlous and the inability to practise law will lead to his “financial ruin”. This notion is resisted by the Standards Committee who point to the relatively high living expenses per month claimed by Mr Gardner-Hopkins and his family. 10 However fraught such assessments might be in any event. 9 [42] At the hearing, the practitioner updated the Tribunal about his large debt to the Inland Revenue Department which he...