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Search results for care and protection.

4627 items matching your search terms

  1. LCRO 27/2021 BK v RQ (27 August 2021) [pdf, 223 KB]

    ...pursuant to s 206(2) of the Act, which allows a LCRO to conduct the review on the basis of all information 9 available if the LCRO considers that the review can be adequately determined in the absence of the parties. [34] I record that having carefully read the complaint, the response to the complaint, the Committee’s decision and the submissions filed in support of and in opposition to the application for review, there are no additional issues or questions in my mind that...

  2. [2022] NZIACDT 27 - ZK v Li (8 November 2022) [pdf, 212 KB]

    ...attached. [42] Mr Li sent an email to the complainant on 7 October 2020 stating that given Immigration NZ’s character concern, she may need a character waiver for future applications. He advised her of the right to appeal to the Immigration and Protection Tribunal (to be referred to as “the IPT”, to distinguish it from this disciplinary tribunal which will be referred to as “the Tribunal”). In view of the impact of COVID-19, Mr Li said he would waive the third instalme...

  3. LCRO 275/2016 KN v YL (4 March 2019) [pdf, 277 KB]

    ...practice, that would clearly constitute a breach of s 7 of the Act. [80] Turning firstly to the Agreement for Services, this agreement was entered into in 2007, prior to the introduction of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 (the Rules), which are now in place following their introduction on 1 August 2008. [81] Rule 5.5 of the Rules provides that: A lawyer must not engage in a business or professional activity other than the practice o...

  4. Otago Standards Committee v Saunderson-Warner [2013] NZLCDT 15 [pdf, 231 KB]

    ...from the said Mr S were certain to generate more significant work and fees than any remaining work for Dr and Mrs H; 3 (e) The conduct set out in the preceding paragraphs was contrary to rule 4.2 of the Lawyers: Rules of Conduct and Client Care Rules. Charge 2 In the alternative to Charge 1, the Otago Lawyers Standards Committee charges Sarah Astrid Saunderson-Warner of Dunedin, Lawyer with misconduct under s.7(1)(a)(i) of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006 (“the Act”...

  5. [2020] NZREADT 37 - Eade v Real Estate Agents Authority (25 August 2020) [pdf, 335 KB]

    ...had been no representation that security would be different from what was in place. The Committee’s decision [8] The Committee considered the appellants’ complaint by reference to the Real Estate Agents Act (Professional Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2012 (“the Rules”), in particular rr 5.1 (a licensee must exercise skill, care, competence, and diligence), 6.2 (a licensee must act in good faith and deal fairly with all parties engaged in a transaction), 6.3 (a licensee mu...

  6. M v Accident Compensation Corporation (Treatment Injury) [2024] NZACC 88 [pdf, 366 KB]

    ...and rehabilitation for the torture he had endured, in violation of his rights under the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [34] The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and In the Care of Faith Based Institutions (the Royal Commission) commenced in 2018. This included hearings in relation to Lake Alice and many survivors including M, gave accounts of their experiences. The Royal Commission published a...

  7. 31 May- 4 June- MD- Water Conservation Order [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...submissions under section 209 of the Act BETWEEN NGA KAITIAKI O TE AWA A NGARURORO HAWKE’S BAY REGIONAL COUNCIL EAST TAUPO LANDS TRUST OWHAOKO B & D LANDS TRUST WHITEWATER NEW ZEALAND INCORPORATED ROYAL FOREST AND BIRD PROTECTION SOCIETY OF NEW ZEALAND INCORPORATED OWHAOKO C TRUST Submitters Hearing Commenced: 09 February 2021 at East Pier Hotel, Napier Court: Judge M J L Dickey Judge L Harvey Commissioner M Mabin Commissioner K Edmonds...

  8. [2019] NZEnvC 203 Director General of Conservation v New Zealand Transport Agency [pdf, 7.8 MB]

    ...Messenger forest. The Parininihi land to the west of SH3, previously known as "Whitecliffs Conservation Area", is mainly primary forest of approximately 1,332 ha and centred on the Waipingao Stream catchment. Ngati Tama have led the protection and restoration of biodiversity values and the removal of pests from the Paraninihi land since the late 1990s. These areas will not be affected by the Project. The dominant forest on the Ngati Tama block to the east of SH3, through...

  9. MOJ0504-Making-parenting-arrangements-workbook-Tongan.pdf [pdf, 2.8 MB] • Telefoni ta‘etotongi ki he ‘Are You OK’ ‘i he 0800 456 450 Kapau ‘oku ‘ikai malu mo hao ‘a koe pe ko ho‘o tamá, ‘e lava ke ke tohi kole ki he Fakamaau‘anga ki he Fāmilí (Family Court) ki ha Tu‘utu‘uni Malu‘i (Protection Order). Ki ha fakamatala lahi ange: • Vakai ki he • Telefoni ta‘etotongi ki he Potungāue ki he Fakamaau‘angá ‘i he 0800 224 733 Fakahokohokó https://www.justice.govt....

  10. NT v Parker [2019] NZIACDT 62 (4 September 2019) [pdf, 289 KB]

    ...immigration instructions (at SM 3.5) stated that if factually inaccurate information was supplied in an expression of interest, it would be considered misleading unless a reasonable basis for the omission could be demonstrated. The Immigration and Protection Tribunal (IPT) had decided there was no mens rea component to that provision. [37] The complainant was requested by the officer to provide an explanation for her conduct, though she was advised there was no provision under th...