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Search results for care and protection.

4627 items matching your search terms

  1. Shi v REAA (reserved decision) [2013] NZREADT 2 [pdf, 62 KB]

    ...the judgment of the Court is made in the interests of the community, having regard for the profession. [16] This principle is equally applicable to licensing decisions under the Act. The purpose of the consumer-focussed Act is to: “promote and protect the interests of consumers in respect of transactions that relate to real estate and to promote public confidence in the performance of real estate agency work.” (refer s.3 of the Act). [17] For consumers, real estate transaction...

  2. Nottingham v Accident Compensation Corporation (Social Rehabilitation) [2022] NZACC 212 [pdf, 214 KB]

    ...description. [6] On 23 March 2017, Ms Angela Jones, Occupational Therapist, completed an Integration Assessment Report, and noted, inter alia: Dermot reports that he is now able to stand independently in the shower and complete his own personal cares. Dermot has been provided with a shower commode as due to access issue with the shower at home ACC had funded him being able to access showers at a local rest home. Dermot found this to be difficult as he needs to work around other...

  3. LQ v VN LCRO 43 / 2011 (3 May 2012) [pdf, 107 KB]

    ...his lawyer at all about the matter. She does not know what the content of those discussions were but objects in principle to any discussions taking place at all. [50] There is some basis for LQ’s objection. Rule 8 of the Conduct and Client Care Rules provides as follows: “A lawyer has a duty to protect and to hold in strict confidence all information concerning a client, the retainer, and the clients business and affairs acquired in a course of the professional relationship...

  4. Lakhan v The Real Estate Agents Authority (CAC 414) v Ling Zhu [2017] NZREADT 75 [pdf, 203 KB]

    ...letter to Ms Zhu. The letter recommended that she review her practice to ensure she met her obligations as a licensee. In particular, the Authority recommended that Ms Zhu familiarise herself with r 5.1 (as to the obligation to exercise skill, care competence and diligence at all times when carrying out real estate agency work), and r 6.4 (as to the obligation not to mislead a customer or client, nor provide false information, or withhold information that should by law or in...

  5. LCDT Annual Report 2022 [pdf, 435 KB]

    ...Disciplinary Tribunal”. The purposes of the Act are set out in s 3 as follows: “3 Purposes (1) The purposes of this Act are— (a) to maintain public confidence in the provision of legal services and conveyancing services: (b) to protect the consumers of legal services and conveyancing services: (c) to recognise the status of the legal profession and to establish the new profession of conveyancing practitioner. (2) To achieve those purposes, this Act, among other...

  6. LCDT Annual Report 2020 [pdf, 708 KB]

    ...Disciplinary Tribunal”. The purposes of the Act are set out in s 3 as follows: “3 Purposes (1) The purposes of this Act are— (a) to maintain public confidence in the provision of legal services and conveyancing services: (b) to protect the consumers of legal services and conveyancing services: (c) to recognise the status of the legal profession and to establish the new profession of conveyancing practitioner. (2) To achieve those purposes, this Act, among other...

  7. Final Env-Reg-Report-2018-19 [pdf, 188 KB]

    ...web pages at reports/ E.49 7 | P a g e 2.2 Direct Referral Process The direct referral process allows resource consent applications, requiring authority and heritage protection authority requirements to be considered directly by the Environment Court. This fast-tracking process was included in the 2009 amendments to the RMA and was designed to allow some significant projects to be commence quicker than they m...

  8. PD v SC LCRO 75/2015 (30 November 2015) [pdf, 163 KB]

    ...issues arising from the Committee’s decision to commence an own motion inquiry. Background [2] The Complaints Service resolved, after receiving a confidential report under 2.8 of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 (the Rules), to initiate an own motion inquiry into matters involving Mr PD. [3] On the 13 March 2015, the Complaints Service advised Mr PD that: (a) A Standards Committee had concluded that it had jurisdiction to inquire...

  9. LCRO 186/2016 KS v WX (20 July 2018) [pdf, 188 KB] not appropriate to render an account in November 2014 for work undertaken either in 2010 or as far back as to 2008. [42] In its determination, the Committee referred to r 9.6 of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008.7 [43] A lawyer must render a final account to the client or person charged within a reasonable time of concluding a matter or the retainer being otherwise terminated. The lawyer must provide with the account sufficient infor...

  10. McLennan v Accident Compensation Corporation (Gradual Process Injury) [2023] NZACC 54 [pdf, 254 KB]

    ...measured in the work environment was too low to be associated with injury. Unfortunately, this relates only to a general statistical measure, and takes no account of individual’s sensitivities. It is notable in the work environment that there was no protective clothing, and masks to provide respiratory filters. Therefore, and whatever the air concentration showed, there is no specific measure of personal exposure. While it is second-hand information, the information is neverthel...