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Search results for care and protection.

4593 items matching your search terms

  1. BORA Radiation Safety Bill [pdf, 313 KB]

    ...expression), 18 (Freedom of movement), 21 (Security against unreasonable search & seizure) and 25(c) (Right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty). Our analysis is set out below. The Bill 3. The Bill will repeal and replace the Radiation Protection Act 1965. The overarching purpose of the Bill is to protect people and the environment from the harmful effects of ionising radiation while at the same time recognising the many potential benefits of radiation use in providing hea...

  2. OIA-109856.pdf [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...Communio Ltd Coronial National General No Ministry of Justice communityservices@justice.govt. 30/06/2025 transport services Service, population nz Manawato- (those who die Whanganui - all suddenly or areas unexpectedly) National Collective Whanau Protect National General 0 Ministry of Justice communityservices@justice.govt. 30/06/2028 of Independent - National Home Service, population nz Women's Refuges Safety Support Manawato- (NCIWR) Service Whanganui - all 0 areas ,/ YouthLaw...

  3. LCRO 57/2018 G RC and D RC v YS (30 April 2019) [pdf, 335 KB]

    ...December 2013, Mrs RC, then aged 83, suffered a stroke which caused vascular dementia. She was assessed by two geriatricians as lacking capacity and 1 Enduring powers of attorney, property, and personal care and welfare created on 22 April 1990 2 requiring dementia level care. As a consequence, the enduring powers of attorney in favour of Mr G came into effect. [4] Five months later in May 2014, Mrs RC was assessed by another geri...

  4. A new adoption system for Aotearoa New Zealand Discussion document [pdf, 1.8 MB]

    ...(parents), and tūpuna (ancestors), from whom they descend. This is the same as the definition in the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989. Whāngai or atawhai Tamaiti whāngai or tamaiti atawhai is a Māori customary practice where tamariki are placed in the care of others (generally whānau members), instead of the birth parents. 7 Introduction In June 2021 we released a discussion document asking people to share their thoughts about current adoption laws and some ideas for...

  5. [2022] NZIACDT 15 - BC v Lawlor (29 June 2022) [pdf, 218 KB]

    ...Decision of the Tribunal [11] The Tribunal found that Mr Lawlor had committed breaches of the Code and that the breaches amounted to negligence. In respect of the complainant’s father, it was found that Mr Lawlor had: (1) Failed to take care in filing an application for which the father was not eligible, in breach of cl 1. (2) Failed to file a s 61 request in a timely manner and failed to acknowledge his role in the delay, in breach of cl 1. (3) Failed to have a written...

  6. Oversight of Oranga Tamariki System and Children and Young People’s Commission Bill [pdf, 245 KB]

    ...through the Oranga Tamariki system by providing an Ombudsman with additional duties and powers when dealing with matters that fall under the Ombudsman Act 1975 (the Ombudsman Act) and relate to services or support delivered by Oranga Tamariki or care or custody providers. 9. The Bill repeals the Children’s Commissioner Act 2003 and replaces it with the Children and Young People’s Commission, which will largely inherit the duties, functions and powers currently held by the Child...

  7. Director of Proceedings v Southern District Health Board [2020] NZHRRT 8 [pdf, 6.6 MB]

    ...breached the Health and Disability Commissioner (Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights) Regulations 1996 ("the Code") in respect of Right 4(1) by failing to provide services to the aggrieved person with reasonable care and skill, and in respect of Right 4(5) by failing to provide co-operation among providers to ensure quality and continuity of services; and (b) A final order prohibiting publication of the name and identifying details of the aggrieved per...

  8. [2018] NZEnvC 027 Kumeu Property Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 17 MB] filed within a further ten working days. Any reply within a further ten working days, is to coincide with the final filing of the consent. REASONS Introduction [1] Kumeu Property Limited (the Appellant) is seeking to establish a supported care facility on a property adjacent to the corner of Taupaki Road and State Highway 16 in the Auckland rural area within the Countryside Living zone . [2] It is one of the first cases to be considered under the largely operative provisions...

  9. BORA Social Security Amendment Bill [pdf, 272 KB] o the application process: o residence criteria: o the maximum stand down period (reducing the stand-down period to two weeks for all primary benefits): o periods for which main benefits are paid: • broadening a reference to hospital care (for the domestic purposes benefit for care of sick or infirm persons) so other forms of full-time, disability related care are included. SUMMARY OF BILL OF RIGHTS ACT ISSUES 7 Below is a summary of how the issues of inconsistency with...

  10. Proactive release - Security Information in Proceedings Legislation Bill.pdf [pdf, 2.2 MB]

    ...protections for both individuals and for national security. 3. The new law I propose balances the rights and interests NSI often throws into conflict. It would provide greater assurance to the Crown that NSI could be used in proceedings while still being protected, standardise and clarify protections for non- Crown parties and ensure clear, consistent processes are followed in a way that addresses natural justice requirements as far as possible. The key feature of the proposed framework...