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Search results for care and protection.

4627 items matching your search terms

  1. [2023] NZEmpC 105 Pilgrim & Ors v Attorney-General & Ors [pdf, 596 KB] not concerned with the merits or otherwise of Gloriavale’s chosen way of life or its religious underpinnings. The Court’s role is confined to determining employment status and whether workers are able to access minimum entitlements and protections, not spiritual issues or matters of religious dogma. If employment status is established, and if a claim for relief is pursued, the 18 Richard Lewis “Initial Inquiry Report – The Christian Church Community Trust (Gloriavale)...

  2. Independent Electoral Review Final Report [pdf, 11 MB] case studies and experience, and considered previous reports and recommendations, including from the Electoral Commission, parliament’s Justice Select Committee, and the 1986 Royal Commission on the Electoral System. 4. We have taken careful account of all these sources when developing our own views. In June 2023, we released an interim report with our draft recommendations. After considering feedback on that report, we have made several changes to our draft recommendati...

  3. OIA-96282.pdf [pdf, 18 MB] also the past three years. Appendix 2 contains the documents relevant to this part of your request. Table 2 sets out the documents included. Some information has been withheld under the following sections of the Act: • Section 9(2)(a) to protect the privacy of natural persons. • Section 9(2)(f)(iv) to maintain the confidentiality of advice tendered by Ministers of the Crown and officials. Please note that the 2021 Victim Support Consumer Evaluation Survey is yet to be fina...

  4. [2007] NZEmpC AC 10/07 X v Auckland DHB [pdf, 338 KB]

    ...counsel on a compact disk. The letter continued: ADHB is not willing to advise how it became aware of the images. It does not consider the way in which the matter came to ADHB’s attention to be relevant. Furthermore, ADHB has obligations to protect staff from bullying, intimidation and harassment. In the event that you consider the way in which the information came to ADHB’s attention to be material, we would be grateful if you would advise us and we will endeavour t...

  5. [2022] NZEmpC 77 Courage v Attorney-General [pdf, 422 KB]

    ...time – six to 14 years of age; the transitional year (15 years of age); and 16 plus years of age. Each of the plaintiffs has also brought claims against the Labour Inspectorate in relation to the alleged failure to exercise the Inspector’s protective statutory duties under the Employment Relations Act 2000. [5] The current leader of Gloriavale, who is referred to as the Overseeing Shepherd, is Howard Temple. Below him in the hierarchy sit Shepherds, and below them sit Serv...

  6. [2024] NZEnvC 238 Coast Road Resilience Group Inc v West Coast Regional Council [pdf, 3.9 MB]

    ...rehabilitation areas, any lighted areas and the access road. 7.3 a. The Consent Holder must strip soil material ahead of mining operations and stockpile it for progressive and final mine closure rehabilitation purposes. b. Stockpiled soil must be protected from erosion caused by water and wind as far as practicable. 7.4 The Consent Holder must not bury any topsoil or soil material suitable as a growing medium or remove it from the site. 7.5 a. Prior to mining in each of panels 1,...

  7. [2019] NZEnvC 150 Arthurs Point Outstanding Natural Landscape Society Incorporated v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...question before it as:10 Is the identification (including mapping) of an [outstanding natural landscape] in a planning instrument prepared under the Resource Management Act 1991 for the purpose of s 6(b) of that Act informed by (or dependent upon) the protection afforded to that landscape under the Act and/or the planning instrument? [Underlining added] [7] The Court's answer was 11 : 6 7 8 9 10 11 However, the issue of whether land has attributes sufficient to ma...

  8. [2023] NZEnvC 124 PowerCo Ltd v Manawatu District Council [pdf, 2.9 MB]

    ...including the antenna mounting but not any mast or supporting structure. It includes any satellite dish. ARTERIAL ROAD [DELETED PC55] ASSISTED LIVING ACCOMMODATION means land and buildings used or designed to be used for supervised residential care and accommodation by 5 or more people (exclusive of the manager and the managers family) and includes, without limitation: a. Boarding Houses b. Nursing homes c. [DELETED PC51] AVIARIES means any building used for housing b...

  9. Mackey - Succession to Rangi Hawea MacKey (2022) 113 Tairawhiti MB 37 (113 TRW 37) [pdf, 419 KB]

    ...(among other things) recognises land as taonga tuku iho of special significance to Māori people and goes on to say: “ … for that reason, to promote the retention of that land in the hands of its owners, their whānau, and their hapu, and to protect wahi tapu: and to facilitate the occupation, development, and utilisation of that land for the benefit of its owners, their whānau, and their hapu.” Whānau Trusts [24] A whānau trust is established under section 214 of the...

  10. Chen v Loh [2013] NZIACDT 15 (19 March 2013) [pdf, 218 KB]

    ...writing; the client must be made aware of all significant matters relating to the agreement, and a copy of the Code must be supplied to the client. 7 [59.3] That a licensed immigration adviser discharge professional engagements with due care, diligence and respect. That requires them to ensure that their professional service delivery meets proper standards. [60] Clause 2 of the Code of Conduct requires licensed immigration advisers to uphold the integrity of New Zealand...