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Search results for care and protection.

4625 items matching your search terms

  1. Evaluation of Family Dispute Resolution service and mandatory self-representation [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...(Family Court Proceedings Reform Bill p.1). Two major features of the reforms that differentiate the new FJS from the previous system are: 1. The new FDR service that supports families to reach out-of-court agreements on matters like day-to-day care and contact arrangements for children 2. People who ask the Family Court to formalise a private agreement, or to settle non-urgent disputes about caring for children, are not able to use a lawyer when:  Providing their documents to the...

  2. [2019] NZEnvC 133 Darby Planning Limited Partnership v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 25 MB]

    ...the appeal itself. Section 293 does not enable us to change part of the ODP that is not the subject of, or affected by, proposed changes in the PDP.18 We accept QLDC's submission that any exercise of this discretion must be undertaken with care and strictly in accordance with the authorising parameters.19 [21] One circumstance in which the powers in s293(1) apply is where, following a hearing, the court finds that a proposed plan would not give effect to a National Policy State...

  3. Directory of Official Information S-U [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...responsible for the intelligence and security agencies issue Ministerial Policy Statements in relation to the lawful activities of the agencies. Functions and responsibilities The NZSIS is a public service agency with an objective to contribute to the protection of New Zealand’s national security, the international relations and well-being of New Zealand, and the economic well-being of New Zealand. The NZSIS undertakes designated functions relevant to New Zealand's security. Th...

  4. Directory of Official Information S-U [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...responsible for the intelligence and security agencies issue Ministerial Policy Statements in relation to the lawful activities of the agencies. Functions and responsibilities The NZSIS is a public service agency with an objective to contribute to the protection of New Zealand’s national security, the international relations and well-being of New Zealand, and the economic well-being of New Zealand. The NZSIS undertakes designated functions relevant to New Zealand's security. Th...

  5. Directory of Official Information S-U [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...responsible for the intelligence and security agencies issue Ministerial Policy Statements in relation to the lawful activities of the agencies. Functions and responsibilities The NZSIS is a public service agency with an objective to contribute to the protection of New Zealand’s national security, the international relations and well-being of New Zealand, and the economic well-being of New Zealand. The NZSIS undertakes designated functions relevant to New Zealand's security. Th...

  6. Directory of Official Information S-U [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...responsible for the intelligence and security agencies issue Ministerial Policy Statements in relation to the lawful activities of the agencies. Functions and responsibilities The NZSIS is a public service agency with an objective to contribute to the protection of New Zealand’s national security, the international relations and well-being of New Zealand, and the economic well-being of New Zealand. The NZSIS undertakes designated functions relevant to New Zealand's security. Th...

  7. QX v ZW LCRO 134/2014 (21 October 2016) [pdf, 159 KB]

    ...with this Office, challenging the Committee’s decision, and has provided extensive material in support of her application. 2 Background [4] Ms QX was married to Mr RF for 25 years. They separated in April 2006 with Ms QX retaining the care of two of the couple’s four children, who were then still living at home. [5] Ms QX has described her marriage to Mr RF as being deeply unhappy. [6] Throughout the marriage Ms QX considers that she contributed significantly more than...

  8. LCRO 50/2020 M and N PQ v WR (23 April 2021) [pdf, 276 KB]

    ...the Act allows a Legal Complaints Review Officer (LCRO) to conduct the review on the basis of all information available if the LCRO considers that the review can be adequately determined in the absence of the parties. [50] I record that having carefully read the complaint, the response to the complaint, the Committee’s decision and the submissions filed in support of and in opposition to the application for review, there are no additional issues or questions in my mind that neces...

  9. [2021] NZREADT 19 - Moseley v The Real Estate Agents Authority & Smith (29 April 2021) [pdf, 355 KB]

    ...course of the investigation of Mr Moseley’s complaint the elements of the complaint were summarised as being that Mr Smith: [a] misled Mr Moseley by telling him that the property was not affected by the 2015 floods; [b] failed to exercise skill, care, competence, and diligence by failing to discover and disclose defects that were reasonably discoverable, in respect of flooding, failed drainage, subfloor, piles, cladding, rot, and other building defects; and [c] avoided making...

  10. Family Court Rewrite Submission - Youth Law [pdf, 453 KB]

    ...proceedings that will affect them. Although New Zealand ratified UNCROC in 1993, children in New Zealand are not fully accorded these rights. 3.2 YouthLaw Aotearoa acknowledge that there is provision for children’s voices in Section 6(2)(a) of the Care of Children Act (“COCA”) which states that a child must be given reasonable opportunities to express views on matters affecting the child. However, this provision falls short of these convention rights and leaves what is “reas...