Nolan - Estate of Wiremu Eruera Pohe (2016) 139 Taitokerau MB 170 (139 TTK 170) [pdf, 244 KB]
...MB 170 IN THE MĀORI LAND COURT OF NEW ZEALAND TAITOKERAU DISTRICT A20150004064 UNDER Sections 113 and 117, Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 IN THE MATTER OF Estate of Wiremu Eruera Pohe BETWEEN DEBORAH NOLAN Applicant Hearing: 12 October 2016 (Heard at Whangarei) Appearances: Deborah Nolan, Janine Pohe, Cherie Wilkie,Chantal Williams, Gazala Innes, Julie-Ann Nissen, Dawn Pohe, Veronica Turketo Judgment: 13 October 2016...