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Search results for care and protection.

4659 items matching your search terms

  1. Final-Technical-Assessment-A-Transport-v2.pdf [pdf, 2.8 MB]

    ...old, poor performing state highways and local roads. The selected corridor also provides travel time benefits for the three key journeys of Ōtaki to Levin, Ōtaki to SH1 North of Levin and Ōtaki to SH57 North of Levin. Page 56 209. Careful attention has been paid to addressing the potential adverse travel impacts of the Ō2NL Project. In particular: 210. Community connectivity was considered when investigating desired local road connections. All roads that are inters...

  2. [2018] NZEnvC 108 Dromgool v Minister for Land Information [pdf, 4.7 MB]

    ...three-month period for owner response before further action can be taken to acquire. [27] If an agreement is reached, s 19(1) enables a compensation certificate to be registered against the title: 19 Compensation certificate may be registered to protect agreement (1) The Minister or any local authority has entered into an agreement under section 17 or entered into an agreement for the payment of compensation under this or any other Act for damaging or injuriously affecting any land,...

  3. 3-Strikes-Proactive-Release-OIA-Requests_Final_Part1.pdf [pdf, 20 MB]

    ...and are detailed in the tables below. Some emails with other external agencies are also included because they were circulated internally. Some information has been withheld under the following provisions of the Act: • section 9(2)(a) to protect privacy of natural persons, • section 9(2)(g)(i) to maintain the effective conduct of public affairs through the free and frank expression of opinions, and • section 9(2)(h) to maintain legal professional privilege. Please note,...

  4. Youth Justice Indicators 2019 August Workbook [xlsx, 14 MB]

    ...• Young people aged 14-16 years old • Data limitations YJI 1.6 Proportion of population referred for a youth justice Family Group Conference (FGC) who have previously been the subject of a report of concern to Oranga Tamariki relating to their care and protection • Children aged 10-13 years old • Young people aged 14-17 years old • Data limitations In the system YJI 2.1 The percentage of 14-16 year olds proceeded against who appear in the Youth Court • Data limi...

  5. All charges and convicted charges December 2018 [xlsx, 874 KB]

    ...vehicle 14,197 17,738 19,311 20,122 21,382 21,514 23,061 24,238 23,215 23,134 21,289 21,502 20,221 17,941 18,075 20,193 18,936 17,041 18,406 17,476 16,163 15,647 16,494 16,520 17,506 18,033 18,963 20,490 20,317 19,368 16,624 14,049 12,915 11,524 9,877 9,672 10,692 11,303 11,054 04: Dangerous or negligent acts endangering persons 049: Other dangerous or negligent acts endangering persons Neglect or ill-treatment of persons under care 25 21 27 17 13 19 10 20 31 50 28 30 95 106 101 174 179 146 12...

  6. Youth Justice Indicators April 2018 Workbook [xlsx, 2.6 MB]

    ...• Children aged 10-13 years old • Data limitations YJI 1.6 Proportion of population referred for a youth justice Family Group Conference (FGC) who have previously been the subject of a report of concern to Oranga Tamariki relating to their care and protection • Children aged 10-13 years old • Young people aged 14-16 years old • Data limitations In the system YJI 2.1 The percentage of 14-16 year olds proceeded against who appear in the Youth Court • Data limitati...

  7. OIA-110821.pdf [pdf, 9.2 MB]

    Justice Centre | 19 Aitken Street DX SX10088 | Wellington T 04 918 8800 | F 04 918 8820 | 7 May 2024 Ref: OIA 110821 Tēnā koe Mr Official Information Act request: Alcohol regulations Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) on 21 March 2024 to the Ministry of Justice (the Ministry). Specifically, you requested: Could you please provide a copy of the 2022 report to the Ministe

  8. [2019] NZEnvC 206 Lake McKay Station Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 15 MB]

    BEFORE THE ENVIRONMENT COURT I MUA I TE KOOTI TAIAO O AOTEAROA Court: Hearing: Appearances: IN THE MATTER AND BETWEEN AND Decision No. [2019] NZEnvC 206 of the Resource Management Act 1991 of appeals pursuant to clause 14 of the First Schedule of the Act LAKE MCKAY STATION LIMITED (ENV-2018-CHC-160) HAWTHENDEN FARM LIMITED (ENV-2018-CHC-55) UPPER CLUTHA ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIETY INCORPORATED (ENV-2018-CHC-56) and all other appellants concerning Topic 2 of Stag

  9. [2013] NZEmpC 172 Aviation & Marine Engineers Assn Inc v Air New Zealand Ltd [pdf, 601 KB] intentions rather than what tend to be self-serving accounts of the parties’ intentions given at trial with the benefit of hindsight. Unions and employers settling collective agreements have long been on notice that they need to take care with what they agree upon by expressing it clearly in their document. Concessions by compromise are just that and cannot be revisited in a later attempt in litigation to attain what may have been conceded as part of a complex strategy to...

  10. Youth-Justice-Indicators-December-2024_v1.0.xlsx [xlsx, 3.1 MB]

    ...• Data notes YJI 1.5 Proportion of children and young people, who had no proceedings in the two years prior • Children • Young people • Data notes YJI 1.6 Proportion of children and young people referred for an FGC, who had a previous care and protection report of concern • Children • Young people • Data notes In the system YJI 2.1 Proportion of young people proceeded against who appear in the Youth Court • Young people • Data notes YJI 2.2 The po...