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Search results for care and protection.

4595 items matching your search terms

  1. WL & BN v SD LCRO 106/2015 (5 July 2016) [pdf, 65 KB]

    ...Respondent The names and identifying details of the parties in this decision have been changed. Introduction [1] Mr WL1 has applied for a review of the determination by a Standards Committee that Mr WL2 breached rule 13.9 of the Conduct and Client Care Rules3 [2] This review involves a consideration of the application of rule 13.9. The Committee proceeded on the basis that the rule creates a separate obligation to adhere to the rules of privilege generally rather than on the basis t...

  2. [2022] NZIACDT 28 - DD v Pabellon (15 November 2022) [pdf, 205 KB]

    ...refunding $2,300. Complaint filed in the Tribunal [22] The Registrar filed a statement of complaint (21 December 2021) in the Tribunal alleging negligence on the part of Ms Pabellon, or alternatively breaches of cl 1 of the Code (lack of due care and diligence), by: (1) Failing to recognise (across multiple stages of the process) that the complainant’s academic qualification had not been completed and did not qualify for the points claimed. (2) In doing so, providing inaccur...

  3. LCRO 14/2020 CL v BB (18 December 2020) [pdf, 141 KB] and terminated instructions on 16 November 2018. Mr BB rendered his account in the sum of $3,475 plus GST and disbursements. Ms CL’s complaints [8] Ms CLs letter of complaint summarised the issues that concerned her: “Lack of duty of care – excessive account – $4,171.25, being charged $70 emails to book an appointment and then receive “ok” back.”1 She has analysed the firm’s time records and refers to charges of $70 for minor administrative matters. She...

  4. [2021] NZIACDT 26 - RH v Ji - Sanctions (23 December 2021) [pdf, 277 KB]

    ...immigration advice, and to enhance the reputation of New Zealand as a migration destination, by providing for the regulation of persons who give immigration advice. [41] The focus of professional disciplinary proceedings is not punishment, but the protection of the public:4 …It is well established that professional disciplinary proceedings are civil and not criminal in nature. That is because the purpose of statutory disciplinary proceedings for various occupations is not to punish...

  5. Family and Sexual Violence work programme April [pdf, 327 KB]

    ...Legislation Bill. While the timing for the passage of the Bill and its entry into force are subject to Parliamentary decisions, work is underway to enable new court processes and ways of working in anticipation of new law. Simplifying and aligning Protection Order and Care of Children applications In support of the changes in the Bill, the Ministry is working to simplify and align protection order application forms and Care of Children Act (COCA) forms. The need to simplify th...

  6. Taranaki Standards Committee v Hamilton [2013] NZLCDT 22 [pdf, 94 KB]

    ...or dishonourable; and/or, (b) At times when he was providing regulated services, he wilfully or recklessly contravened provisions of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 (Act) and/or the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 (Rules), namely: (i) Section 110 of the Act; and/or, 3 (ii) Rule 11.1 (misleading and deceptive conduct); and/or, (iii) Rule 5.4 (conflicting interests); and/or, (iv) Rule 6.1 (conflicting duties); and/or, (c) He...

  7. Kettering v Biggleswade LCRO 212 / 2009 (19 March 2010) [pdf, 94 KB]

    ...changed. DECISION [1] The Applicant is a barrister whose professional retainer involving two clients led the Standards Committee to conclude that the Applicant had acted in a conflict of interest in breach of Rule 6.1 of the Conduct and Client Care Rules and that there had been conduct unbecoming on the part of the Applicant. [2] The background is that the Applicant acted for C after she was charged with assault following a complaint to the police by her partner D. In defe...

  8. Adoption in Aotearoa New Zealand: Summary document - Easy Read [docx, 11 MB] hard to know when an adoption should happen. [image: ]Some of the reasons adoption may happen are: · [image: A picture containing text, book Description automatically generated]so a child can be part of a family / whānau who will always take care of them · to make sure a child whose birth parents cannot care for them still has a safe home. [image: ] Some more of the reasons adoption may happen are: · so people who cannot give birth can have a child · [image: A group of people w...

  9. OIA-102050.pdf [pdf, 7.8 MB]

    ...proposal that the purpose of adoption be that adoption: a. is a service for a child, and is in their best interests; b. will create a stable, enduring and loving family relationship; and, c. is for a child whose parents cannot or will not provide care for them. 26. As mentioned in our previous advice, guiding principles can help to support the overarching purpose of the legislative regime. The guiding principles we propose in this briefing are referred to throughout the subsequent briefi...

  10. AP v RE LCRO 322/2012 (22 August 2014) [pdf, 58 KB]

    ...instructions I had to wait for a short while to receive funds from other purchasers. Other than that I had six settlements on Friday, 27th January 2012 and it was my first day of work after vacation due to which there was substantial work to be taken care off. In saying so it is not conveyed that your client's settlement was neglected in anyway. I hope above is to your satisfaction. 4 Letter AP to Lawyers Complaints Service (7 Feb...