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Search results for care and protection.

4622 items matching your search terms

  1. HP v ST LCRO 292/2012 (20 January 2015) [pdf, 79 KB]

    ...7 They refer to the comment by the Committee that the change of ownership had occurred in the normal way and that it was in fact not possible for Ms ST to refuse to register the title. Their complaint is that Ms ST: … attempted to scare us into paying our bill and cause us undue concern and time wasted in researching the impact of ST’s refusal to register the title. The Standards Committee noted that it was in fact not possible for Ms ST to refuse to register the title....

  2. [2014] NZEmpC 97 S v L Ltd [pdf, 129 KB]

    ...motives of the person or persons who brought his circumstances to L Limited’s attention after he was arrested and charged. There are other similar aspects of his recent and current circumstances with which S is clearly dissatisfied but I must be careful to consider only those elements of his circumstances for which L Limited is allegedly responsible, in determining whether he has an arguable case of unjustified dismissal and for reinstatement in employment. Chronology [8] S w...

  3. 2022-04-01 ORC - Closing Submissions [pdf, 230 KB]

    ...create duplication for persons seeking resource consents under the combined land use and discharge rule from ORC where a QLDC earthworks land use consent is already held. The key concerns appear to relate to process and costs. 9 However, on a careful analysis it is clear that the extent of any “duplication” is small and largely unavoidable given the differing functions of regional councils and territorial authorities. In particular: 3 (a) Ms Hunter, in response to qu...

  4. LCRO 6/2022 ZED Limited v RK (21 February 2022) [pdf, 194 KB]

    ...Committee identified the issue as being whether Mr RK’s fees were fair and reasonable.3 It noted that its assessment would be carried out “in light of the factors set out in [r 9.1 of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 (the Rules)]”. [15] The Committee observed that Mr RK’s nett fees were $33,600 which, at Mr RK’s charge-out rate of $400 per hour, represented 94 hours of his time.4 [16] The Committee noted the cost assessor’s...

  5. GUY Scott Grahame (CSU 2010 PNO 261) [pdf, 409 KB] reported to a coroner. These include deaths without known cause, suicides, unnatural or violent deaths, deaths for which no doctor’s certificate is given, deaths during medical, surgical or dental procedures, and deaths in official custody or care. 9. When a coroner takes jurisdiction of a reported death a decision is then made as to whether a formal inquiry into the death needs to be opened5 (although inquiries must be opened into deaths that appear to have been self-inflicted,...

  6. Central Standards Committee 3 v Hunt [2023] NZLCDT 12 (28 April 2023) [pdf, 278 KB]

    ...cases. Context [6] The agreed summary of facts is annexed as Appendix A to this decision. In brief, Mr Hunt saw himself as helping out the complainants when their lawyer, late in 1 Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 (the Rules), cl 6.1. 3 the piece, was unable to act. He claimed to act for them only on the financing part of the transaction. [7] However, his failures were found by the District Court Judge who heard the civil...

  7. LCRO 264/2016 YQ v VG [pdf, 174 KB]

    ...the New Zealand Law Society Complaints Service (NZLS) about Mr VG’s involvement as her former employer’s lawyer. Complaint [6] Ms YQ says Mr VG contravened: (a) rule 2.3 of the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 (the Rules), which requires a lawyer to use legal processes only for proper purposes; (a) rule 2.7 of the Rules, which prohibits a lawyer from threatening, expressly or by implication, to make an accusation against a person or...

  8. JV Budget Summary of Initiatives FVSV Package 2019 Christle [pdf, 887 KB] for health practitioners in District Health Boards. This will be done through funding for practitioners to routinely deliver effective screening and referrals, and to explore the provision of a training programme for primary health care providers (including GPs, nurses, dental nurses). BENEFITS/IMPACTS • Effective screening and referrals from health care providers in hospitals. • Consultation on the potential to extend the training programme for primary health c...

  9. [2013] NZEmpC 3 Association of Professional & Executive Employees Inc v NZ District Health Board [pdf, 145 KB]

    ...importance of— (i) collective arrangements; and (ii) the role of unions in the public health sector. [7] Clause 3 provides definitions including: life preserving services means— (a) crisis intervention for the preservation of life: (b) care required for therapeutic services without which life would be jeopardised: (c) urgent diagnostic procedures required to obtain information on potentially life-threatening conditions: (d) crisis intervention for the prevention of perma...

  10. SE v VT, DJ and CM LCRO 163/2014 (11 March 2015) [pdf, 101 KB]

    ...2 Above n 1 at [41]. 3 Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006, s 18. 5 [20] The Committee’s decision on both matters is set out as follows: 4 Rule 2.8 of the [Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008] would have required Mr DJ to report to the NZLS if he had “reasonable grounds to suspect” that Mr VT or Mr CM had been guilty of misconduct. The Committee did not consider it likely that Mr DJ thought that Mr VT and Mr CM h