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Search results for care and protection.

4595 items matching your search terms

  1. Youth Justice Indicators Summary Report April 2023 [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    ...Justice Indicators Summary Report. April 2023. Wellington: Ministry of Justice. This document is available at statistics/youth-justice-indicators/ Disclaimer • While all care and diligence has been taken in processing, analysing, and extracting data and information for this publication, the Ministry of Justice gives no warranty that it is error free and will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the us...

  2. Youth Justice Indicators Summary Report December 2020 [pdf, 3.4 MB]

    ...2019)…..…………………………………………………………. YJI 1.6. Proportion of children and young people referred for a youth justice Family Group Conference (FGC) who have previously been the subject of a report of concern to Oranga Tamariki relating to their care and protection Children aged 10 to 13……….……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Young people aged 14 to 17 (14 to 18...

  3. BORA Visiting Forces Bill [pdf, 214 KB]

    ...consistent with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 (the “Bill of Rights Act”). We understand that this Bill is to be considered by the Cabinet Legislation Committee on Thursday, 6 November 2003. 2. We consider that, taking into account the protections that will be available to service personnel under the domestic laws of States entering into a Status of Forces Agreement (a “SOFA”) with New Zealand, the Bill does not appear to be inconsistent with the Bill of Rights Act....

  4. INZ (Calder) v Ji [2019] NZIACDT 50 (19 July 2019) [pdf, 246 KB]

    ...on the form for the applicant. If the applicant does not have an immigration adviser, and no one helped the applicant to fill in this form, this section does not have to be completed. [9] On 14 March 2016, Immigration New Zealand wrote to Ms T, care of Mr Ji, advising that it was apparent from an initial assessment that she may not meet the character requirements for a visa. In particular, a letter claiming to be written by a New Zealand based company filed in support of her applic...

  5. De Wet v North Shore City Council [pdf, 323 KB]

    ...Fourth Respondents 45 10. Liability: Grant Williams – Second Respondent 48 11. Liability: Anthony G Smits – Fifth Respondent 49 12. Liability: P Murphy - Seventh Respondent 52 13. Liability: G Bianca – Tenth Respondent 52 Is there a Duty of Care in this Case? 57 Application of Duty 62 Parapet Tops to Front Gable and Side Elevations 63 Gutter Flashings 64 Glass Penetrations 64 Cladding to Paved Decks and Ground Level 64 Liability Outcome 65 claim-02109.doc 3 14. L...

  6. Hawkes Bay Standards Committee v Heaphy [2014] NZLCDT 78 [pdf, 134 KB]

    ...warranted. We reserved our reasons for that determination, which we now set out. [3] The facts which affected our decision are as follows: 1. The seriousness of the conduct. 2. Aggravating features? 3. Mitigating features? 4. Deterrence. 5. Protection of the public and the reputation of the profession. 6. Relevant penalty decisions. 1. Seriousness of the conduct [4] The starting point in a penalty decision is the seriousness of the conduct found1. In our decision on li...

  7. Waikato Bay of Plenty Standards Committee v A [2014] NZLCDT 70 [pdf, 194 KB]

    ...penalty combining fine and compensation was necessary to provide general and specific deterrence, and to mark the seriousness with which the Tribunal views breaches of the rules regulating the management of solicitors’ nominee companies. (b) Careful adherence to the nominee company rules and the general rules of professional conduct is fundamental given the potential for conflict arising from the nature of nominee company transactions. Deviations should be regarded as serious a...

  8. BORA Sex Offenders Registry Bill [pdf, 24 KB] offence not to notify the Police of any such change of address or name within 14 days. 10. We consider that this provision is not inconsistent with the right to freedom of expression. We acknowledge that the right to freedom of expression, as protected by section 14, includes the right to say nothing or the right not to say certain things. We also acknowledge the decision of the High Court in Duff v Communicado Ltd that freedom of expression under section 14 should generally be defin...

  9. Ngati Porou Deed to Amend the Deed of Agreement 9 Aug 2017 [pdf, 8.8 MB]

    ...Ngati Porou marae, hapG and taura here, support was given for Te RGnanga o Ngati Porou to enter into discussions with the Crown in order to ensure that the foreshore and seabed rights of nga hapu o Ngati Porou would continue to be recognised and protected. F. Te Runanga o Ngati Porou, on behalf of nga hapu o Ngati Porou, commenced discussions with the Crown in order to ensure that, if the proposed legislation was enacted, the rights of nga hapG o Ngati Porou would continue to be recogn...

  10. 2017 NZSSAA 020 (5 May 2017) [pdf, 330 KB]

    ...consistent with other evidence the Ministry produced. NNE would obviously have been subject to a challenging cross-examination had he been present. The Ministry provided no explanation for NNE’s failure to present for cross-examination. A homecare person (ECI) [17] ECI produced an affidavit which said that she was employed by a child homecare service, through which the Appellant provided some home care facilities at relevant times. She produced some documentary records. She...