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12515 items matching your search terms

  1. Geldenhuys v C Yap [2013] NZIACDT 42 (15 July 2013) [pdf, 141 KB]

    ...her as a licensed professional but she abused her client’s trust. However, Ms Yap responded to the complaint by suggesting her client should have done her own research into the level of fees. [4] In addition Ms Yap charged a “sign on fee”, claiming this was non-refundable, regardless of whether services were provided or not. The parties’ positions on sanctions The Authority’s position [5] The Registrar of the Authority wrote to the Tribunal and stated that many advisers ha...

  2. [2020] NZEnvC 214 Self Family Trust v Auckland Council [pdf, 11 MB]

    ........................................................... 52 Overall assessment against structure plan guidelines .......................................... 52 Giving effect to the RPS/other issues (s 75(3)(c)) ........................................................ 53 Chapter 82- Urban Growth and Form ..................................................................... 53 Chapters 84 - Natural Heritage and Chapter 86 - Mana Whenua ........................... 56 The 2018 decision ......

  3. Final Process Evaluation for the Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Court 2016 [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...imprisonment; positively impact on health and wellbeing; be cost- effective. The AODT Court began operating in November 2012. Figure 1 shows an overview of the AODT Court stakeholders involved in the court. The Ministry of Justice commissioned a formative evaluation, and interim and final process evaluations, to assess and inform the implementation of the AODT Court. This document reports on the findings from the final process evaluation, which assessed the actual operation of th...

  4. Director of Proceedings v Southern District Health Board [2020] NZHRRT 5 [pdf, 494 KB]

    ...Consent Memorandum is in the following terms: MAY IT PLEASE THE TRIBUNAL 1. The plaintiff and defendant have agreed upon a summary of facts, a signed copy of which is filed with this memorandum, together with an anonymised copy. 2. The plaintiff requests that the Tribunal exercises its jurisdiction and issues: (a) A declaration pursuant to section 54(1)(a) of the Health and Disability Commissioner Act 1994 ("the Act") that the defendant has breached the Health and Disability...

  5. Chief Victims Advisor: Support available for victims during isolation services with national help lines available to talk to you, as well as offer practical support and access to safe, emergency accommodation if you need it. “Leaving your home to get yourself and/or others to safety is considered an essential form of travel and you will not be in breach of the level 4 restrictions if you leave your neighbourhood for these reasons. “Sometimes it is unsafe for you to reach out for help while you are in the same space as the person who is hurting you. If...

  6. Notes from Crown Maori Relations hui in Thames on 28 April 2018 [pdf, 434 KB]

    ...occur between kāwanatanga and tino rangatiratanga. Some speakers do not consider that iwi are being treated in good faith by government post- settlement. Two speakers indicated they were dissatisfied with the Crown expectation for hapū or small claims (that have not been heard by the Tribunal) to be represented through larger mandated iwi bodies, further creating conditions for grievance. • Māori are not stakeholders – A few speakers noted that Māori are descendants of Treaty o...

  7. CAC20003 v Cooper [2013] NZREADT 44 [pdf, 26 KB]

    ...obligation under the Act (and was under the 1976 Act as well) to retain funds in trust for 10 working days unless expressly authorised in writing to release the funds early by the parties to the transaction. There is little room in this area for claims of mere carelessness or oversight, as a licensee either has written authorisation or does not. In the six transactions referred to in the charges, the defendant did not have authorisation and was, therefore prohibited from withdrawing any...

  8. [2018] NZEnvC 183 Port Otago Ltd v Otago Regional Council [pdf, 13 MB]

    ...Policy Statement 2.1 The scheme of the PORPS 2.2 The matters to be considered 2.3 The changes to section 32 RMA What does giving effect to the NZCPS require in this context? 3.1 The relevant objectives of the NZCPS 3.2 The authorities on the application of the policies in the NZCPS 3.3 What are the NZCPS policies relevant to this proceeding? [1] [1] [3] [8] [22] [25] [25] [43] [47] [56] [56] [62] [73] 3.4 How does policy 9 (Ports) work with the other NZ...

  9. [2024] NZEmp 56 KiwiRail Ltd v Rail & Maritime Transport Union Inc [pdf, 303 KB]

    ...periods. 1 Rail and Maritime Transport Union Inc v KiwiRail Ltd [2022] NZERA 322 (Member English). [7] Mr Hunter KC, counsel for KiwiRail, acknowledged that the evidence concentrated on shifts of 12 hours, and 12 hours and 15 minutes, but requested declarations dealing with those employees on 10-hour shifts because the issues were the same. [8] No issue was taken over the declarations not dealing specifically with shifts of 12 hours and 15 minutes. The work [9] Kiw...

  10. [2012] NZEmpC 40 Kaipara v Carter Holt Harvey Limited [pdf, 170 KB]

    ...meeting with CHH management (Mr Trow, Mr Vincent and Kay Mead, the company‟s health and safety manager) on 26 January 2010. He was accompanied by a support person. Further investigation was conducted at that meeting after which Mr Kaipara was requested to attend yet a further meeting with the company on 29 January 2010. Its concerns or allegations were set out in the letter calling the 29 January meeting and Mr Kaipara was advised expressly that his dismissal was a possible c...