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Search results for care and protection.

4659 items matching your search terms

  1. NZCVS-Cycle-5-Impact-of-COVID-Victim-experience-v2 [xlsx, 247 KB]

    ...attribute the work to New Zealand Ministry of Justice and abide by the other licence terms. Please note you may not use any departmental or governmental emblem, logo, or coat of arms in any way that infringes any provision of the Flags, Emblems, and Names Protection Act 1981. Use the wording “New Zealand Ministry of Justice” in your attribution, not the New Zealand Ministry of Justice logo. Data tables for NZCVS Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on crime and victimisation – Cycle 5 (2...

  2. Research into the New Life Akoranga Programme of the Mahi Tahi Trust [pdf, 649 KB]

    ...Prisons who facilitated our access within the prisons in such a way as to allow us greater freedom to explore more fully issues with wänanga participants. To our whänau who ensured we were well prepared for our work and to our extended whänau, who cared for us during the fieldwork phases of the research. Finally, and most importantly, we would like to acknowledge and thank wänanga participants. Your willingness to share personal stories and reflections has brought a unique and rich perspe...

  3. NZCVS-Cycle-5-Impact-of-COVID-Victim-experience.xlsx [xlsx, 247 KB]

    ...attribute the work to New Zealand Ministry of Justice and abide by the other licence terms. Please note you may not use any departmental or governmental emblem, logo, or coat of arms in any way that infringes any provision of the Flags, Emblems, and Names Protection Act 1981. Use the wording “New Zealand Ministry of Justice” in your attribution, not the New Zealand Ministry of Justice logo. Data tables for NZCVS Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on crime and victimisation – Cycle 5 (2...

  4. Waitangi Tribunal - District 11 Wairarapa [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...his CMS superiors outlining some of the issues. He wrote, 'this plan, when fairly managed, is one of the very best that can be devised, for it is equitable - by it the Native has something to look forward to - and, as a necessary consequence, protects his tenant'. However, Colenso worried that Maori were being unfairly disadvantaged by some of the early deals. In 1846, he was shown a deed 'drawn by Mr B- a settler with blanks left in it', 16 and (as we have seen) obser...

  5. Evaluation of Youth Offending Teams in New Zealand [pdf, 3 MB]

    ...up with silos basically. We have Youth Offending off here, Strengthening Families off here, and you lose a lot of synergy or opportunities. Like you have got the continuum, you have got the hard full youth offending at one end, and you have got Care and Protection at one end. Then somewhere in the middle they sort of join. However some key informants would prefer a rationalisation of the various groups. Many of those who preferred this did so because of a general perception that too...

  6. Identifying & responding to bias in the criminal justice system: a review of international & New Zealand research [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...type of calculation are explored further below. 4 The „offences against justice‟ category is largely comprised of offences involving a breach of a sentence condition (particularly breaches of community work sentences), release condition, or protection order, and the failure to answer bail. 5 These figures are based on unpublished analysis undertaken by the Ministry of Justice in April 2009, see footnote 3 above for more detail. Identifying and responding to bias in the c...

  7. Teina Pora compensation claim innocence report [pdf, 9 MB]

    ...which he was convicted . 6 (2) A SHORT HISTORY 8. On 23 March 1992 Ms Susan Burdett was raped and murdered in the bedroom of her home in Papatoetoe. She had been brutally beaten with a blunt instrument. A softball bat she kept for her own protection lay on the bed beside her naked body. 9. Police inquiries were initially unsuccessful in identifying an offender. Almost a year later, in March 1993, there was a breakthrough. Teina Pora, then 17 years old, and already with a lengt...

  8. Waitangi Tribunal - District 13 Part 1 Northern South Island [pdf, 4.1 MB]

    ...of Tutepourangi. Ngati Toa returned to Kapiti at this point, but Ngati Koata struck a bargain with Tutepourangi in which he made a tuku of all Kuia's lands to Koata in return for his release and (so later generations maintained) for Koata protection in a substantially equal relationship of joint occupation. The tuku extended from Rangitoto and Te Hoiere eastward to Whakatu and the shadowy boundary between Kuia and Apa. Tutepourangi settled at Wakapuaka with both Kuia and Koata, a...

  9. [2017] NZEmpC 85 Ramkissoon v Commissioner of New Zealand Police [pdf, 668 KB]

    ...charged with serious offences. It was made clear to Mr Ramkissoon and others in his position that if they assisted the inquiry team, including giving evidence in support of the Crown’s case, they would be looked on favourably by the Police and protected. Conversely, the clear impression was conveyed to them, I conclude deliberately, that if they did not do so, there was the possibility of criminal charges and/or internal disciplinary charges or, after the trial, even pro...

  10. [2012] NZEmpC 202 Cruickshank v CE of Unitec Institute of Technology [pdf, 446 KB]

    ...plaintiff said that the summary dismissal of an academic employee in a tertiary institution is a serious matter because such people hold special places in society, have obligations to the community at large as well as to their employer, and have protections which are enshrined in statute. They are also said to have obligations to their students, to the employers of their apprentices, and to their academic profession, as well as to the institution that employs them. These allegianc...