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Search results for care and protection.

4627 items matching your search terms

  1. Waitangi Tribunal Part 1 Report on stage 1 of the Te Paparahi o Te Raki inquiry [pdf, 6.1 MB], and alliance : the Declaration’s four articles—continued 4 .4 .4 Article 3 – meetings of Te Whakaminenga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 4 .4 .5 Article 4 – Friendship and protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 4 .5 Britain’s response to the Declaration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....

  2. [2011] NZCA 564 CA780/2009 Parker v Silver Fern Farms Ltd Anor [pdf, 177 KB]

    ...The EC decision at [25]. 13 Sky Network Television Ltd v Duncan [1998] 3 ERNZ 917 (CA). 14 The EC decision at [24]. 15 At [29]. 16 At [29]. absence of an assurance of payment, Mr Parker’s lawyers were under no obligation to protect his position in litigation, even to the extent of notifying the company of his intention to challenge, and/or filing the pro forma statement of claim that had been drawn up, or making a pro forma application for leave to extend the tim...

  3. 2017 Cabinet Paper updating progress on the Ministerial Group family violence work programme [pdf, 259 KB] annual cost of sexual violence crime is estimated to be $1.8 billion. 3 Since 2014 the Ministerial Group has been working to establish a comprehensive response to family violence and sexual violence to stop perpetrators hurting their families, protect victims, and break the cycle of re-victimisation and re-offending. 4 An earlier priority was to understand the government’s current investment/expenditure. We began with a ‘portfolio analysis’ of the government’s annual spe...

  4. IHC New Zealand v Attorney-General (Strike-Out Application) [2020] NZHRRT 47 [pdf, 248 KB]

    ...table of contents, headings to Parts and sections, marginal notes, diagrams, graphics, examples and explanatory material, and the organisation and format of the enactment. [23] The Long Title of the Human Rights Act makes reference to the “better protection of human rights in New Zealand in general accordance with United Nations Covenants or Conventions on Human Rights”. [24] It follows that wherever possible the provisions of Part 3 must be interpreted in a manner which will provi...

  5. MFE-Your-Guide-to-the-Environment-Court.pdf [pdf, 2.8 MB]

    ...I appeal? 12 What if I want to become involved in a case? 14 What happens next? 15 Appeal hearings: process and protocol 17 Contacts 24 01 AN EVERYDAY GUIDE TO THE RMA›› Introduction The Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) is the main law protecting our environment. It’s designed to ensure activities like building houses, clearing bush, moving earth, taking water from streams or burning rubbish won’t harm our neighbours and our communities, or threaten the air, water, soil and e...

  6. 951650-Kainga-Ora-evidence-Phil-Jaggard-Stormwater-and-Flooding.pdf [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...uncertainty as to the implications of the project on adjacent properties, including the Kāinga Ora Properties. 1.4 Therefore, I support the inclusion of consent conditions that might be adopted to ensure that buildings and people are appropriately protected from changes to stormwater and flooding arising from the construction and operation of the proposed road. 2. Introduction 2.1 My full name is Philip Thomas Jaggard. I am a Director/Infrastructure Specialist consultant a...

  7. Rafiq v Commissioner of Inland Revenue [2012] NZHRRT 12 [pdf, 106 KB]

    ...Computer screen codes were deleted. These included several unique numbers that are assigned to each record, for administrative purposes. They also included some acronyms or abbreviations used by Inland Revenue. The codes were deleted in order to protect the integrity of the tax system. Disclosure of them could create risks for the security of the computer system, as it could make the system vulnerable to unauthorised access, or could enable people to discover other tax-secret informati...

  8. Responsiveness to Resource Management Issues - a New Zealand perspective a paper by Commissioner K Edmonds [pdf, 244 KB]

    ...consents in order for the proposed activity to occur, and conditions restricting the capacity of a consented 4 [[2007] 2 NZLR 149 at [66]. 4 land use (such as a school or child care facility) or the hours of operation of the activity (such as an airport) to a level which make the proposal unviable. This principle is now somewhat tested in the adaptive management approach, a matter returned to later.  Condition...

  9. [2022] NZEmpC 167 Halse v Employment Relations Authority [pdf, 331 KB]

    ...names of the applicant, second and third respondents were permanently prohibited from publication.3 When the application to strike-out the proceeding was heard Mr Hood, counsel for the Rangiura Trust Board, stated that it no longer sought the protection of a non-publication order and asked that it be revoked. Mr Halse has taken the position throughout that a non-publication order should not be made. [4] In those circumstances the non-publication order is revoked. The initial pro...

  10. Rangahaua Whanui National Overview volume 2 [pdf, 1.7 MB]

    ...the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi and the consequent interwoven development of Maori and Pakeha history in New Zealand as it continuously unfolds in a pattern not yet completely known iii LIST OF CONTENTS Chapter 1: The High Price of Crown Protection: Land Transactions, the Treaty, and Instructions to the Governor 1.1 Maori law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Maori society and relationships with t...