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Search results for care and protection.

4627 items matching your search terms

  1. [2023] NZEnvC 027 AJ & VF Barr Family Trust v Whakatane District Council [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...planning context Mr Timbs submitted:11 Taking into account the directive language, the purpose, and the intent of the objectives and policies of the Rural Plains zone (e.g., Objective Rur1 and Rur3 and supporting policies) the clear purpose is to protect and prioritize rural production activities in the zone and avoid any activities which would compromise such activities. This colours the activity categorisation to be 10 Maguire reply evidence dated 17 October 2022 at [4.20]. 11 Leg...

  2. [2021] NZEnvC 060 Upper Clutha Environmental Society Incorporated v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 4.7 MB]

    ...district. Furthermore, the proposed Otago Regional Policy Statem.ent ('RPS')22 gives direction to identify areas and values of ONF /Ls using the attributes in its Sch 3. \Vithin the PDP, Ch 3 itself emphasises the strategic priority of protecting ONF /Ls (as do related provisions in Ch 6). Further, ORC considers that ONF /Ls may not be in the Rural Zone which is the subject of Ch 21. 18 19 20 21 22 \Xie observe that 3. lB.2, as confirmed in Decision 2.2, is also...

  3. [2018] NZEnvC 093 Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board v Waikato Regional Council [pdf, 1.9 MB]

    ...those that safeguard taonga. They are usually people, but have also been known to be spiritual forces. It is not a role of ownership, but one of custodianship. Kaitiakitanga - is exemplified through the practices used by kaitiaki in safeguarding, protecting and caring for resources. Mana whenua - the priority given to people to make decisions about the use of resources over an area of land that they are responsible for. Matauranga Maori - traditional Maori knowledge - the body of knowl...

  4. Dr Te Kipa Kepa Brian Morgan - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 2 MB] necessary to secure their well-being (Sinclair, 1992). Thus before natural resources are appropriated for community1s use, propitiatory rites to the appropriate deity must be observed. Their observance ensures that nature is treated with care and respect (Walker, 1978). The references given demonstrate the inseparability of traditional ecological knowledge from spiritual considerations, however also suggest the existence of a framework within which holistic decision making ca...

  5. [2015] NZEmpC 198 Ritchies Transport Holdings Limited v Merennage [pdf, 297 KB]

    ...Transport Holdings Limited (Ritchies) is a nationwide passenger transport service. It employs around 130 drivers in Auckland. Mr Merennage worked as a bus driver for Ritchies from September 2009. Prior to that time he had worked as a caregiver at Creative Abilities, an organisation which provides support (by way of accommodation and other assistance) to young people with physical and other needs. While working at Creative Abilities Mr Merennage met Ms T, a resident there...

  6. [2022] NZEnvC 265 Aratiatia Livestock Limited v Southland Regional Council [pdf, 3.8 MB]

    ...Limited K E Forward and J M Ottowa for the Dairy Interests P D Williams for Director-General of Conservation Tumuaki Ahurei B S Carruthers for Federated Farmers of New Zealand Inc and Wilkins Farming Company Ltd S R Gepp for Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Inc and The Southland Fish and Game 2 Council J G A Winchester and S K Lennon for Ngā Rūnanga S W Christensen for Meridian Energy Limited M R G Christensen for Ravensdown Limited D A Allan for Ar...

  7. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 TGKL case law 3 effects [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    ...amendments). [C] The guiding principles, objectives and policies The New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement [22] The principles of the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement ("NZCPS") include three which are of particular relevance: • the protection of habitats of living manne resources contributes to wellbeing (principle 7); • the importance of protecting significant natural ecosystems and maintaining indigenous coastal diversity (principle 11); and • that "a...

  8. Director of Human Rights Proceedings v Netsafe Inc [2022] NZHRRT 15 (Removal of Certain Redactions After Appeal Period) [pdf, 511 KB]

    ...This occurred in the period before the HDCA came into effect, hence the remedies under the HDCA were not available to the aggrieved persons at the relevant time. [20] In the Family Court both Ms A and Ms B had been granted temporary and then final protection orders against Mr Z. Ms C had supported Ms A and Ms B through the civil court processes in relation to the temporary and permanent protection orders against Mr Z, and then in criminal processes relating to Mr Z’s breaches of those...

  9. [2016] NZEnvC 248 Northcote Point Heritage Preservation Society Incorporated v Auckland Council [pdf, 5.9 MB]

    ...the existing environment. We considered statements from a number of the local residents, indeed we paid them very close attention because they are undoubtedly the people who stand to be affected in the greatest way by the proposal. We also made a careful inspection of the area of the proposed Northern Landing, discussing the detail of same with the parties on the record in Court before and after the event. The statements of the residents that we considered came from Ms EW Hannam, Mr...

  10. [2024] NZREADT 23 – CAC 2106 v Hu (29 July 2024) [pdf, 255 KB]

    ...(the Committee) with: (1) misconduct under s 73(a) of the Act (disgraceful conduct), or alternatively with misconduct under s 73(c)(iii)(wilful contravention of rr 6.1 and/or 6.3 of the Real Estate Agents Act (Professional Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2012 (the Rules)), or alternatively; (2) unsatisfactory conduct under s 72(b) (contravention of rr 6.1 and/or 6.3) and/or s 72(d) (work regarded by agents of good standing as unacceptable). [3] The particulars of the charges...