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Search results for claim form.

12542 items matching your search terms

  1. [2023] NZEnvC 068 Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Incorporated v West Coast Regional Council [pdf, 827 KB]

    ...consents are sought to enable open cast mining of an area of land comprising approximately 144ha, situated on Te Kuha escarpment spanning the ridge slightly to the east, to overlook the Buller Gorge and covering the slopes downwards to the west that form the backdrop to Westport. [2] This is not the first coal mine in this part of Buller District, with Stockton, Denniston, Escarpment and Sullivan all situated to the north of the proposed Te Kuha site, but generally not as visible fr...

  2. Waitangi Tribunal - Initiation Consultation and Consent [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...t W A I T A N G I T R I B U N A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 6 W A I 2 4 7 8 I n I t I a t I o n, C o n s u l t a t I o n, a n d C o n s e n t Chapter 3 of Report into Claims concerning Proposed Reforms to Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 P r e - p u b l i c a t i o n V e r s i o n typeset 2016 by the Waitangi tribunal, Wellington, new Zealand set in adobe Minion Pro and Cronos Pro opticals...

  3. [2009] NZEmpC WC 29/09 Smith v Attorney-General for Commissioner of Police [pdf, 93 KB]

    ...unjustified. The Tribunal’s findings [21] The Tribunal was unable to conclude whether Mr Smith had assaulted JC in the eye wash area by punching and kicking him as alleged by Constable Campbell and JC. Although there was uncontested evidence of the application of force to JC by Mr Smith by taking him to the ground and subsequently removing him forcibly to the cell, the Tribunal concluded that this was not such an application of force to the prisoner in custody as woul...

  4. Grant v Grant - Succession to Harry Grant (2021) 104 Tairawhiti MB 122 (104 TRW 122) [pdf, 275 KB]

    ...Zealand Tairāwhiti District A20200013652 WĀHANGA Under Section 118, Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 MŌ TE TAKE In the matter of Succession to Harry Grant I WAENGA I A Between WIKITORIA HINEHOU GRANT Te Kaitono Applicant ME And KARU MARIE GRANT AND MANU GRANT Ngā Kaiurupare t E Respondents Nohoanga: Hearing 10 March 2021, 102 Tairawhiti MB 99-105 (Heard at Gisborne) Whakataunga: Judgment date 16 July 2021 T...

  5. Hauora-Chapt10W.pdf [pdf, 1 MB]

    ...reforms of the primary health care system and more work to quantify the underfunding of Māori Downloaded from Downloaded from x health services since 2000. We directed the Crown and the claimants to work together on both matters and to report back to us on progress. We undertook to review and finalise our interim recommendations on the basis of this feedback and in light of our earlier findings. We do so in the enclosed chap...

  6. Cranstone - Kauangaroa No 2 (2017) 366 Aotea MB 250 (366 AOT 250) [pdf, 318 KB]

    ...LAND COURT OF NEW ZEALAND AOTEA DISTRICT A20160005013 UNDER Section 315 of Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 IN THE MATTER OF Kauangaroa No 2 MICHAEL JOHN CRANSTONE, CATHERINE ELIZABETH CARNSTONE AND PAUL ANTHONY KEENAN Applicants A20160005076 A20160005077 UNDER Section 134, 338(2) of Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 IN THE MATTER OF Kapakapa 1 STANLEY ERUINI HIROTI Applicant Hearing: 362 Aotea MB 170-180 dated 22 Novem...

  7. Cooper - Estate of Reihana Kopa (2016) 131 Taitokerau MB 285 (131 TTK 285) [pdf, 224 KB]

    ...TAITOKERAU DISTRICT A20150001443 UNDER Section 81A, Māori Affairs Amendment Act 1967 IN THE MATTER OF Reihana Kopa also known as Richard Cooper - Transfer from Administrators to Beneficiaries BETWEEN ROBYN COOPER Applicant Hearings: 112 Taitokerau MB 166-171 dated 24 August 2015 117 Taitokerau MB 278-297 dated 24 November 2015 127 Taitokerau MB 139-142 dated 14 March 2016 (Heard at Whangarei) Appearances: Ken Brown for the...

  8. The Elected Representatives v Hauraki Maori Trust Board (2007) 127 Waikato MB 163 (127 W 163) [pdf, 2.7 MB]

    127 Waikato MB 163 IN THE MAORI LAND COURT HAMILTON Hearing: UNDER A20070008668 Sections 26B-26E ofTe Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 & 180-183 of the Maori Fisheries Act 2004 IN THE MATTER OF An application for Costs by David Taipari, William Peters, Pahi Tupuhi, & John Tamihere, the Elected Representatives of the Hauraki Maori Trust Board BETWEEN THE ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES Applicant AND 6 November 2007 THE HAURAKI MAORI TRUST BOARD Respondent Appearances: Mr...

  9. [2017] NZEmpC 84 The Chief Executive of the Ministry of Social Development v Tuilaepa [pdf, 205 KB]

    ...near the telephone to do so. At the conclusion of the call he was upset and remained sitting on the chair preventing others from making their calls. Several times Ms Angel Siau, a youth worker, asked YPA to move. He did not respond to those requests and was asked by Ms Siau to go to the time-out room. He did not respond so Ms Siau then dragged the chair, with YPA still sitting on it, into the time-out room. To some extent YPA was compliant because he did not attempt to move fr...

  10. Director of Proceedings v Radius Residential Care Ltd [2022] NZHRRT 29 [pdf, 615 KB]

    ...and Disability Commissioner Act 1994 were filed on 15 July 2022. [2] Prior to the filing of the proceedings the parties resolved all matters in issue and the Tribunal is asked to make orders by consent. The parties have filed: [2.1] A statement of claim dated 15 July 2022. [2.2] A consent memorandum dated 27 June 2022. [2.3] An Agreed Summary of Facts, a copy of which is annexed and marked ‘A’. [3] In the consent memorandum dated 27 June 2022 the parties request that the Tribunal e...