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Search results for care and protection.

4627 items matching your search terms

  1. LCRO 164/2009 Lydd v Maryport [pdf, 166 KB]

    ...Act. That section codifies the “right to the observance of the principles of natural justice by any tribunal or other public authority which has the power to make a determination in respect of that person's rights, obligations, or interests protected or recognised by law”. There is no evidence that those rights have not been (or will not be) accorded by the Committee. [41] Underlying the submissions for Mr Lydd was the assertion that the complaint was an abuse of process a...

  2. NZCVS-Cycle-4-Core-Report-Section-6-Impact-of-COVID-19-pandemic-fin.pdf [pdf, 361 KB]

    ...Survey findings - Cycle 4 report Section 6 – Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on victimisation June 2022 Results drawn from Cycle 4 (2020/21) of the New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey 2 ISSN 2744-3981 Disclaimer 1. While all care and diligence has been taken in processing, analysing, and extracting data and information for this publication, the Ministry of Justice gives no warranty that it is error free and will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the...

  3. Copy of NZCVS Cycle2 Infographic Experience of crime by sexual orientation Data Tables fin 20210111 [xlsx, 69 KB]

    About About the data tables for NZCVS infographic – Experiences of crime by sexual orientation – Pooled data Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 (March 2018–September 2019) Disclaimer 1.    While all care and diligence has been taken in processing, analysing, and extracting data and information for this publication, the Ministry of Justice gives no warranty that it is error free and will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the use directly, or indirectly, of the information in this...

  4. Summary-Political-lobbying-meeting-Industry-and-professional-associations-meeting-17-August-2023-Final-v2.pdf [pdf, 187 KB]

    ...the industry groups in New Zealand are that big. Don’t implement reporting costs and burdens on industry groups.” “We are not flush with cash, so imposing another layer of heavy-handed regulation will probably only stifle debate.” “Be careful not to drive discussions underground.” Fair access Larger, better resourced organisations get better access 25. While attendees generally agreed that New Zealanders have good access to politicians, they questioned whether this w...

  5. [2021] NZIACDT 11 - YC v Han (19 May 2021) [pdf, 210 KB], uphold it but take no further action or uphold it and impose one or more sanctions.4 [25] The sanctions that may be imposed by the Tribunal are set out in the Act.5 The focus of professional disciplinary proceedings is not punishment but the protection of the public.6 1 Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007, s 45(2) & (3). 2 Section 49(3) & (4). 3 Sparks v Immigration Advisers Complaints and Disciplinary Tribunal [2017] NZHC 376 at [93]. 4 Section 50. 5 Section 51...

  6. Copy of NZCVS Cycle2 Infographic Victimisation of Young Adults Data Tables fin 20210111 [xlsx, 66 KB]

    About About the data tables for NZCVS infographic – Victimisation of young adults – Pooled data Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 (March 2018–September 2019) Disclaimer 1.    While all care and diligence has been taken in processing, analysing, and extracting data and information for this publication, the Ministry of Justice gives no warranty that it is error free and will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the use directly, or indirectly, of the information in this publication....

  7. [2021] NZACC 28 - Williams v ACC (4 February 2021) [pdf, 171 KB]

    ...emergency department of Dunedin Hospital with a crush injury to his right foot. The notes say: 1300 today. Foot was crushed by the fork of the forklift whilst preparing a transport load, Joshua was wearing steel capped shoes at the time which protected his distal foot. He feels pain over the entire dorsum of the foot (which was not covered). … No signs of distress. Able to weight bear and walk as normal. Tender of proximal part of dorsal right foot no ankle joint tendern...

  8. [2021] NZACC 117 – Bell v ACC (3 August 2021) [pdf, 288 KB]

    ...On 7 May 2018 the appellant met with orthopaedic surgeon, Mr Bevan, in the preadmission clinic. His report states: I have recommended that he have a gastrocnemius lengthening on his right side in addition to the surgery on his left side to act protectively for this right side. I have discussed rehabilitation following surgery and the fact that he will be in a cast non weightbearing for six weeks on the left and a moon boot full weightbearing for two weeks full time and then at ni...

  9. 05.-Evidence-of-Mr-Lindsay-Poutama-Ngati-Tukorehe.PDF [PDF, 221 KB]

    ...values, which I also developed together with Ms Rump. These values have since evolved, and in their current form are: (a) Te Tiriti (spirit of partnership); (b) Rangātiratanga (leadership – professionalism – excellence); (c) Ūkaipotanga (care – constructive behaviour towards each other); (d) Pukengatanga (mutual respect); (e) Manaakitanga (generosity – acknowledgement – hospitality); (f) Kaitiakitanga (environmental stewardship); (g) Whanaungatanga (belonging- teamw...

  10. BT v WN Ltd [2023] NZDT 14 (19 April 2023) [pdf, 111 KB]

    ...matters claimed by BT in this application are referred to in the additional conditions. BT admits the specific conditions have been met. [11] A further condition of sale in the standard contract is that a boat survey is mandatory before sale for the protection of both the buyer and seller. In this case BT waived this condition after being warned not do so WN Ltd. The contract was amended, and BT signed appendix B of the agreement, a survey waiver. In doing so BT agreed that by waiving...