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12541 items matching your search terms

  1. [2021 NZACC 148 – Sherborne v ACC (30 September 2021) [pdf, 389 KB]

    ...[1] The appellant, Christine Sherborne, suffered permanent hearing loss in her right ear as a result of surgical removal of the auditory and vestibular nerves to treat an acoustic neuroma or vestibular schwannoma in July 2016. Ms Sherborne claims delay in treatment of the tumour limited her treatment choices, and her injury could have been mitigated, or avoided entirely, by timely intervention with an available treatment. [2] Ms Sherborne complained to the Health and Disability...

  2. [2012] NZCA 25 CA562/2011 Service Food Workers Union v Cerebos Greggs Ltd [pdf, 166 KB]

    ...The parties disagreed on the question of whether the effect of the Holidays Act was to confer on long serving employees one week’s paid annual holiday additional to the statutory minimum of four weeks as from 1 April 2007. The Union brought a claim before the Employment Relations Authority which answered that question affirmatively in the Union’s favour. The Employment Court reversed the Authority. 1 Its decision had the effect of removing the leave differential provided by...

  3. LCRO 264/2016 YQ v VG [pdf, 174 KB]

    LCRO 264/2016 CONCERNING an application for review pursuant to section 193 of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 AND CONCERNING a determination of the [Area] Standards Committee BETWEEN YQ Applicant AND VG Respondent The names and identifying details of the parties in this decision have been changed. DECISION Introduction [1] Ms YQ was employed as principal of [Area] School (the school). She has applied for a review of a decisio...

  4. Witana v Cutforth - Kohewhata 27C2A [2022] Māori Appellate Court 405 (2022 APPEAL 405) [pdf, 266 KB]

    ...2022, the appellant withdrew her appeal. [2] Bruce Cutforth and Colleen Bermingham-Brown, trustees of the Omapere Taraire E and Rangihamama X3A Ahu Whenua Trust (“the respondents”) have incurred expenses responding to the appellant’s appeal application. They seek the actual costs incurred in March 2022 and May 2022. The respondents say that the appellant should be required to contribute $28,472.90 to the respondents’ costs relating to the appeal. [3] The appellant, Ms Wi...

  5. AT v RN LCRO 47/2015 (29 September 2016) [pdf, 90 KB]

    LCRO 47/2015 CONCERNING an application for review pursuant to section 193 of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 AND CONCERNING a determination of the [Area] Standards Committee BETWEEN AT Applicant AND RN Respondent DECISION The names and identifying details of the parties in this decision have been changed. Introduction [1] [AT] has applied for a review of a 3 February 2015 decision of the [Area] Standards Committee to take...

  6. [2021] NZEnvC 027 Director-General of Conservation v Taranaki Regional Council [pdf, 1.8 MB]

    ...REGIONAL COUNCIL Respondent/Regional Authority NEW PLYMOUTH DISTRICT COUNCIL Reipondent/Section 274 party irector General of Conservation & Ors v Taranaki Regional Council & Ors AND 2 NEW ZEALAND TRANSPORT AGENCY Respondent/ Applicant Court: Environment Judge BP Dwyer Maori Land Court Judge M Doogan Environment Judge MJL Dickey Environment Commissioner DJ Bunting Environment Commissioner RM Bartlett Hearing: 15-19, 23 and 24 July 2019 Interim Decision: 18 D...

  7. OIA-99080.pdf [pdf, 1.9 MB]

    Justice Centre | 19 Aitken Street DX SX10088 | Wellington T 04 918 8800 | F 04 918 8820 | Our ref: OIA 99080 29 September 2022 Tēnā koe Official Information Act request: Research on later guilty pleas Thank you for your email of 5 September 2022, requesting, under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act), information about research into later guilty pleas. Specifically, you requested: Can I please have a full copy of the...

  8. 2020-12-07 Statement of evidence of Tom de Pelsemaeker on behalf of the ORC - Appendix H [pdf, 197 KB]

    ...balance between the principles and all other matters.2 However, the principles do not necessarily prevail over the other matters that local authorities must “recognise and provide for”3 or “have regard to”4 under the RMA.5 4. Although the application of section 8 is fact-specific, the Courts have identified specific obligations for local authorities to: a. enable active participation of Māori when dealing with resources of known or likely value to Māori; b. engage with...

  9. CAC 403 v Tucker [2016] NZREADT 65 [pdf, 300 KB]

    ...attend and give evidence. He submitted that Mr Stempa’s evidence would be primarily relevant to issues of credibility, and would show a “tone” within the Agency, in that it includes people who are not ideal to work in the industry. The application was opposed by Mr Hodge on behalf of the Committees, on the grounds that Mr Stempa’s evidence would have little if any relevance to the matters before the Tribunal. Mr Tucker’s application was denied.1 [6] The Tribunal’s d...

  10. Regulatory Impact Statement: Second phase of reforms to the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism regime [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...Ministry’s recommended options on each of the substantive issues. Issue MOJ recommendation Lawyers and conveyancers Require full compliance with AML/CFT obligations where high-risk services are provided. Require CDD when a business relationship is formed. Amend the existing provisions around legal professional privilege to align with the Evidence Act 2006 and the Search and Surveillance Act 2012. Accountants Require full compliance with AML/CFT obligations where high-risk servi...